National Institute of Plant Genome Research
Digital India   Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav     
  • Kumar A, Daware A, Kumar A, Kumar V, Krishnan S Gopala, Mondal S, Patra BC, Singh AK, Tyagi AK, Parida SK and Thakur JK. Genome-wide analysis of polymorphisms identified grain trait-associated loci and domestication-associated polymorphism desert in rice. Plant Journal (2020) 103: 1525-1547.

  • Kumar A, Kumar S, Kumar A, Prasad M and Thakur JK. Designing a mini-core collection effectively representing 3004 diverse rice accessions. Plant Communications (2020) 1: 100049

  • Das D, Jaiswal M, Khan F N, Ahamad S and Kumar S*. PlantPepDB: A manually curated plant peptide database. Scientific reports (2020), 10:2194.

  • Dwivedi N, Maji S, Waseem M, Kumar V, Parida SK and Thakur JK. The Mediator subunit OsMed15a is a transcriptional co-regulator of seed size/weight-modulating genes in rice. Biochim Biophys Acta Gene Regul Mech (2019) 1862: 194432
    (Covered in news media like The Hindu, Deccan Herald, Nature India and Vigyan Prasar; Featured in "Rewind 2019: A look back at significant developments in Indian science this year:)

  • Maji S, Dahiya P, Waseem M, Dwivedi N, Bhat DS, Dar T and Thakur JK. Interaction map of Arabidopsis Mediator complex expounding its topology. Nucleic Acids Res (2019) 47: 3904-3920.

  • Singh, A., Zahra S., Das D. and Kumar S.* AtFusionDB: A Database of Fusion Transcripts in Arabidopsis thaliana. Database (2019). Database (Oxford).Volume 2019 Jan 1.

  • Nagpal N, Sharma S, Maji S, Ferracin M, Thakur JK* and Kulshreshtha R*. Essential role of MED1 in the transcriptional regulation of ER-dependent oncogenic miRNAs in breast cancer. Sci Rep (2018) 8(1):11805

  • Kumar V, Waseem M, Dwivedi N, Maji S, Kumar A and Thakur JK (2018) KIX domain of AtMed15a, a Mediator subunit of Arabidopsis is required for its interaction with different proteins. Plant Signal Behav 13(2): e1428514

  • Gupta, N., Zahra, S., Singh. A. and Kumar S.* PVsiRNAdb: A Database for Plant Exclusive Viral-derived small interfering RNAs. Database (2018). Database (Oxford).Volume 2018 Jan 1

  • Gupta, N., Singh, A., Zahra, S. and Kumar S*. PtRFdb: a database for plant transfer RNA-derived fragments. Database (2018). Database (Oxford). Volume 2018 Jan1.

  • Vivek AT, Zahra S and Kumar S*. From current knowledge to best practice: A primer on Viral diagnostics using deep sequencing of virus-derived small interfering RNAs (vsiRNAs) in infected plants. Methods. (In Press)

  • Singh S, Qin F, Kumar S (Second Author), Elfman J, Lin E, Pham L, Yang A and Li H. (2020) The Landscape of Chimeric RNAs in Non-Diseased Tissues and Cells. Nucleic acids research. 48(4):1764-1778

  • Wu P, Yang S, Singh S, Qin F, Kumar S, Wang L, Ma D and Li H: (2018) The Landscape and Implications of Chimeric RNAs in Cervical Cancer. EBioMedicine 37:158-167

  • Huang R, Kumar S, Li H: (2017) Absence of Correlation between Chimeric RNA and Aging. Genes 8: 386.

  • Yadav A, Thakur JK and Yadav G* (2017) KIXBASE: A Comprehensive web resource for identification and exploration of KIX domains. Scientific Reports 7(1):14924.

