Position | Last date | Details |
Position for Research Associate (RA) | December 31, 2010 |  |
INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR PROJECT POSITIONS Applications are invited for filling up one position of Research Associate (RA) in the Institute with Dr. Subhra Chakraborty, Scientist, NIPGR, under "Short-Term Research Fellowship" programme. The position is completely on temporary basis with maximum duration of three years. The initial appointment will be for a period of one year, but can be curtailed or extended based on the performance of the candidate and discretion of the Competent Authority.
Research Associate (One): Candidates having Ph. D. degree (awarded) in Life Sciences, Biochemistry, Plant Sciences, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics etc. or related field with throughout good academic record having first division. The selected candidate is expected to work on nutritional genomics and proteomics in crop plants. Candidates with prior experience in a relevant area, expertise in molecular biology, genomics, proteomics, & bioinformatics are desirable.
Research Area: Functional genomics & proteomics.
The Fellowship amount for the position will be given at par with the similar fellowships by DBT/DST.
NIPGR reserves the right to select the candidate against the above post depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate. Reservation of post shall be as per Govt. of India norms.
The complete application (in given format) along with a cover letter showing interest should reach at the address given below within 15 days from the date of advertisement. The envelope should be superscribed by "Application for the post of RA".
Note: ONLY hard copy of the application in the given format will be accepted. 
Dr. Subhra Chakraborty Staff Scientist-V National Institute of Plant Genome Research Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, P.O. Box NO. 10531, New Delhi - 110067 Ph. No. - +91-11-26735186 Email: schakraborty@nipgr.res.in
Position for Research Associate (RA) | December 28, 2010 |  |
INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR PROJECT POSITIONS Applications are invited for filling up one position of Research Associate (RA) in the Institute with Dr. Praveen Verma, Scientist, NIPGR under "Short-Term Research Fellowships" programme. The position is completely on temporary basis with maximum duration of three years. The initial appointment will be for a period of one year, but can be curtailed or extended based on the performance of the candidate and discretion of the Competent Authority.
Research Associate (One): Candidates having Ph.D. degree in any discipline of life sciences (Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Botany, Zoology and any other related field) are eligible to apply. Experience of working with molecular biology and genomics of plant-pathogen interactions is highly desirable.
The Fellowship amount for the position will be given at par with the similar fellowships by DBT/DST.
NIPGR may select candidate against the above post depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate. Reservation of post shall be as per Govt. of India norms.
The email subject line and/or envelope superscription must be "Application for the Post of RA". Complete application (as per attached format) along with bio-data should reach the Principal Investigator within 15 days from the date of advertisement at the following address (preferably via E-mail):
Note: Applications not received in the attached format will be disqualified. 
Dr. Praveen Verma Staff Scientist National Institute of Plant Genome Research Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, P.O. Box NO. 10531, New Delhi - 110067 Ph. No. - 26735114 Email - praveen_verma@nipgr.res.in
Position for Junior Research Fellow (JRF) | December 10, 2010 |  |
Position for Technician II & Consultant Engineer | November 18, 2010 |  |
Trainees in DBT - DISC Project | October 09, 2010 |  |
INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR TRAINEE POSITIONS IN DBT - DISC PROJECT Applications are invited from suitable candidates for carrying out studentship/traineeship in DBT funded Distributed Information Sub-Centre (DISC) project at the NIPGR. The stipend will be Rs. 5000/- p.m.
Eligible candidates must be pursuing M.Sc. degree in Bioinformatics or Biotechnology or related disciplines. These positions are completely temporary and only for a period of six months, designed for candidates requiring final semester training as mandatory part of their degree.
Candidates with expertise in computer programming and statistical analyses along with a basic knowledge of plant biology will be preferred. Interested candidates may apply by sending (preferably via email) a cover letter, CV and names with complete addresses (including email) of three referees to the following address:
Coordinator, DISC Facility NIPGR Aruna Asaf Ali Marg New Delhi - 110067 Email: bic@nipgr.res.in Tel: 011 - 26735103
Completed applications should reach NIPGR latest by 15 days from date of advertisement.
Important note: All the applications should be addressed to aforementioned address or Email id only. Requests sent to any other Email id or address will not be entertained.
Position for Research Associate (RA) | September 28, 2010 |  |
INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR PROJECT POSITIONS September 13, 2010 Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up the position of Research Associate in the DBT research project entitled "Functional analysis of gene regulatory networks during flower and seed development in rice" under the guidance of Prof. Akhilesh Kumar Tyagi, Director, NIPGR, New Delhi.
Emoluments & Educational Qualifications:
Research Associate (One post): Rs. 18,000/- p.m. + HRA
Candidates having Ph.D. degree (awarded) in any subject area of Life Science with throughout good academic record having first division. Candidate with prior post-doctoral experience in a relevant area, good publication record, and advanced training in molecular biology/ transgenics are desirable.
The position is completely on temporary basis and is co-terminus with the project. The initial appointment will be for one year, which can be curtailed or extended based on the candidate's performance and discretion of the Competent Authority.
NIPGR may select candidates against the above position depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate and reserves the right to relax any of the qualification(s) in case the candidate is found otherwise well qualified by the Selection Committee. Reservation of post shall be as per Govt. of India norms.
Eligible candidates may send application on plain paper indicating name, date of birth, complete address (including e-mail), essential / technical / professional qualifications, experience, research work, list of published articles / books, etc. within 15 days from the date of advertisement to the following address:
Prof. Akhilesh K. Tyagi Director National Institute of Plant Genome Research Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, P.O. Box No. 10531, New Delhi - 110 067
Position for Research Associate (RA) | September 25, 2010 |  |
INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR PROJECT POSITIONS Applications are invited for filling up one position of Research Associate (RA) in the Institute with Prof. Akhilesh Kumar Tyagi, Director, NIPGR under "Short-Term Research Fellowships" programme. The position is completely on temporary basis with maximum duration of three years. The initial appointment will be for a period of one year, but can be curtailed or extended based on the performance of the candidate and discretion of the Competent Authority.
