Dr. Anjali Pande
Dr M K Bhan Fellow
Deciphering the role of Nitric oxide in mediating thermomemory in plants
Email:-anjali.pande23@nipgr.ac.in |
Dr. Harsha Samtani
Research Associate
Cytokinin signaling in thermomemory
Email:-harshasimply.sam@gmail.com |
Dr. Aishwarye Sharma
DBT-Research Associate
Functional Genomics in Rice
Email:-aishwaryesharma91@gmail.com |
Dr. Sheeba Naaz
Project Associate II
Role of NO in Plants Thermomemory
Email:-sheeba.naaz.2010@gmail.com |
Ms. Harshita Bharti Saksena
Ph.D. Student
Sugar-phytohormone interaction
Email:- harshita@nipgr.ac.in |
Mr. Prakhar
Ph.D. Student
Sugar signaling
Email:- prakhar@nipgr.ac.in |
Mr. Sanjay Singh Rawat
Ph.D. Student
Sugar and Phytohormone signaling in root development
Email:- sanjay@nipgr.ac.in |
Mr. Halidev Krishna Botta
Ph.D. Student
Cytokinin signaling in abiotic stress tolerance
Email:- bhkrishna@nipgr.ac.in |
Ms. Shital Sandhya
Ph.D. Student
Energy Signaling in abiotic Stress Tolerance
Email:- shitalsandhya@nipgr.ac.in |
Mr. Brihaspati N. Shukla
Technical Assistant
Email:- bn.shukla07@nipgr.ac.in |