NIPGR Previous Tender 2022-2023: |
CPPP-Tender ID | Tender No. | Tender Details | Closing Date |
2023_NIPGR_743632_1 |
14-46/FandA/NIPGR/2022-23 |
Tender for Engagement of statutory Auditors at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
23.03.2023 |
2023_NIPGR_743459_1 |
NIPGR/Engg./7/43/2022-23 |
Tender for Annual Rate Contracts for supply of plumbing sanitary and hardware materials at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
20.03.2023 |
2023_NIPGR_742247_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/7/1(4)/Hostel/2022-23 |
Tender for Replacement of Marbel Floor in Kitchen Mess at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
14.03.2023 |
2023_NIPGR_739464_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/6/1/2022-23 |
Tender for Replacement of Addressable Fire Alram Panel at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
27.02.2023 |
2023_NIPGR_739516_1 |
8/71/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for SITC of Big Area Oxygen Transmitter at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
28.02.2023 |
2023_NIPGR_739531_2 |
8/70/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for SITC of Channel fiber Optic Oxygen Transmitter at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
28.02.2023 |
2023_NIPGR_739183_1 |
8/66/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for SITC of Trace Gas Analyzer System for NO, NO2,NOX and NOY at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
06.03.2023 |
2023_NIPGR_739190_1 |
8/67/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for SITC of Refrigerated Microtube Homogenizer at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
06.03.2023 |
2023_NIPGR_737863_1 |
8/68/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for SITC of Plant Growth Chamber at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
20.02.2023 |
2023_NIPGR_737856_1 |
8/69/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for SITC of Plant Growth Chamber at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
20.02.2023 |
2023_NIPGR_736822_1 |
14-46/F&A/NIPGR 2022-23 |
Tender for Engagement of Statutory Auditors for NIPGR
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
21.02.2023 |
2023_NIPGR_735628_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/5/5/2022-23 |
Tender for AMC of Split Window AC Units at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
07.02.2023 |
2023_NIPGR_735634_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/7/1/4/Hostel/2022-23 |
Tender for Replacement of marbal floor in kitchen mess at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
09.02.2023 |
2023_NIPGR_735636_1 |
NIPGR/Engg./7/43/2022-23 |
Tender for Annual Rate Contracts for supply of plumbing sanitary and hardware materials at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
13.02.2023 |
2023_NIPGR_735644_1 |
8/65/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for SITC of Multimode Fluorescence Plate Reader at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
07.02.2023 |
2023_NIPGR_734915_1 |
8/59/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for SITC of Automated Rotatory Microtomy with accessories at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
02.02.2023 |
2023_NIPGR_734925_1 |
8/64/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for SITC of Shaker Incubator at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
08.02.2023 |
2023_NIPGR_732968_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/5/5(AC Maint)/Hostel Mess |
Tender for Replacement of Equipments installed in Kitchen of Hostel Mess at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
23.01.2023 |
2023_NIPGR_732708_1 |
8/63/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
SITC of Big Area Oxygen Transmitter at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
23.01.2023 |
2023_NIPGR_732702_1 |
8/62/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
SITC of 4 Channel Fiber Optic Oxygen Transmitter at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
23.01.2023 |
2023_NIPGR_732675_1 |
8/61/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
SITC of Data Storage and Software at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
23.01.2023 |
2022_NIPGR_731150_1 |
8/60/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
SITC of Fluorescence Microscope with optical Section Feature at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
12.01.2023 |
2022_NIPGR_730139_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/5/6(1)/2022-23 |
Tender for Replacement of Actuator Valves Motors for AHUs at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
06.01.2023 |
2022_NIPGR_730143_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/7/43/2022-23 |
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for Supply of Plumbing Sanitary and Hardware Materials at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
10.01.2023 |
2022_NIPGR_728212_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/5/6/2022-23 |
Tender for Replacement, Supply and Installation of pre and Fine Filters for AHU at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
28.12.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_726986_1 |
8/58/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for SITC of Plant Growth Chamber at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
29.12.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_726806_1 |
8/57/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for SITC Fully Automatic TKN/Protein Analyzer with Auto Sampler at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
21.12.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_726246_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/5/5(AC Maint)/Hostel Mess |
Tender for Replacement of Equipment installed in Kitchen of Hostel Mess at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
19.12.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_725720_1 |
8/56/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for SITC of Plant Growth Chamber at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
23.12.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_724152_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/5/5ACMaint/Lab202 |
Tender for SITC of Cassette ACs at Lab 202 Server Room at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
07.12.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_724185_1 |
8/55/2022-23/NIPGR/SendP |
Tender for SITC of Shaker Incubator at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
15.12.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_724172_1 |
8/54/2022-23/NIPGR/SendP |
Tender for SITC of Liquid Nitrogen Transfer Vessels at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
15.12.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_724178_1 |
8/53/2022-23/NIPGR/SendP |
Tender for Mass Spectrometer System (LC-MS/MS System) along with Softwares and Accessories at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
15.12.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_723877_1 |
8/52/2022-23/NIPGR/SendP |
Tender for Automated Rotatory Microtomy with Accessories at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
16.12.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_723520_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/6/1/2022-23 |
Tender for Maintenance of Intelligent Addressable and Conventional Fire Alarm System at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