Research Associate (One): Candidates having Ph. D. degree (awarded) in any subject area of Life Sciences with throughout good academic record having first division. Candidates with prior Post-Doctoral experience in a relevant area, good publication record and advanced molecular biology techniques/bioinformatics tools including Next generation sequencing data analysis are desirable.
Research Area: Plant Functional Genomics and Bioinformatics.
The Fellowship amount for the position will be given at par with the similar fellowships by DBT/DST.
NIPGR may select candidate against the above post depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate. Reservation of post shall be as per Govt. of India norms.
The Eligible candidates may apply by sending hard copy of complete application in the given format with a cover letter showing interest and attested copies of the certificates. The applications should reach at the address given below within 15 days from the date of advertisement. The envelope should be superscribed by "Application for the post of RA".
ONLY hard copy of the application in the given format will be accepted. 
Prof. Akhilesh K. Tyagi Director National Institute of Plant Genome Research Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, P.O. Box No. 10531, New Delhi - 110 067
Retired Engineers | -- |  |
REQUIREMENT OF SERVICES OF RETIRED ENGINEERS National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR), a Society registered under the Societies Act, is carrying out research and development activities in Plant Sciences, under the administrative control of the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India.
NIPGR invite applications from retired Engineers of CPWD and any other Central/State/Autonomous Body with relevant experience as Site Engineer to be inducted as Consultant Enginner at NIPGR to oversee civil/electrical/AC& Refrigeration, maintenance and other works. The remuneration payable shall be commensurate to the person's overall experience in the field and as per norms.
Those who have retired / are retiring in the near future & fulfilling the eligibility ceriteria and are willing to be a part of NIPGR's family may submit / send their CVs at the following address:
Manager National Institute of Plant Genome Research P.O. Box No. 10531, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg New Delhi - 110 067 E-mail: nipgr@nipgr.res.in
Position for Senior Research Fellow (SRF), Project Assistant | September 07, 2010 |  |
INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR PROJECT POSITIONS Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up the positions of Senior Research Fellows & Project Assistant in the DBT research project entitled "Analysis of diseases-responsive subcellular phosphoproteome in crop plants" at NIPGR under the guidance of Dr. Subhra Chakraborty, Scientist, NIPGR, New Delhi.
Emoluments & Educational Qualifications: Senior Research Fellow (Two posts): Rs. 14,000/- p.m. + HRA Candidates having good academic record with M.Sc. degree (Minimum 55%) in Biochemistry / Botany / Biotechnology / Life Sciences or any other related field with two years post-M.Sc. research experience.
Project Assistant (One post): Rs. 8,000/- p.m. consolidated Candidates having fresh M.Sc. degree in Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Bioinformatics / Botany / Life Sciences or B.Sc. with at least two years of experience in the related field.
The positions are completely on temporary basis and are co-terminus with the project. The initial appointment will be for one year, which can be curtailed or extended based on the candidate's performance and discretion of the Competent Authority.
NIPGR may select candidates against the above positions depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate and reserves the right to relax any of the qualification(s) in case the candidate is found otherwise well qualified by the Selection Committee. Reservation of posts shall be as per Govt. of India norms.
Eligible candidates may send application on plain paper indicating name, date of birth, complete address (including e-mail), essential / technical / professional qualifications, experience, research work, list of published articles / books, etc. within 15 days from the date of advertisement to the following address preferably via e-mail:
Dr. Subhra Chakraborty Scientist National Institute of Plant Genome Research Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, P.O. Box No. 10531, New Delhi - 110 067 E-mail: schakraborty@nipgr.res.in Tel. No.: 011-26735186
Position for Junior Research Fellow (JRF), Technical Assistant | September 07, 2010 |  |
INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR PROJECT POSITIONS Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up the positions of Junior Research Fellow & Technical Assistant in the DBT research project entitled "Construction of chickpea BAC library as genomic resource, cloning and characterization of R-gene/s for Fusarium wilt" at NIPGR under the guidance of Dr. Subhra Chakraborty, Scientist, NIPGR, New Delhi.
Emoluments & Educational Qualifications: Junior Research Fellow (One post): Rs. 12,000/- p.m. + HRA Candidates having good academic record with M.Sc. degree (Minimum 55%) in Biochemistry / Botany / Biotechnology / Life Sciences or any other related field.
Technical Assistant (Project) (One post): Rs. 5,000/- p.m. consolidated Candidates should have Matriculate in science with at least three years of experience in Govt. R&D laboratories or Diploma in Medical Lab technology course from a Govt. recognized Institute.
The positions are completely on temporary basis and are co-terminus with the project. The initial appointment will be for one year, which can be curtailed or extended based on the candidate's performance and discretion of the Competent Authority.
NIPGR may select candidates against the above positions depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate and reserves the right to relax any of the qualification(s) in case the candidate is found otherwise well qualified by the Selection Committee. Reservation of posts shall be as per Govt. of India norms.
Eligible candidates may send application on plain paper indicating name, date of birth, complete address (including e-mail), essential / technical / professional qualifications, experience, research work, list of published articles / books, etc. within 15 days from the date of advertisement to the following address preferably via e-mail:
Dr. Subhra Chakraborty Scientist National Institute of Plant Genome Research Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, P.O. Box No. 10531, New Delhi - 110 067 E-mail: schakraborty@nipgr.res.in Tel. No.: 011-26735186 |
Position for Research Associate (RA), Technical Assistant | September 07, 2010 |  |
INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR PROJECT POSITIONS Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up the positions of Research Associate & Technical Assistant in the DBT sub-project entitled "Functional genomics of chickpea seed development and nutrition" of "Next Generation Challenge programme on Chickpea Genomics" at NIPGR under the guidance of Dr. Subhra Chakraborty, Scientist, NIPGR, New Delhi.
