The Distributed Information Sub Centre (DISC) at NIPGR has been set up by the Department of Biotechnology under the Biotechnology Information System Network (BTISnet) program. BTISnet is a major distributed bioinformatics network spread across the country. The network has been geared up to undertake advanced research in frontier areas of biotechnology with the intensive application of bioinformatics. The network also aims to develop human resource in bioinformatics, and establish effective academia-industry interface, in order to create world class platforms for technology development, transfer and commercialization.
The DISC at NIPGR was established in early 2007 and aims to serve as a support structure for all IT related issues at the institute, in addition to providing computational facilities, bioinformatics related services to the researchers in various labortories at the Institute, catering to the needs of scientists in plant biology, physiology and agriculture.
The center has also begun an initiative to develop manpower in Bioinformatics by arranging annual training for Post-graduate students. Currently it has 2 positions of Traineeship/ Studentship of six months duration, sponsored by the DBT, Govt of India.
Details may be found here. |
Main Activities & Services Provided by DISC
Following Services are provided by the DISC facility at NIPGR, for the benefit of all experimental groups and other Departments at the institute:
- Maintenance and constant safety related support for all computers spread over the LAN.
- Management of the leased line, and constant network and internet related support to all users.
- Maintenance, Backup and regular updation for Institute Web Server and Email Server.
- Support for heavy-data download/Uploads via Email or WebServer.
- Bioinformatics related assistance and data analyses.
- Installation of Scientific software packages.
- Assistance with ongoing Tomato Genome Sequencing effort at the Institute.
- Assistance for several miscellaneous activities at the Institute.
- Conduction of Workshops for enhancing Bioinformatics awareness