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Dr. Ashutosh Pandey
Staff Scientist IV
Tel: 91-11-26741612,14,17 Ext.- 236
Direct +91-11-26735236
Fax: 91-11-26741658 Email: ashutosh@nipgr.ac.in, ashutosh_biotech@yahoo.co.in |
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Research Area |
Plant molecular biology, bioinformatics and phytochemistry to study the nutritional traits in crop plants (Banana and chickpea)
Career: |
Staff Scientist IV (2024-present): National Institute of Plant Genome Research, New Delhi. |
Staff Scientist III (2021-2023): National Institute of Plant Genome Research, New Delhi. |
Staff Scientist II (2017-2020): National Institute of Plant Genome Research, New Delhi. |
Alexander von Humboldt Fellow (2016-2017): CeBiTec, University of Bielefeld, Germany. |
Project Scientist (2013-2016): National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute, Mohali, India. |
Awards and Honors: |
INSA Associate Fellow: Indian National Science Academy (INSA), New Delhi (2023).
Fellow: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany
Member: Indian National Young Academy of Science (INYAS), New Delhi (2018).
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INSA Medal for Young Scientist: Indian National Science Academy (INSA), New Delhi (2017). |
Research Interest: |
Understanding regulation of plant specialized metabolism and metabolic engineering of crop plants |
Several plant specialized metabolites are of immense human interest owing to their health benefits. Certain secondary metabolites, for example flavonoids can be taken as neutraceuticals in diet. However, several commonly consumed foods are deficient in the content of these health beneficial compounds. It is therefore desirable to improve the content of such compounds in crop plants through application of genetic engineering.
My broad research focus is to understand molecular basis of plant specialized metabolism and to use developed knowledge in metabolic engineering of plants for enhancement of the content of health beneficial plant specialized metabolites. Being crop for major world population including India, banana and chickpea are an attractive target for metabolic engineering of health beneficial plant specialized metabolites. Release of genome sequence of both the crops have provided ample resource to understand aspects of specialized metabolism at molecular level. The major objective is to identify regulatory proteins which regulate the biosynthesis of different classes of flavonoids such as flavonol, anthocyanin and proanthocyanidnes. The identification of such transcription factors will be useful in developing transgenic value added banana enriched in health beneficial flavonoids. To achieve this objective, I employ tools of molecular biology, bioinformatics and phytochemistry. With this, my lab aims to develop value added crops enriched with health beneficial specialized metabolites.
Development of Value-added biomolecules through transformation of abundant plant biomass: (Waste to value)
Value added biomolecules has always remained on top priority for generation of bio-value in the abundant plant biomass, which otherwise turn into agro-industrial waste or by product in excessive quantity. There is huge gap in developing a product involving appropriate delivery system from biomolecule enriched plant biomass which is otherwise a waste. This requires innovations in development of improved biocatalysts, engineering of cell factories with modified metabolic efficiency, and nano-biotechnological tools to bioprocess the plentiful plant biomass. It is envisaged that product through this innovation could be of immense societal benefit especially for healthcare. Banana peel (BP) comprises about 30–40% (w/w) of fresh fruit biomass. The fruit processing, packing, distribution and consumption, generates huge amount of waste or residual biomass. The residual wastes of this huge quantity, not only pose serious environmental risks, but also represent an immense loss of nutrients and bioactive compounds therein. We are exploring biotechnological solutions to utilize the abundant BP biomass for production of high-value biomolecules.