Emoluments & Educational Qualifications: Research Associate (One post): Rs. 18,000/- p.m. + HRA Candidates should have Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Botany / Life Sciences or any other related field with relevant post-doc experience and/or at least two research papers in the journals of international repute. Research experience in Plant Molecular Biology will be given preference.
Technical Assistant (One post): Rs. 8,000/- p.m. consolidated Candidates should have M.Sc. degree in Biotechnology / Botany / Biogeochemistry / or B.Sc. with at least two years of experience in the related field.
The positions are completely on temporary basis and are co-terminus with the project. The initial appointment will be for one year, which can be curtailed or extended based on the candidate's performance and discretion of the Competent Authority.
NIPGR may select candidates against the above positions depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate and reserves the right to relax any of the qualification(s) in case the candidate is found otherwise well qualified by the Selection Committee. Reservation of posts shall be as per Govt. of India norms.
Eligible candidates may send application on plain paper indicating name, date of birth, complete address (including e-mail), essential / technical / professional qualifications, experience, research work, list of published articles / books, etc. within 15 days from the date of advertisement to the following address preferably via e-mail:
Dr. Subhra Chakraborty Scientist National Institute of Plant Genome Research Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, P.O. Box No. 10531, New Delhi - 110 067 E-mail: schakraborty@nipgr.res.in Tel. No.: 011-26735186 |
Position for Junior Research Associate (RA), Research Fellow (JRF) | August 25, 2010 |  |
INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR PROJECT POSITIONS Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up the positions of Research Associate (RA) & Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the DBT's Indo-German joint research project entitled "Transcriptome based identification of overlapping responses of salt and drought tolerance in foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.) and comparative genome mapping and tagging of stress responsive genes in foxtail millet and barley" at NIPGR under the guidance of Dr. Manoj Prasad, Scientist, NIPGR, New Delhi.
Educational Qualifications:
Research Associate (One): Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree in Plant Science, Molecular Biology or related field with experiences in molecular marker techniques. Candidates with strong molecular biology background and having experience in molecular markers will be preferred.
Junior Research Fellow (One): Candidates having M.Sc. degree (Minimum 55% marks) or equivalent in Plant Science, Molecular Biology or related field with at least one year of post M.Sc. research experience in life sciences in any government R&D Laboratory / University / Institute.
The positions are completely on temporary basis and are co-terminus with the project. The initial appointment will be for six months, which can be curtailed or extended based on the candidate's performance and discretion of the Competent Authority. The stipend will be as per norms of the Institute and amount sanctioned in the above mentioned project by the DBT.
NIPGR may select candidates against the above positions depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate and reserves the right to relax any of the qualification(s) in case the candidate is found otherwise well qualified by the Selection Committee. Reservation of posts shall be as per Govt. of India norms.
Interested candidates may apply by sending compete application in the given format with a cover letter showing interest and attached CV, the envelope should be superscribed by the "Application for the Post of _____________ in Indo_German" or by sending e-mail to the following address on or before August 25, 2010:
Dr. Manoj Prasad Scientist National Institute of Plant Genome Research Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, P.O. Box No. 10531, New Delhi - 110 067 E-mail: manoj_prasad@nipgr.res.in Tel. No.: 011-26735160
Download Application Format
Note: Applications not received in the attached format will be disqualified. |
Position for Junior Research Fellow (JRF) | August 24, 2010 |  |
INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR PROJECT POSITIONS Applications are invited for filling up one position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Institute with Dr. Manoj Majee, Scientist, NIPGR under "Short-Term Research Fellowships" programme. The position is completely on temporary basis with maximum duration of three years. The initial appointment will be for a period of one year, but can be curtailed or extended based on the performance of the candidate and discretion of the Competent Authority.
Junior Research Fellow (One): Candidates having good academic record with M.Sc. or equivalent degree (Minimum 55%) in Molecular Biology/Biochemistry/Biophysics/Biotechnology or any other related field with minimum six months post-Msc. research experience are eligible to apply.
Desirable: Working experience in the area of Seed Biology/Small RNAs.
The Fellowship amount for the position will be given at par with the similar fellowships by DBT/DST.
NIPGR may select candidate against the above post depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate. Reservation of post shall be as per Govt. of India norms.
The email subject line and/or envelope superscription must be "Application for the Post of JRF". Complete application (as per attached format) along with bio-data should reach the Principal Investigator within 15 days from the date of advertisement at the following address (preferably via E-mail):
Dr. Manoj Majee Scientist National Institute of Plant Genome Research Post Box No. 10531, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi - 110 067 E-mail: manoj_majee@nipgr.res.in Tel. No. 26735193
Download Application Format
Note: Applications not received in the attached format will be disqualified. |
Position for Staff Scientists, MA, Tech. Staff (III), Consultant Engineer | July 31, 2010 |  |
Position for Senior Research Fellow, Technical Assistant | July 12, 2010 |  |
INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR PROJECT POSITIONS Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up the purely temporary positions of Senior Research Fellow and Technical Assistant in DBT funded research project entitled "Chickpea genome sequence analysis and its alignment to genetic map". The positions will include working in the area of chickpea genomics. The work will involve generation and data analyses using next generation sequencing technologies, whole genome annotation followed by various aspects of functional genomics in chickpea.
1. Senior Research Fellow (one post): Rs. 14, 000 + HRA p.m.
M.Sc. degree or equivalent in Bioinformatics with two years of post M.Sc. research/teaching experience. The candidate should have First class/division throughout academic career. Computer skills (Linux, Perl, Java, SQL) are essential in particular data analysis/management. The candidate having experience in next generation sequencing data analysis will be given preference.