02.12.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_722754_1 |
8/51/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for SITC of Multimode Fluorescence Plate Reader at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
07.12.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_721142_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/5/6/2022-23 |
Tender for Replacement of VFD of Pumps installad at AC Plant Room at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
21.11.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_718064_3 |
8/50/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
10.11.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_717567_1 |
11-4/22-23/NIPGR/AMC/Computers |
Tender for AMC of Computers,Printers,UPS and Accessories etc. at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
02.11.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_716480_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/6/1(4)/2022-23 |
Tender for SITC of Automatic Fire Suppression System for Server Racks at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
25.10.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_716487_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/5/6/2022-23 |
Tender for Replacement of VFD Pumps installed in at AC Plant Room at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
27.10.2022 |
2022_MST_680888_1 |
11-19/2022-23/NIPGR/S and P |
Tender for Action of Unserviceable laboratory equipments, furniture and scrap items at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
31.10.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_713900_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/5/6/2022-23 |
Tender for Replacement Supply and Installation of pre and fine filters for AHU at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
13.10.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_713294_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/5/15(1)/2022-23 |
Tender for Providing CCTV for Computational Network Infrastructure at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
11.10.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_713285_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/6/4/2022-23 |
Tender for CMC for Various LED Lights installed at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
04.10.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_713279_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/7/9/2022-23 |
Tender for Providing and Fixing of Granite Top Lab Table at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
07.10.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_710915_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/5/1/2022-23 |
Tender for Repairing of Chillers installed at Plant Growth Facilaty at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
23.09.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_710572_1 |
8/49/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for SITC of Computational Device at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
04.10.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_709219_1 |
8/48/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for SITC of Plant Growth Chamber at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
26.09.2022 |
2022_MST_675444_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/5/2/2022-23 |
Tender for Robotic Cleaning of AC Ducts for Lab at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
15.09.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_708758_1 |
11-1(AandB)22-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for Annual Rate Contract for Consumables and NGS Services at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
21.09.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_706858_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/7/5/2022-23 |
Tender for Poviding ana lying of Water Spplly Line in Field at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
02.09.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_705754_1 |
8/47/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for Supply and Installation of Trace Gas Analyzer for NO, NO2, NOX and NOY at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
05.09.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_705748_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/6/1/2022-23 |
Tender for Providing Fire Alarm System in Substation at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
30.08.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_705739_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/7/4(1)/2022-23 |
Tender for Painting Work of Buildings at PGF, Substation, Pump Room etc. at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
26.08.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_703666_1 |
8/46/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for Supply and Installation of Flammable Safety Cabinest at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
25.08.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_703670_1 |
8/45/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for Supply and Installation of Refrigerated Microtube Homogeniser at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
25.08.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_703685_1 |
NIPGR/NGGF/EOI/SandP/2022-23/R |
Tender for Operation and Maintenance for NGGF Platforms at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
17.08.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_703494_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/2022-23 |
Tender for CAMC for Various LED Light installed at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
16.08.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_703475_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/7/48/2022-23 |
Tender for SITC of Electrical Facilities and Civil Infrastructure at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
16.08.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_702398_1 |
8/43/2022-23/NIPGR/SendP |
Tender for Supply and Installation of Liquid Handler System at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
18.08.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_701637_1 |
8/44/2022-23/NIPGR/SendP |
Tender for Supply and Installation of Liquid Nitrogen Transfer Vessels at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
16.08.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_699534_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/7/1/2022-23 |
Tender for Polish Work of Furniture at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
08.08.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_699951_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/5/15(1)/2022-23 |
Tender for Providing CCTV for Computational Network Infrastructure at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
29.07.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_699957_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/7/9/2022-23 |
Tender for Providing and Fixing of Granite Top Lab Table at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
02.08.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_698807_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/7/1/5/2022-23 |
Silicon Sealant of Joints and coating of weather proof water repellent over stone cladding at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
