The National Institute of Plant Genome Research (formerly known as National Centre for Plant Genome Research) is an autonomous institution aided by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. The Institute's establishment coincides with the 50th anniversary of India's independence as well as birth anniversary of Prof. (Dr.) J. C. Bose. The formal announcement was made on November 30th 1997. This Institute has already placed India among the major contributors to plant genomics. It is hoped that in coming years, the ongoing efforts of NIPGR will allow India to emerge as one of the most important national and international resource institutes for material, knowledge and technologies in the areas of functional, structural, evolutionary and applied genomics of plants, including crop plants. |
Genomics research is providing bridges between different branches of natural sciences and as a result it has seen logarithmic growth over last two decades. All biology research has been permeated by genomics and new ways of tailoring crops for the economic production of grains, vegetables, fruits, fibers, beverages, herbal medicines, pharmaceuticals and industrial molecules are emerging. The world is on the eve of bountiful harvests for mitigation of hunger and malnutrition and heralding of healthy living. NIPGR aims to contribute in the achievement of such hopes arising out of the current pace of genomics research. |
The Institute started to function in the year 1998 with the mandate to undertake, promote and co-ordinate research, train workers and to serve as information resource in identified aspects of plant genomics to build a frontline institution. NIPGR is poised to contribute towards frontier areas of Plant Biology such as, Computational Biology, Genome Analysis and Molecular Mapping, Molecular Mechanism of Abiotic Stress Responses, Nutritional Genomics, Plant Development and Architecture, Plant Immunity, Molecular Breeding, Transgenics for crop improvement and other emerging areas based on plant genomics. The research programme aims to contribute to the understanding of the structure, expression and function of genes along with arrangement of genes on plant genomes and manipulation of plant genes / genomes to breed improved varieties of food and industrial crops for high yields and of better quality products. NIPGR was established to contribute in the achievement of such hopes as a part of national effort for meeting the challenges in the midst of fast pace of international genomic research and grasping of opportunities on long-term basis. |
The entire working community of NIPGR is committed to make the institute a premier Institution for plant genomic research in the country. The objectives and purposes of NIPGR are given below. |
Objectives |
 | To conduct high-quality research in frontier areas of plant genomics and molecular biology, with the aim of having practical application in crop improvement; |
 | To utilize molecular biology and omics approaches along with tissue culture and genetic engineering technology to identify important genes/proteins/metabolites and manipulate these for generating plants with improved agronomic characters, biotic/abiotic stress tolerance and enhanced nutritional value; |
 | To take up any fundamental work related to gene regulation, systems biology and mapping that would aid in achieving the above mandate; |
 | Development of molecular markers for monitoring important traits; |
 | Production and testing of transgenic and gene-edited plants; |
 | Identification of genes that are vital for the survival of the pathogens, and to target them for pathogen resistance; |
 | Knowledge generation and innovation including publications and patents; |
 | Knowledge dissemination for human resource development at all levels (Ph.D., post-doctoral researchers, post-graduate trainees and young scientists) through advanced training workshops, symposia, seminars and scientists exchange programmes. |
 | To impart advance training module in plant genetic engineering and genome analysis; |
 | To undertake collaborative programmes with International Institutes those are engaged in plant genome research and develop close linkages; |