2. Technical Assistant (three posts): Rs. 8,000 p.m. consolidated
Candidates having M.Sc. degree or equivalent in any discipline of life sciences. The research experience in molecular biology techniques and bioinformatics is desirable.
The positions are purely temporary and are co-terminus with the project. The initial appointment will be for one year, which can be extended on the basis of assessment of the candidate's performance and discretion of the Competent Authority. NIPGR may select candidate against the above posts depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate and reserves the right to relax any of the qualification(s) in case the candidate is found otherwise well qualified by the Selection Committee.
Eligible candidates may apply by sending hard copy of complete application in the given format with a cover letter showing interest and attested copies of the certificates and proof of research/teaching experience. The applications should reach at the address given below latest by July 12, 2010.The envelope should be superscribed by "Application for the Post of ----------in NGCP".
ONLY hard copy of the application in the given format will be accepted. Download Application Format
Dr. Mukesh Jain Staff Scientist National Institute of Plant Genome Research P.O. Box No. 10531, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg New Delhi - 110 067
Position for Junior Research Fellow | July 12, 2010 |  |
INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR PROJECT POSITIONS Applications are invited for filling up one position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Institute with Dr. Mukesh Jain, Scientist, NIPGR under "Short-Term Research Fellowships" programme. The position is completely on temporary basis with maximum duration of three years. The initial appointment will be for a period of one year, but can be curtailed or extended based on the performance of the candidate and discertion of the Selection Committee/Competent Authority.
Junior Research Fellow (One): Candidates having good academic record with M.Sc. or equivalent degree (Minimum 55%) in Life Science/Biotechnology/Biochemistry. Knowledge of advanced molecular biology techniques is required.
Research area: Plant Functional Genomics and Biotechnology The Fellowship amount for the position will be given at par with the similar fellowships by DBT/ DST.
NIPGR may select candidate against the above post depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate. Reservation of posts shall be as per Govt. of India norms.
Eligible candidates may apply by sending hard copy of complete application in the given format with a cover letter showing interest and attested copies of the certificates and proof of research/teaching experience. The applications should reach at the address given below latest by July 12, 2010. The envelope should be superscribed by "Application for the Post of JRF".
ONLY hard copy of the application in the given format will be accepted. Download Application Format
Dr. Mukesh Jain Staff Scientist National Institute of Plant Genome Research P.O. Box No. 10531, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg New Delhi - 110 067
Research Associate | May 14, 2010 |  |
Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up two positions of Research Associate (one each) in the DBT sub-projects entitled 'Chickpea genome sequence analysis and its alignment to genetic map' and 'Functional genomics of chickpea seed development and nutrition' of 'Next Generation Challenge programme on Chickpea Genomics' at NIPGR under the guidance of Dr. Sabhyata Bhatia, Scientist, NIPGR, New Delhi. Sub-project 1 will aim at the high throughput genotyping of SNPs for construction of the chickpea linkage map and Sub-project 2 will aim at analysis if the seed transcriptome using next generation sequencing platforms for elucidating seed development in chickpea.
The above mentioned positions are completely on temporary basis and are co-terminus with the project. The initial appointment will be for a period of one year, but can be curtailed or extended based on the performance and discretion of the Competent Authority. The stipend will be as per norms of the Institute and amount sanctioned in the above mentioned sub-projects by the DBT.
Eligible candidates should have a Ph.D. degree in any discipline of Life Sciences (including Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology) preferably with some research experience. Candidates with strong molecular biology background and having experience in molecular markers, mapping, analysis of nucleic acid sequences, genome annotation, transcriptomics, microarray data analysis etc. will be preferred. Working experience in Linux systems and knowledge in BioPERL, Python and Java scripts is desirable.
NIPGR may select candidates against the above positions depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate and reserves the right to relax any of the qualification(s) in case the candidate is found otherwise well qualified by the Selection Committee. Reservation of post shall be as per Govt. of India norms.
Interested candidates may apply on plain paper (hardcopy preferred) giving name, age, postal address, E-mail address, educational qualifications, experience, publications / patents, references, and also enclose copies of supporting documents to the following address on or before May 14th, 2010:
Dr. Sabhyata Bhatia Scientist National Institute of Plant Genome Research P.O. Box No. 10531, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg New Delhi - 110 067 E-mail: sabhyata_bhatia@nipgr.res.in Tel. No. 011-26735159 |
Research Associate | May 14, 2010 |  |
Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up two positions of Research Associate in the DBT sponsored project entitled 'Indo Canadian Pulse Genomics Initiative (InCan-PGI)' at NIPGR under the guidance of Dr. Sabhyata Bhatia, Scientist, NIPGR, New Delhi. The project will aim at the generation and utilization of high throughput genomic resources such as ESTs, molecular markers (SSRs, SNPs, PIPs and CAPS), transcriptomes and linkage maps from chickpea and lentil.
The above mentioned positions are completely on temporary basis and are co-terminus with the project. The initial appointment will be for a period of one year, but can be curtailed or extended, based on the performance and discretion of the Competent Authority. The stipend will be as per norms of the Institute and amount sanctioned in the above mentioned project by the DBT.
Eligible candidates should have a Ph.D. degree in any discipline of Life Sciences (including Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology) preferably with some research experience. Candidates with strong molecular biology background and having experience in molecular markers, genetic mapping, genome annotation, transcriptomics, microarray data analysis etc. will be preferred. Working experience in Linux systems and knowledge in BioPERL, Python and Java scripts is desirable.
NIPGR may select a candidate against the above post depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate and reserves the right to relax any of the qualification(s) in case the candidate is found otherwise well qualified by the Selection Committee. Reservation of post shall be as per Govt. of India norms.
