National Genomics and Genotyping Facility |
The National Genomics and Genotyping Facility (NGGF) is anchored at the National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR), New Delhi. This Facility will serve as a “Singe-window service system,” for advanced high throughput genomics and genotyping based solutions and consultancy backed by a State-of-art Bioinformatics facility. This facility provides services to the custom research stakeholders of Biotechnology encompassing government, academic labs and industries.
Objectives of NGGF |
- To provide access to new and improved genomic tools to breeder in public private sector for fast tracking varietal development.
- To provide consultancy to Plant breeders and Plant Bio-technologists by providing advice on appropriate technologies to be chosen, study design, data analysis and bioinformatics that enables and improves the quality of the research and product development.
- To provide hand on training to stakeholder(s) in the field of marker deployment.
- Protection of intellectual assets generated.
- To provide new technologies to crop improvement community in the public and private funded research system.
- Act as nodal center for DNA finger printing of lines and varieties for certification purpose in coordination with Plant Variety Protection Authority.
Major Platforms at NGGF: There are major three platforms in NGGF: |
Platform 1: Fluorescent dye-labelled SNP genotyping platforms (LGC Array Tape/KASP)
- This platform can genotype limited number of SNPs with large number of samples at low cost. This has major applications in foreground and background analysis in MAS, genetic fingerprinting and genetic purity testing, diversity analysis and CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing validation.
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View of KASP genotyping
| IntelliCube/ LGC Array
| Real Time PCR
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Octopure | Replicator | Meridian | Hydrocycler |
Platform 2: Array, Mass and Expression based SNP genotyping platforms (Affymetrix Gene Titan, Agena and Nanostring)
- This platform can genotype large number of SNPs at a genome-wide scale. It is cost effective and rapid. Major applications of this platform are: Germplasm characterization to assists in core & mini-core selection, background analysis for MAS, GWAS and e-QTL mapping to identify loci for traits of interest and genomic selection.
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Affymetrix Gene Titan Machine
| Nanostring nCounter SPRINT Profiler
| Agena MassARRAY Analyzer 4
Platform 3: NGS-based sequencing and genotyping platforms (NovaSeq 6000 and NextSeq 550)
- This platform is used for medium to large number of SNPs at a genome-wide scale. It is cost effective and high throughput. Its major applications are: Genome sequencing, identification of novel SNPs/structural variants (SNPs, InDels, CNVs, etc) and genomic selection, for genome assembly and germplasm characterization.
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NovaSeq 6000
| Post PCR Lab
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Pre-PCR Lab
| NextSeq 550
Contact Us:
Scientists in-charge:
Dr. Sabhyata Bhatia, Scientist VII NIPGR (Project Investigator)
Dr. Swarup K. Parida, Scientist IV NIPGR (Co- Project Investigator)
Dr. Aashish Ranjan, Scientist IV NIPGR (Co- Project Investigator) |
DBT-National Genomics and Genotyping Facility (NGGF)
Lab No 206 & 207
National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR)
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi -110067
Telephone: 91-11-26735-181
A) Section : Links |
NGGF-Sequencing and Genotyping Services Form
NGGF consultancy form
B) Section : Staff |
Dr. Sangeeta Singh, Senior Scientist
Dr. Santosh Kumar, Research Officer