Group Member |
Dr. Shivi Tyagi |
Post Doc. Fellow (DBT-RA) |
Dr. Sweta Bhambhani |
Research Associate I (DST-SERB) |
Jogindra Naik |
Ph.D. Student (CSIR-SRF) |
Samar Singh |
Ph.D. Student (UGC-JRF) |
Himani Chhatwal |
Ph.D. Student (UGC-JRF) |
Kumar Anchal |
Ph.D. Student (DST-INSPIRE) |
Biswaranjan Rout |
NIPGR STRF (Project Associate) |
Rajni Sharma |
Project Fellow (JRF) |
Niyaz Ahmed |
Project Fellow (JRF) |
Selected Research Article: |
Naik, J., Tyagi, S., Rajput, R., Kumar, P., Pucker, B., Bisht, N.C., Misra, P., Stracke, R., Pandey, A*. (2024) Flavonols affect the interrelated glucosinolate and camalexin biosynthetic pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany 75, 219-240 (*Corresponding Author) |
Saxena, S., Pal, G., Pandey, A*. (2023) Functional characterization of 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase gene family in chickpea. Plant Science 336, 111836 (*Corresponding Author) |
Saxena, S., Pal, L., Naik, J., Singh, Y., Verma, P.K., Chattopadhyay, D., Pandey, A.* (2023) The R2R3-MYB-SG7 transcription factor CaMYB39 orchestrates surface phenylpropanoid metabolism and pathogen resistance in chickpea New Phytologist https://nph.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/nph.18758 (*Corresponding Author) |
Singh, S.K., Verma, S., Singh, K., Shree, A., Singh, R., Srivastava, V., Kumar, K., Pandey, A., Verma, P.K. (2023) The nuclear effector ArPEC25 from the necrotrophic fungus Ascochyta rabiei targets the chickpea transcription factor CaβLIM1a and negatively modulates lignin biosynthesis for host susceptibility The Plant Cell https://doi.org/10.1093/plcell/koac372 |
Pal, L., Dwivedi, v., Gupta, S.K Saxena, S., Pandey, A.*, Chattopadhyay D*. (2023) Biochemical analysis of anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin and their regulation in determining chickpea flower and seed coat colours, Journal of Experimental Botany 74: 130-148. (*Corresponding Author) |
Rajput R, Naik J, Stracke R, Pandey A.* (2022) Interplay between R2R3 MYB-type activators and repressors regulates proanthocyanidin biosynthesis in banana (Musa acuminata) New Phytologist 236:1108–1127. (*Corresponding Author) |
Rajput, R., Tyagi, S., Naik, J., Pucker, B., Stracke, R. Pandey A.* (2022) The R2R3-MYB gene family in Cicer arietinum: genome-wide identification and expression analysis leads to functional characterization of proanthocyanidin biosynthesis regulators in the seed coat Planta 256:67 (*Corresponding Author) |
Gani U, Nautiyal AK, Kundan M, Rout B, Pandey A., Misra P. (2022) Two homeologous MATE transporter genes, NtMATE21 and NtMATE22, are involved in the modulation of plant growth and flavonol transport in Nicotiana tabacum. Journal of Experimental Botany 73:6186-6206. |
Deb, D., Basak, S., Kar, T., Narsaria, U., Castiglione, F., Paul, A., Pandey A.*, Srivastava, A.P.*. (2021) Immunoinformatics based designing a multi-epitope vaccine against pathogenic Chandipura vesiculovirus Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 123:322-346. (*Corresponding Author) |
Naik, J., Rajput, R., Pucker, B., Stracke, R., Pandey A.* (2021) The R2R3-MYB transcription factor MtMYB134 orchestrates flavonol biosynthesis in Medicago truncatrula. Plant Molecular Biology 106:157-172. (*Corresponding Author) |
Chatterjee, A., Paul, A., Unnati, G.H., Ruchika, Biswas, T., Kar, T., Basak, S., Mishra, N., Pandey, A.*, Srivastava, A.P.* (2020)1 MAPK cascade gene family in Camellia sinensis: In-silico identification, expression profiles and regulatory network analysis. BMC Genomics 21:613 (*Corresponding Author) |
Kaur, N., Alok, A., Shivani, Kumar, P., Kaur, N., Awasthi, P., Chaturvedi, S., Pandey, P., Pandey, A., Pandey, A.K., Tiwari, S. (2020) CRISPR/Cas9 directed editing of lycopene epsilon-cyclase modulates metabolic flux for β-carotene biosynthesis in banana fruit. Metabolic Engineering. 59:76-86. |