Interested candidates may apply on plain paper (hardcopy preferred) giving name, age, postal address, E-mail address, educational qualifications, experience, publications / patents, references, and also enclose copies of supporting documents to the following address on or before May 14th, 2010:
Dr. Sabhyata Bhatia Scientist National Institute of Plant Genome Research P.O. Box No. 10531, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg New Delhi - 110 067 E-mail: sabhyata_bhatia@nipgr.res.in Tel. No. 011-26735159 |
Senior Research Fellow (One) | Mar 24, 2010 |  |
Applications are invited for filling up one position of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in the Institute with Dr. Gitanjali Yadav, Scientist, NIPGR under "Short-Term Research Fellowships" programme. The position is completely on temporary basis with maximum duration of three years. The initial appointment will be for a period of one year, but can be curtailed or extended based on the performance of the candidate and discertion of the Competent Authority.
Senior Research Fellow (One): Candidates having good academic record with M.Sc. or equivalent degree (Minimum 55%) in Bioinformatics/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry or any other related field with two years post-M.Sc. research experience, preferably in Computational Biology are eligible to apply.
Area: Computational Analyses of Plant Stress Responses.
Desirable: Working experience in the area of Plant Bioinformatics.
The Fellowship amount for the position will be given at par with the similar fellowships by DBT/ DST.
NIPGR may select candidate against the above post depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate. Reservation of posts shall be as per Govt. of India norms.
The email subject line and/or envelope superscription must be "Application for the Post of SRF". Complete application (as per attached format) along with Bio-data should reach the Principal Investigator within 15 days from the date of advertisement, at the following address (preferably via E-mail):
Dr. Gitanjali Yadav Scientist National Institute of Plant Genome Research P.O. Box No. 10531, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg New Delhi - 110 067 E-mail: bic@nipgr.res.in Tel. No. 26735108
Application form to be attached along with the Bio-data. 
Note: Applications not received in the attached format will be disqualified. |
Research Associate (RA) | Mar 15, 2010 |  |
Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up one position of Research Associate in the DBT sub-project entitled ‘Chickpea genome sequence analysis and its alignment to genetic map’ of ‘Next Generation Challenge programme on Chickpea Genomics’ at NIPGR under the guidance of Dr. Debasis Chattopadhyay, NIPGR, New Delhi. The candidates who have already applied for the said position against earlier advertisement dtd. January 1,2010, need not apply.
The above mentioned position is completely on temporary basis and is co-terminus with the project. The initial appointment will be for a period of one year, but can be curtailed or extended based on the performance and discretion of the Competent Authority. The stipend will be as per DBT rule for RA.
The work involves de novo assembly of sequence reads generated by next generation sequencing platforms and in silico analysis of the assembled genome sequence.
Eligible candidates should have a Ph.D. degree (Ph.D. thesis submitted or going to submit within a month) in bioinformatics. Candidates having experience in the analysis of nucleic acid sequences will be preferred. Working experience in Linux systems and knowledge in BioPERL, Python and Java scripts are essential requirements.
NIPGR may select candidate against the above post depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate and reserves the right to relax any of the qualification(s) in case the candidate is found otherwise well qualified by the Selection Committee. Reservation of post shall be as per Govt. of India norms.
Interested candidates may apply by sending a cover letter detailing experience, CV, reprints and names with complete address (including e-mail) of three references to the following address latest by March 15,2010:
Dr. Debasis Chattopadhyay Scientist National Institute of Plant Genome Research Aruna Asaf Ali Marg P.O. Box No. 10531 New Delhi - 110 067 E-mail: debasis_chattopadhyay@nipgr.res.in / chattod@yahoo.co.in Tel. No. 011-26735189 |
Senior Research Fellow (SRF) | Mar 11, 2010 |  |
Applications are invited for filling up one position of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in the Institute with Dr. Jitendra K. Thakur, Scientist, NIPGR under "Short-Term Research Fellowships" programme. The position is completely on temporary basis with maximum duration of three years. The initial appointment will be for a period of one year, but can be curtailed or extended based on the performance of the candidate and discretion of the Competent Authority.
Senior Research Fellow (One): Candidates having good academic record with M.Sc. or equivalent degree (Minimum 55%) in Botany / Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Life Sciences or any other related field with two years post-M.Sc. research experience are eligible to apply.
Area: Molecular Mechanism of Gene Regulation in Plants.
Desirable: Working experience in the area of Functional Analysis of Transcriptional Co-factors in plants.
The Fellowship amount for the position will be given at par with the similar fellowships by DBT/DST.
NIPGR may select candidate against the above post depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate. Reservation of post shall be as per Govt. of India norms.
Eligible candidates may send application along with bio-data within 15 days from the date of advertisement to the following address:
Dr. Jitendra K. Thakur Scientist National Institute of Plant Genome Research Aruna Asaf Ali Marg P.O. Box No. 10531 New Delhi - 110 067 E-mail: jthakur@nipgr.res.in Tel. No. 26735221 |
Research Associate and Technical Assistant | Mar 05, 2010 |  |
Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up following positions in the DBT sub-project entitled 'Chickpea genome sequence analysis and its alignment to genetic map' of 'Next Generation Challenge programme on Chickpea Genomics' at NIPGR under the guidance of Dr. Mukesh Jain, NIPGR, New Delhi. The positions are completely on temporary basis and are co-terminus with the project. The initial appointment will be for a period of one year, but can be curtailed or extended based on the performance and discretion of the Competent Authority. The stipend will be given as per DBT rule for the said positions.
Research Associate (One): Eligible candidates should have a Ph.D. degree in Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology or related field. The candidate should have First class / division throughout academic career and research experience as evidenced from published papers in standard refereed journals. It will be an advantage to have experience in the area of genomics, including genome annotation, transcriptomics, microarray data analysis etc.