  • Yadav G and Mohanty, D (2017) Databases developed in India for Biological Sciences. Journal of Proteins and Proteomics 8(3), 159-167

  • Patra B, Kon Y, Yadav G, Sevold A,.. Hintze A, Galas D and Ray A* (2017) A genome wide dosage suppressor network reveals genetic robustness Nucleic Acids Research 45(1),255-270

  • Priya P, Kumari S and Yadav G* (2016) Quantification of the plant terpenome: predicted versus actual emission potentials. Ind J Plant Phys DOI: 10.1007/s40502-016-0256-x

  • Yadav G* and Babu S (2016) Evidence for alternate stable states in collapsing ecological networks. doi: Biorxiv/2016/046045

  • Amish K and Yadav G* (2016) Diversification of the Histone Fold Motif (HFM) in Plants: Evolution of New Functional Roles. Journal of Life Sciences (In Press)

  • Babu S and Yadav G* (2016) Life Science Co-Authorship Networks Reveal Patterns of Scientific Collaboration and Research Impact. Journal of Life Sciences (In Press)

  • Priya P, Bandhiwal N, Misra G, Mondal S and Yadav G* (2015) IGMAP: An Interactive Mapping and Clustering Platform for Plants. Molecular Plant. 8(5): 818-821. doi:10.1016/j.molp.2015.01.018

  • Parween S, Nawaz K, Roy R, Pole AK, Venkata Suresh B, Misra G, Jain M, Yadav G, Parida SK, Tyagi AK, Bhatia S, Chattopadhyay D (2015) An advanced draft genome assembly of a desi type chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Scientific Reports Doi: 10.1038/srep12806.

  • Yadav M., Babu S. and Yadav G* (2015) Patterns of Codon Usage in Plastidial Genomes of Ancient Plants Provide Insights into Evolution. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms, pages 144-149. DOI: 10.5220/0005246301440149

  • Kumari S, Pundhir S, Priya P, Jeena G, Punetha A, Chawla K, Jafaree Z, Mondal S and Yadav G (2014) EssOilDB: A database of essential oils reflecting terpene composition and variability in the plant kingdom. Database (Accepted) DOI: 10.1093/database/bau120

  • Misra G, Priya P, Bandhiwal N, Bareja N, Jain M, Bhatia S, Chattopadhyay D, Tyagi AK and Yadav G* (2014) The Chickpea Genomic Web Resource: Visualization and Analysis of the Desi-type Cicer arietinum Nuclear Genome for Comparative Exploration of Legumes. BMC Plant Biology. 14(1): 315

  • [Recommended by Faculty of 1000] Schrick K, Bruno M, Khosla A, Roque RA, Nguyen H, Snyder MP, Singh D and Yadav G (2014) Shared functions of plant and mammalian StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domains in modulating transcription factor activity. BMC Biology. 12:70 doi:10.1186/s12915-014-0070-8 (F1000Prime Recommendation)

  • Thakur JK, Yadav A and Yadav G* (2014) Molecular recognition by the KIX domain and its role in gene regulation. Nucl. Acids Res. 42 (4): 2112-2125

  • Kumari S, Priya P, Misra G and Yadav G* (2013) Structural and biochemical perspectives in plant isoprenoid biosynthesis. Phytochemistry Reviews. 12: 255-291.

  • Jain M, Misra G, Patel RK, Priya P, Jhanwar S, Khan AW, Shah N, Singh VK, Garg R, Jeena G, Yadav M, Kant C, Sharma P, Yadav G, Bhatia S, Tyagi AK, Chattopadhyay D (2013) A draft genome sequence of the pulse crop chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Plant Journal. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.12173

  • Kumari R, Yadav G, Sharma V & Kumar S (2013) Cytosine hypomethylation at CHG and CHH sites in the pleiotropic mutants of Mendelian inheritance in Catharanthus roseusJournal of Genetics 92(3): 499-511

  • Kumar S, Kumari R, Sharma V & Yadav G (2013) Common and Distinguishing Characteristics of Genes and Genomes and Their Evolution in the Genome Sequenced Legumes. Proc Indian Natl Sci Acad. 79 (2): 277-286

