National Institute of Plant Genome Research
Digital India   Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav     
   Dr. Pawan Kumar Jewaria
   Staff Scientist III,
   National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR), New Delhi
   Tel:  91-11-26735114,
 Professional & Academic Background:
Staff Scientist III (2022-present): National Institute for Plant Genome Research (NIPGR)
Postdoctoral Fellow (2021-2022):  Technical University of Munich, Germany
Postdoctoral Fellow (2019-2021):  Umea Plant Science Centre (UPSC), Sweden and Beijing Forestry University, China
Assistant Professor (2016-2018): Jaipur National University, Jaipur, India
Postdoctoral Fellow (2013-2015): University of Tubingen, Germany and University of Bremen, Germany
Postdoctoral Fellow (July 2013-Sept 2013): Osaka University, Japan
Ph.D. (June 2013): Osaka University, Japan
 Awards and Fellowships:
EMBO Workshop "Plant Tropism" Travel award: The workshop held in National Institute for Basic Biology (NIBB), Okazaki, Japan from 09.07.2024 to 12.07.2024
Postdoctoral Grant (Technical University of Munich, Germany) 2021-2022
Postdoctoral Grant (Beijing Forestry University, China) 2019-2021
Postdoctoral Grant (University of Bremen, Germany) 2013-2015
Postdoctoral Grant (Osaka University, Japan) 2013
Japanese Government Monbukagakusho (MEXT) Fellowship for Ph.D. (2008-2011)
Senior Research Fellowship (CSIR, India)-Life Sciences (2006-2008)
Junior Research Fellowship (CSIR, India) -Life Sciences (2004-2006)
Eligibility for Lectureship (Awarded by CSIR, India) -Life Sciences (2003)
Eligibility for Lectureship (Awarded by ASRB, India) - Plant Physiology (2006)
 Research lab: Developmental Genetics:
 Research Interests: :
Plant Development and Immunity Regulation

Our group is interested in plant development and immunity regulation. Interestingly, plant use same receptor components and MAP kinase signaling cascade for development and immunity. It is unknown, where pathogens and developmental pathway directly or indirectly converged and how both processes are well coordinated. Auxin is a mobile plant hormone which regulate almost any aspect of plant growth and development. We are interested to answer how auxin regulates plant growth and immunity. We are using a multi-disciplinary approach combining genetics, cell biology, pharmacological, genomics, biochemistry and proteomics to answer our biological questions.

Molecular Mechanism of Apical Hook Development

The apical hook develops immediately after seed germination and protects the apical meristem. The curvature of apical hook results from asymmetric cell elongation rates at opposite side of the bending hypocotyls. Since apical hook is not required for survival during growth of Arabidopsis seedlings under laboratory conditions, it is an excellent model system to take genetic and cell biological approaches to study mechanisms underlying differential cell elongation.

Plant cells are enclosed in a complex cell wall which not only functions as a protecting barrier but also as a mechanical signaling hub responding to external and endogenous cues controlling morphogenetic processes. It is well known that auxin-brassinosteroid (BR) cross talk regulates apical hook in Arabidopsis. Using cell biological, pharmacological, genetic and molecular approach we are trying to find out cell wall-auxin and BR regulation of differential cell elongation.

 Group Members


Jewaria, P.K., Begum, R.A., Wang, Y., Sancho-Andreas, G., Baba, A.I., Aryal, B., Yu, M., Li, X., Lin, J., Fry, S.C., Verger, S., Russinova, E., Jonsson, K., Bhalerao, R.P. (2025). Reduced RG-II pectin dimerization disrupts differential growth by attenuating hormonal regulation. Science Advances. 11 (eads0760).
Jewaria, P.K., Yu, M., Li, X. (2021). Cell wall and hormonal interplay controls growth asymmetry. Trends in Plant Science. 26 (7), 665-667.
Jewaria, P.K., Hanninen, H., Li, X.., Bhalerao, R.P., Zhang, R. (2021). A hundred years after: endodormancy and the chilling requirement in subtropical trees. New Phytologist. 231, 565-570.
Liu, P.L., Zhang, X., Mao, J.F., Hong, Y.M., Zhang R.G., Yilan, E., Shuai, N., Jia, K., Jiang, C.K., He, J., Shen, W., He, Q., Zheng, W., Abbas, S., Jewaria, P.K., Tian, X., Liu, C., Yin, Y., Liu, B., Jiang, X., Wang, L., Jin, B., Ma, Y., Qiu, Z., Baluska, F., Samaj, J., He, X., Niu, S., Xie, J., Xie, L., Xu, H., Kong, H., Ge, S., Dixon, R.A., Jiao, Y., Lin, J. (2020). The Tetracentron genome provides insight into the early evolution of eudicots and the formation of vessel elements. Genome Biology. 21:291.
Yu, M., Li, R., Cui, Y., Chen, W., Li, B., Zhang, X., Li,X., Bu, Y., Cao,Y., Xing, J., Jewaria, P.K., Li, X., Bhalerao, R. P., Yu, F., Lin, J. (2020). The RALF1-FERONIA interaction modulates endocytosis to mediate control of root growth in Arabidopsis. Development.147 (13).
Kumari, A., Jewaria, P.K., Bergmann, D., Kakimoto, T. (2014). Arabidopsis reduces growth under osmotic stress by decreasing SPEECHLESS protein. Plant &Cell Physiol. 55, 2037-46.
Jewaria, P.K., Hara, T., Tanaka, H., Kondo, T., Betsuyaku, S., Sawa, S., Sakagami, Y., Aimoto, S., Kakimoto, T. (2013). Differential effects of the peptides stomagen, EPF1 and EPF2 on activation of MAP kinase MPK6 and the SPCH protein level. Plant& Cell Physiol. 54, 1253-1262.
Highly motivated students and postdocs are encouraged to contact with me ( with motivational letter. The applications without motivational letter will not be considered. Foreign national candidates are welcome in my lab. Support and help will be offered to qualified candidates during the application process.