Technical Assistant (Two): Candidates having M.Sc. degree or equivalent in any discipline of life sciences or B.Sc. with at least two years of experience in computer applications. The candidates having research experience in Bioinformatics will be given preference.
NIPGR may select candidate against the above post depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate and reserves the right to relax any of the qualification(s) in case the candidate is found otherwise well qualified by the Selection Committee. Reservation of posts shall be as per Govt. of India norms.
Eligible candidates may apply by sending hard copy of complete application in the given format with a cover letter showing interest and attached CV. The application should reach at the following address latest by March 5, 2010. The envelope should be superscribed by 'Application for the post of ___________ in NGCP'.
Dr. Mukesh Jain Scientist National Institute of Plant Genome Research Aruna Asaf Ali Marg P.O. Box No. 10531 New Delhi - 110 067
Application form to be attached along with the Bio-data.  |
Research Associate / Project Technical Officer | Feb 18, 2010 |  |
Applications are invited for the position of Research Associate / Project Technical Officer (One) in the DBT sponsored research project entitled 'National Plant Gene Repository at NIPGR' under the guidance of Dr. Subhra Chakraborty, NIPGR, New Delhi. The position is completely on temporary basis and is co-terminus with the project. The initial appointment will be for a period of one year, but can be curtailed or extended based on the performance of the candidate and discretion of the Competent Authority.
Research Associate / Project Technical Officer (One): Ph.D. in Plant Science / Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Life Sciences / Bioinformatics or related field is preferred however not essential Or M.Sc. or equivalent in the above fields with research experience in R&D laboratories.
The emoluments for the said position will be given as per sanction order of the project.
NIPGR may select candidate against the above post depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate and reserves the right to relax any of the qualification(s) in case the candidate is found otherwise well qualified by the Selection Committee.
Eligible candidates may send application along with bio-data within 15 days from the date of advertisement to the following address:
Dr. Subhra Chakraborty Project Coordinator & Scientist National Institute of Plant Genome Research Aruna Asaf Ali Marg New Delhi - 110 067 E-mail: schakraborty@nipgr.res.in Tel. No. 26735186 |
Research Associate, Junior Research Fellow & Technical Assistant | Feb 16, 2010 |  |
Applications are invited for the following positions in the DBT sponsored research project entitled 'Establishing transcriptome map and the unigene database of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) as a resource for functional and application genomics study' under the guidance of Dr. Subhra Chakraborty, NIPGR, New Delhi. The positions are completely on temporary basis and are co-terminus with the project. The initial appointment will be for a period of one year or till the tenability of the project, whichever is earlier, and can be curtailed or extended based on the performance of the candidate and discretion of the Competent Authority.
Research Associate (One): Candidates must posses the Ph.D. in Biochemistry / Botany / Zoology / Bioinformatics / Life Sciences / Biotechnology or any other related field.
Junior Research Fellow (One): Candidates having M.Sc. degree (Minimum 55% marks) in Biochemistry / Botany / Life Sciences / Biotechnology or any other related field and two years of research experience. Knowledge in Plant Genomics is desirable.
Technical Assistant (One): Candidates having fresh M.Sc. degree in Biotechnology / Botany / Biochemistry / Life Sciences or B.Sc. with at least two years of experience in Plant Sciences.
The emoluments for the said positions will be as mentioned in the sanction order of the project.
NIPGR may select candidate against the above posts depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate and reserves the right to relax any of the qualification(s) in case the candidate is found otherwise well qualified by the Selection Committee.
Eligible candidates may send application along with bio-data within 10 days from the date of advertisement to the following address:
Dr. Subhra Chakraborty Principal Investigator & Scientist National Institute of Plant Genome Research Aruna Asaf Ali Marg New Delhi - 110 067 E-mail: schakraborty@nipgr.res.in Tel. No. 26735186 |
Senior Research Fellow (SRF) and Lab Assistant (LA) | Feb 06, 2010 |  |
Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up one position each of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) and Lab Assistant (LA) in the ICMR funded research project entitled 'Genetic engineering of vegetable and legume crops with oxalate decarboxylase gene for removal of oxalic acid on antinutritional stress factor for better human nutrition' of Dr. Subhra Chakraborty, Scientist, NIPGR.
The above mentioned position is completely on temporary basis and is co-terminus with the project. The initial appointment will be for a period of one year, but can be curtailed or extended based on the performance of the candidate and discretion of the Competent Authority.
Senior Research Fellow (One): Candidates having good academic record with M.Sc. degree (Minimum 55%) in Botany / Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Life Sciences or any other related field with two years post-M.Sc. research experience are eligible to apply. Research experience in Plant Genomics and Genetic Engineering will be given preference.
Lab Assistant (One): Candidates must posses B.Sc. degree with minimum of 4 years experience in any government R&D laboratory, University, Institute or M.Sc. with one year research experience in Plant Sciences, Biochemistry, Life Sciences, Biotechnology or related field are eligible to apply. Research experience in Molecular Biology and Plant Genomics will be given preference.
The emoluments for both the positions will be given as per sanction order of the project.
NIPGR may select candidate against the above post depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate and reserves the right to relax any of the qualification(s) in case the candidate is found otherwise well qualified by the Selection Committee.
Eligible candidates may send application along with bio-data within 10 days from the date of advertisement to the following address:
Dr. Subhra Chakraborty Scientist National Institute of Plant Genome Research Post Box No. 10531 Aruna Asaf Ali Marg New Delhi - 110 067 E-mail: schakraborty@nipgr.res.in Tel. No. 26735186 |
Senior Research Fellow (SRF) | Feb 05, 2010 |  |
Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up one position of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in the DBT funded sub-project entitled 'Analysis of chickpea response to Ascochyta infection and generation of ORFeome for target genes' under the main project entitled "Next Generation Challenge Programme on Chickpea Genomics" under the guidance of Dr. Praveen Verma, Scientist, NIPGR, New Delhi.
