National Institute of Plant Genome Research
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Online Databases developed at NIPGR

Chickpea Genomic Web Resource (CGWR):

Dr. Gitanjali Yadav

'Chickpea Genomic Web Resource' provides the way to decipher the chickpea genome related data. It's 'Browser' section displays the whole genome of chickpea with related features in a concise graphical manner.

Interactive Genome Maps For Plants (IGMAP)

Dr. Gitanjali Yadav

Interactive Genome Maps For Plants (IGMAP) is a platform to visualize and assess genome wide maps of genes or gene families. IGMAP presently can be used to create map of about 615394 genes and 422969 functions onto 19 plant genomes. The platform can be used to directly browse genome wide maps of genes or gene families in the form of precomputed genomic snapshots.


Dr. Gitanjali Yadav

Nexcade is an automated and interactive program for analysing complex systems that can be conceptualized by networks, and represented as interconnected matrices of interactions. The analytical framework employs a graph theoretical approach for inducing various kinds of perturbations on networks such as extinction cascade simulations, focusing on the changes in topology and connectivity of the network as a function of the perturbation. Perturbations are induced in a user-defined manner followed by analysis of the resulting sub-networks.

Online Internet Support:

Dr. Gitanjali Yadav

This online portal aims to serve as a support structure for all IT related issues at the institute, in addition to providing computational facilities, management of the leased line, and constant network and internet related support to all users, researchers in various labortories at the Institute.


Dr. Gitanjali Yadav

The program enables an automated computational analysis leading to prediction of the correct order of ORFs in a bacterial biosynthetic gene cluster. This program can be used standalone, or in combination with the Polyketide substrate substrate specificity prediction server.


Dr. Gitanjali Yadav

PLecDom is a program for the identification, analysis and prediction of substrate specificity of Plant Lectin domains. It includes a collection of profile Hidden Markov Models for lectins and perdictions pertaining to all the currently completed and ongoing plant genome projects can be browsed in addition to user specific inputs having any number of fasta sequences.

URL: PLecDom:

Dr. Gitanjali Yadav

The program is essentially a database of available reference articles within an organization, all housed in a single server, enabling better usage of disk space and allowing users within a lab to share literature data with each other and to upload and store files conveniently in one designated area.


Dr. Gitanjali Yadav

The EssOilDB (the ESSential OIL DataBase) is a continually updated knowledge resource for plant volatile emissions, containing experimental records of essential oil composition data, from published reports. EssOilDB also contains information on related geo-morphological factors at the time of collection and extraction in order to appreciate volatile profile patterns from a global perspective. EssOilDB provides an opportunity for context based scientific research, through a multitude of queries on volatile profiles of native, invasive, normal or stressed plants, across taxonomic clades, geographical locations and several other biotic and abiotic influences.