Pandey, A.*, Alok, A., Lakhwani, D., Singh, J., Asif, M.H., Trivedi, P.K.* (2016) Genome-wide expression analysis and metabolite profiling elucidate transcriptional regulation of flavonoid biosynthesis and modulation under abiotic Stresses in Banana. Scientific Reports 6:31361. (*Corresponding Author) |
Sharma, D., Tiwari, M., Pandey, A., Bhatia, C., Sharma, A. Trivedi, P.K. (2016) MicroRNA858 is a potential regulator of phenylpropanoid pathway and plant development in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 17, 944-959. |
Pandey, A.*, Misra, P., Alok, A., Kaur, N., Sharma, S., Lakhwani, D., Asif, M.H., Tiwari, S., Trivedi, P.K.*. Genome wide identification and expression analysis of Homeodomain leucine zipper subfamily IV (HDZ IV) gene family from Musa accuminata. Frontiers in Plant Science 1;7:20. (*Corresponding Author) |
Pandey, A., Misra, P., Khan, M.P., Swarnker, G., Tewari, M.C., Bhambhani, S., Trivedi, R., Chattopadhyay, N. Trivedi, P.K. (2014) Coexpression of Arabidopsis transcription factor, AtMYB12, and soybean isoflavone synthase, GmIFS1, genes in tobacco leads to enhanced biosynthesis of isoflavones and flavonols resulting in osteoprotective activity. Plant Biotechnology Journal 12, 69-80. |
Misra, P., Pandey, A., Tiwari, M., Chandrashekhar, K., Siddhu, O.P., Asif, M.H., Chakrabarty, D., Singh, P.K., Nath, P., Trivedi, P.K. Tuli, R. (2010) Modulation of transcriptome and metabolome by AtMYB12 transcription factor leads to insect tolerance. Plant Physiology, 152, 2258-2268. |
Selected Review Articles |
Rajput R., Naik J., Misra P., Trivedi P.K.*, Pandey A.* (2022) Gene pyramiding in transgenic plant development: Approaches and challenges. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation https://doi.org/10.1007/s00344-022-10760-9 (*Corresponding Author) |
Naik J, Misra P, Trivedi P.K.*, Pandey A.* (2022) Molecular components associated with the regulation of flavonoid biosynthesis Plant Science DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plantsci.2022.111196 (*Corresponding Author) |
Pal, G., Saxena, S., Kumar, K., Verma, A., Sahu, P.K., Pandey, A., White, J.F., Verma, S.K. (2022) Endophytic Burkholderia: Multifunctional roles in plant growth promotion and stress tolerance Microbiological Research DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micres.2022.127201 |
Alok, A., Chauhan, H., Upadhyay, S.K., Pandey, A., Kumar, J., Singh, K. (2021) Compendium of plant specific CRISPR vectors and their technical advantages. Life, 11, 1021.https://doi.org/10.3390/life11101021 |
Tiwari, M.*, Trivedi, P.K., Pandey A.* (2020) Harnessing gene editing potential of CRISPR-Cas protein for improving agronomic traits in staple crops. Food and Energy Security DOI:10.1002/fes3.258 (*Corresponding Author) |
Book chapters: |
Singh, S., Naik, J., Pandey, A*. (2022) Genetics of Plant Organelles: Plastid and Mitochondrial Genomes In: Singh, R.L., Mondal, S., Parihar, A., Singh, P.K.- Plant Genomics for Sustainable Agriculture Springer Nature Singapore: pp 313-330 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-6974-3_12. |
Ruchika, Naik J, Pandey A (2019) Synthetic Metabolism and Its Significance in Agriculture. In: Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering Synthetic Biology, Cell Engineering and Bioprocessing Technologies pp 365-391. Elsevier. ISBN: 9780444640864 |
Singh SP, Upadhyay SK, Pandey A, Kumar S (2019) Molecular Approaches in Plant Biology and Environmental Challenges Editors: Singh SP, Upadhyay SK, Pandey A, Kumar S (Eds.) pp 1-5. Springer-Verlag Ltd. Singapore: ISBN 978-981-15-0690-1 |
Kaur N, Shivani, Pandey A, and Tiwari S. (2016) Provitamin A enrichment for tackling malnutrition. In: Mohandas S, Ravishankar KV (eds) Banana: Genomics and transgenic approaches for genetic improvement. Springer-Verlag Ltd. Singapore: pp 277–300. DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-1585-4_19 |
Book edited: |
Molecular Approaches in Plant Biology and Environmental Challenges Editors: Singh SP, Upadhyay SK, Pandey A, Kumar S (Eds.) Springer-Verlag Ltd. Singapore: ISBN 978-981-15-0690-1 |