The above mentioned position is completely on temporary basis and is co-terminus with the project. The initial appointment will be for a period of one year, but can be curtailed or extended based on the performance of the candidate and discretion of the Competent Authority.
Emoluments: Rs. 14,000/- p.m. + HRA.
Qualifications: Candidates having good academic record with M.Sc. degree (Minimum 55%) in any discipline of life sciences (Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Botany, Zoology and any other related field) with two years post-M.Sc. research experience are eligible to apply. Research experience in Molecular Biology and related field will be given preference.
NIPGR may select candidate against the above post depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate and reserves the right to relax any of the qualification(s) in case the candidate is found otherwise well qualified by the Selection Committee.
Interested candidates may apply by sending a cover letter detailing experience, CV, and names with complete address (including e-mail) of three references to the following address latest by February 5, 2010:
Dr. Praveen Verma Scientist National Institute of Plant Genome Research Post Box No. 10531, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi - 110 067 E-mail: praveen_verma@nipgr.res.in Tel. No. 26735114 |
Research Associate (RA) | Jan 15, 2010 |  |
Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up one position of Research Associate in the DBT sub-project entitled 'Chickpea genome sequence analysis and its alignment to genetic map' of 'Next Generation Challenge programme on Chickpea Genomics' at NIPGR under the guidance of Dr. Debasis Chattopadhyay, NIPGR, New Delhi.
The above mentioned position is completely on temporary basis and is co-terminus with the project. The initial appointment will be for a period of one year, but can be curtailed or extended based on the performance and discretion of the Competent Authority. The stipend will be as per DBT rule for RA.
The work involves de novo assembly of sequence reads generated by next generation sequencing platforms and in silico analysis of the assembled genome sequence.
Eligible candidates should have a Ph.D. degree (Ph.D. thesis submitted or going to submit within a month) in bioinformatics. Candidates having experience in the analysis of nucleic acid sequences will be preferred. Working experience in Linux systems and knowledge in BioPERL, Python and Java scripts are essential requirements.
NIPGR may select candidate against the above post depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate and reserves the right to relax any of the qualification(s) in case the candidate is found otherwise well qualified by the Selection Committee.
Interested candidates may apply by sending a cover letter detailing experience, CV, reprints and names with complete address (including e-mail) of three references to the following address latest by January 15, 2010:
Dr. Debasis Chattopadhyay Scientist National Institute of Plant Genome Research Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi - 110 067 E-mail: debasis_chattopadhyay@nipgr.res.in chattod@yahoo.co.inTel. No.: 011-26735189 |
Senior Research Fellow (SRF) | Dec 17, 2009 |  |
Inviting applications for Senior Research Fellow (SRF) Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up the position of one Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in the DBT funded project titled "Molecular characterization of genes involved in expression of components of apomixis". The position is completely temporary and is co-terminus with the project. The stipend will be as per DBT rule.
The candidates should have First class/division throughout academic career and research experience as evidenced from published papers in standard refereed journals. Expertise in molecular marker techniques (SSR, AFLP) along with a basic knowledge in molecular biology background (Subtractive cDNA Library construction, RACE) will be preferred.
Complete application along with Bio-data (as per attached format) should reach to the Principal Investigator latest by December 17, 2009 at the following address:
Dr. Manoj Prasad Staff Scientist IV National Institute of Plant Genome Research Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, P. O. Box no. 10531 New Delhi-110 067 E-mail- manoj_prasad@nipgr.res.in
Last date: Dec 17, 2009.
Application form to be attached along with the Bio-data.  |
Senior Research Fellow (SRF) and Technical Assistant (TA) | Dec 7, 2009 |  |
INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR PROJECT POSITIONS Applications are invited from suitable candidates for the following positions in the DBT funded sub-project entitled "Chickpea genome sequence analysis and its alignment to genetic map" under main project entitled "Next Generation Challenge Programme on Chickpea Genomics" under the guidance of Dr. Gitanjali Yadav, NIPGR, New Delhi.
The positions are purely temporary during the project period, renewable after every one year on the basis of performance. The project duration is for 5 years and the emoluments will be given as per the sanction of the project. The work will involve construction of a genome browser and data analysis using next generation sequencing technologies, followed by various aspects of computational genomics in chickpea.
Essential qualifications:
Senior Research Fellow (One Post): M.Sc. degree or ME/M.Tech or equivalent in Bioinformatics or related field with at least two years of post M.Sc. research experience in Computational Biology. The candidates should have First class/division throughout academic career and research experience as evidenced from published papers in standard refereed journals. Computer skills (Linux, Perl, Java, SQL) are essential in particular data analysis/management. Fresh M.Sc. candidates with exceptionally good academic career and/or research experience in bioinformatics may also be considered.
Technical Assistant (One Post): Candidates having M.Sc. degree or equivalent in Bioinformatics or related field / B.Sc./B.Tech in Bioinformatics with one years of experience in computer applications. The candidates should have First class/division throughout academic career.
NIPGR reserves the right to relax any of the qualification(s) in case the candidate is found otherwise suitable by the Selection Committee.
The email subject line and/or envelope superscription must be "Application for the Post of _______ in NGCP". Complete application along with Bio-data (as per attached format) should reach to the Principal Investigator latest by Dec 07, 2009 at the following address (preferably via E-mail):
Dr. Gitanjali Yadav Staff Scientist National Institute of Plant Genome Research Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, P. O. Box no. 10531 New Delhi-110 067 E-mail- bic@nipgr.res.in
Last date: Dec 7, 2009.