  • Yadav G, Anand S and Mohanty D (2013) Prediction of inter domain interactions in modular polyketide synthases by docking and correlated mutation analysis. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 31(1): 17-29. (Spl Issue: Predictive biology using systems and integrative analysis and methods)

  • Yadav G* and Babu S (2012) NEXCADE: Perturbation Analysis for Complex Networks. PLoS ONE 7(8): e41827. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041827

  • Kumari S, Shridhar S, Singh D, Farmer R, Hundal J, Priya P, Sharma P, Bhavishi K, Schrick K, and Yadav G*. (2012) The role of lectins and HD-ZIP transcription factors in Isoprenoid based plant stress responses Proc. Ind. Natl. Sci. Acad. 78 (4): 671-691 (Article in Cover Illustration)

  • Gaur R, Azam S, Jeena G, Khan AW, Chaudhary S, Jain M, Yadav G, Tyagi AK, Chattopadhyay D, Bhatia S (2012) High-throughput SNP discovery and genotyping for constructing a saturated linkage map of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). DNA Research pp:1-17 doi:10.1093/dnares/dss018

  • Chaudhary S, Sharma V, Prasad M, Bhatia S, Tripathi BN, Yadav G, Kumar S (2011) Characterization and genetic linkage mapping of the horticulturally important mutation leafless inflorescence (lli) in periwinkle Catharanthus roseusSci. Horti. (in press) Doi: 10.1016/j.scienta.2011.02.025

  • Garg R, Patel RK, Jhanwar S, Priya P, Bhattacharjee A, Yadav G, Bhatia S et al (2011) Gene discovery and tissue-specific transcriptome analysis in chickpea with massively parallel pyrosequencing and web resource development. Plant Physiol 156: 1661-1678.

  • Anand S, Prasad MV, Yadav G, Kumar N, Shehara J et al.(2010) SBSPKS: structure based sequence analysis of polyketide synthases. Nucl. Acids. Res. 2010 May 5. [Epub ahead of print]

  • Kumar S, Mishra RK, Chaudhary S, Pandey R and Yadav G (2009) Co-regulation of Biomass Partitioning by Leafblade Morphology Genes Afila, Multifoliate-pinna, Tendril-less and Unifoliata in Grain Pea Pisum sativumProc. Ind. Natl. Sc. Acad, 75 No. 1 pp 15-25.

  • Shridhar S, Chattopadhyay D, and Yadav G* (2009) PLecDom: A program for identification and analysis of plant Lectin Domains. Nucl. Acids. Res. Jul 1;37: W452-8. Epub 2009 May 27 (*corresponding author).

  • Yadav G, Gokhale RS and Mohanty D (2009) Towards prediction of metabolic products of Polyketide Synthases: An In Silico analysis. PLoS. Comp. Biol. Apr; Vol 5(4): e1000351.

  • Yadav G*, Prasad RLA, Jha BK, Rai V, Bhakuni VK and Datta K (2008). Evidence for inhibitory interaction of hyaluronan binding protein 1 (HABP1/p32/gC1qR) with S. pneumoniae hyaluronidase. J. Biol. Chem 284(6): 3897-3905 (*corresponding author).

  • Kaur H, Shukla RK, Yadav G, Chattopadhyay D and Majee M (2008) Two divergent genes encoding L-myo-inositol 1 -phosphate synthase1 (CaMIPS1) and 2 (CaMIPS2) are differentially expressed in chickpea. Plant, Cell and Environment 31: 1701-1716.

  • Chopra T, Banerjee S, Gupta S, Yadav G, Anand S, et al. (2008) Novel Intermolecular Iterative Mechanism for Biosynthesis of Mycoketide Catalyzed by a Bimodular Polyketide Synthase. PLoS Biology: 6(7): e163 doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0060163.