Price Bid
01.08.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_695636_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/6/7/2022-23 |
Tender for On Demand Service of High and Low Tension Switchgear at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
15.07.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_695652_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/6/1(4)/2022-23 |
Tender for SITC of Automatic Fire Suppression System at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
21.07.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_695643_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/5/6(1)/2022-23 |
Tender for Replacement of Actuator Valves Motors at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
19.07.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_695320_1 |
NIPGR_Engg/7/48/2022-23 |
Tender for SITC of Electrical Facilities and Civil Infrastructure at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
8.07.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_695326_1 |
NIPGR_Engg/5/17/2022-23 |
Tender for SITC of Air-Conditioning Facility at CBBF Facility at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
Price Bid
18.07.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_695328_1 |
NIPGR_Engg/5/6/2022-23 |
Tender for Replacement of Old Insulation of AC Ducts at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
14.07.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_695171_1 |
NGGF/NIPGR/SendP/2022-23 |
Tender for Operation and Maintenance of NGGF at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
13.07.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_695167_1 |
8/42/2022-23/NIPGR/SendP |
Tender for Supply and installation of Computational Device at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
06.07.2022 |
2022_MST_664408_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/5/2/2022-23 |
Tender for Robotic Cleaning of AC Ducts for Lab at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
07.07.2022 |
2022_MST_661693_1 |
NIPGR/6/34 |
Tender for Repair of Vaccum Pump at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
07.06.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_689637_1 |
8/41/2022-23/NIPGR/sendP |
Tender for Supply and Installation of Lyophilizer / Advanced High Capacity Freeze Drying System at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
08.06.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_689640_1 |
8/40/2022-23/NIPGR/sendP |
Tender for Supply and Installation of Automated X Ray Film Processor at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
08.06.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_689643_1 |
8/39/2022-23/NIPGR/sendP |
Tender for Supply and Installation of Refrigerated Incubator Shaker Stackable and Floor Model at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
08.06.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_688530_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/7/37/2022-23 |
Tender for Providing and Fixing of Storage Cabinets in Kitchen under Platform and Wall Mounted Cabinets at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
01.06.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_687839_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/6/4/2022-23 |
Tender for Comprehensive Maintenance Contract for Various LED Lights installed at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
27.05.2022 |
2022_MST_658615_2 |
NIPGR/6/34 |
Tender for Repair of Vaccum Pump at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
18.05.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_686951_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/5/1/2022-23 |
Tender for Repairing of Chillers installed at Plant Growth Facility at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
25.05.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_686948_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/5/15/2022-23 |
Tender for CAMC of CCTV Cameras installed at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
23.05.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_685697_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/6/7/2022-23 |
Tender for On demand Service of High and Low Tension Switchgears at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
18.05.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_685688_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/7/42/(GH-6)/2021-22 |
Tender for Repair / Renovation of Air-Cooled Green House-6 at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
13.05.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_685118_1 |
8/32/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for Supply and Installation of Computational Device at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
12.05.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_685111_1 |
8/38/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for Supply and Installation of Ultra Freezer at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
12.05.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_685097_1 |
8/37/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for Supply and Installation of Soil Moisture Measurememt System at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
12.05.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_683834_1 |
8/36/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for Supply and Installation of Micro Volume Spectrophotometer 8 Channel (Nano Drop)
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
10.05.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_679351_2 |
Tender for Expression of Interest for Operation and Maintenance of NGGF at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
18.05.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_683968_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/5/6(1)2022-23 |
Tender for Replacement of Actuator Valves Motors for AHU at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
02.05.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_683123_2 |
NIPGR/Engg/7/28/2022-23 |
Tender for Providing and Fixing of Modular Furniture and Storage Cabinets in NCS-TCS Room at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
26.04.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_683139_1 |
NIPGR/Engg/5/2/2021-22 |
Tender for Robbtic Cleaning of AC Ducts at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
26.04.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_682604_1 |
8/35/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for Supply and Installation of Water Potential Measurement System at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
26.04.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_682538_1 |
8/34/2022/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for Supply and Installation of Apple Desktop at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
26.04.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_682545_1 |
8/33/2022-23/NIPGR/SandP |
Tender for Supply and Installation of Root Scanner with Image Processing Software at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
26.04.2022 |
2022_NIPGR_680010_2 |
NIPGR/Engg/6/7/2021-22 |
Tender for On Demand Service of High and Low Tension Switchgears at NIPGR.
Tender Document : Technical Bid | Price Bid
08.04.2022 |