Training@DISC |
Every year in September Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up 2 positions Studentship/ Traineeship in DBT funded Distributed Information Sub-Centre (DISC) project at the NIPGR. The stipend is Rs. 8000/- p.m. |
Eligible candidates must be pursuing M.Sc. degree in Bioinformatics or Biotechnology or any related discipline. These positions are completely temporary and only for a period of six months, designed for candidates requiring final semester training as a mandatory part of their degree. |
Candidates with expertise in computer programming and statistical analyses along with a basic knowledge of plant Biology will be preferred. Interested candidates may apply by sending (preferably via email) a cover letter, CV and names with complete addresses (including email) of three referees, to |
Suitable candidates will be called for an Interview to be held tentatively during November. |
The Training begins from Jan 01 every year. |
Trainees of 2016-17
- Ms. Smrithy M. Simon
- Ms. Gagan Jyot Kaur
Trainees of 2014-15
Trainees of 2012-13
- Ms. Neha Bareja
- Mr. Nitesh Bandhiwal
Trainees of 2010-11
- Ms. Babita Singh
- Ms. Nisha Rana
Trainees of 2009-10
- Mr. Achal Rastogi
- Mr. Vaibhav Jain
Trainees of 2008-09
- Ms. Ganga Jeena
- Mr. Pramod Kumar
Trainees of 2007-08
- Ms. Ankita Punetha
- Ms. Konika Chawla