Application form to be attached along with the Bio-data.  |
Research Associate (RA), Senior Research Fellow (SRF), Technical Assistant (TA) and Lab Attendant | November 17, 2009 |  |
INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR PROJECT POSITIONS Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up the positions of Research Associate, Senior Research Fellow, Technical Assistant and Lab Attendant in DBT funded research project entitled "Chickpea genome sequence analysis and its alignment to genetic map". The positions will include working in the area of chickpea genomics. The work will involve generation and data analysis using next generation sequencing technologies, whole genome annotation followed by various aspects of functional genomics in chickpea.
Essential qualifications:
Research Associate (one post): Ph.D. degree or equivalent / M.Tech. or equivalent with three years of research experience in Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology or related field. The candidate should have First class/division throughout academic career and research experience as evidenced from published papers in standard refereed journals. The candidates having MCA with experience in Bioinformatics may also be considered. Computer skills (Linux, Perl, Java, SQL) are essential in particular data analysis/management. It will be an advantage to have experience in the area of genomics, including genome annotation, transcriptomics, microarray data analysis etc.
Senior Research Fellow (two posts): M.Sc. degree or equivalent in Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology or related field with at least two years of post M.Sc. research experience or ME/M.Tech or equivalent in Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology or related field. The candidates should have First class/division throughout academic career and research experience as evidenced from published papers in standard refereed journals. Computer skills (Linux, Perl, Java, SQL) are essential in particular data analysis/management. Fresh M.Sc. candidates with exceptionally good academic career and/or research experience in bioinformatics may also be considered.
Technical Assistant (three posts): Candidates having M.Sc. degree or equivalent in any discipline of life sciences / B.Sc. with at least two years of experience in computer applications. The candidates having research experience in bioinformatics will be given preference.
Lab Attendant (one post): Matriculate or VIIIth pass with 3 years experience in research laboratories.
The positions are purely temporary and are co-terminus with the project. The initial appointment will be for one year, which can be extended on the basis of assessment of the candidate’s performance and discretion of the Competent Authority. NIPGR may select candidate against the above posts depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate and reserves the right to relax any of the qualification(s) in case the candidate is found otherwise well qualified by the Selection Committee. The stipend for each post would be as per sanctioned in the project.
Eligible candidates may apply by sending complete application in the given format with a cover letter showing interest and attached CV. The applications should reach at the address given below latest by November 17, 2009. The envelope should be superscribed by "Application for the Post of _______ in NGCP". Applications can also be sent by e-mail with the subject line "Application for the Post of _________ in NGCP".
Complete application along with Bio-data (as per attached format) should reach to:
Dr. Mukesh Jain Staff Scientist National Institute of Plant Genome Research Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, P. O. Box no. 10531 New Delhi-110 067 Email: mjain@nipgr.res.in
Last date: Nov 17, 2009.
Application form to be attached along with the Bio-data.  |
Senior Research Fellow (SRF) | November 13, 2009 |  |
INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW (SRF) Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up Two (02) positions of Senior Research Fellow in the DBT funded research project entitled "Development of SSR markers in Berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum) and exploitation of marker resources of M. truncatula for germplasm characterization of berseem and for development of high density linkage map of red clover (Trifolium pratense)" under the guidance of Dr. Manoj Prasad, NIPGR, New Delhi. The project will aim at the development of DNA based molecular markers such as STMS and subsequently use them for map generation in Trifolium. The position is purely temporary during the project period and is co-terminus with the project which is till October 2010.
Essential qualifications: Eligible candidates must possess a M.Sc. degree in any discipline of Life Sciences and should also have 2 years of research experience in Molecular Biology/ related discipline.
NIPGR reserves the right to relax any of the qualification(s) in case the candidate is found otherwise suitable by the Selection Committee.
Interested candidates may apply on plain paper giving name, age, postal address, e-mail address, educational qualifications, experience, publications / patents and also enclose copies of certificates, mark-sheets, testimonials and reprints. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
Completed applications should be sent so as to reach on or before November 13, 2009 at the following address:
Dr. Manoj Prasad Principal Investigator Scientist National Institute of Plant Genome Research, Post Box No. 10531, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi - 110067. Email: manoj_pds@nipgr.res.in, Tel: 011-26735160
Last date: Nov 13, 2009. |
Research Associate (RA) and Technical Assistant (TA) | November 13, 2009 |  |
INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR RESEARCH ASSOCIATE (RA) AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANT (TA) Applications are invited from suitable candidates for the following positions in the DBT funded sub-project entitled "Functional genomics of water-deficit stress in chickpea" under the main project entitled "Next Generation Challenge Programme on Chickpea Genomics" under the guidance of Dr. Niranjan Chakraborty, NIPGR, New Delhi. The positions are purely temporary during the project period, renewable after every one year on the basis of performance. The project duration is for 5 years and the emoluments will be given as per the sanction of the project.
Research Associate (Three): A Ph.D. candidate with experiences in Molecular Biology / Biochemistry / Biotechnology and experience in Plant Sciences is desirable.
Technical Assistant (One): Candidate with M.Sc. degree in life sciences or B.Sc. with minimum 2 years of research experience in life sciences in any government R&D laboratory / University / Institute.
NIPGR reserves the right to relax any of the qualification(s) in case the candidate is found otherwise suitable by the Selection Committee.
Complete application along with Bio-data (as per attached format) should reach to the Principal Investigator within 15 days from the date of advertisement at the following address (preferably via E-mail):
Dr. Niranjan Chakraborty Principal Investigator Scientist-V National Institute of Plant Genome Research, Post Box N0. 10531, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi - 110067. Email: nchakraborty@hotmail.com, Tel: 011-26735160
Last date: Nov 13, 2009.
Application form to be attached along with the Bio-data.  |
Trainees in DBT - DISC Project | October 10, 2009 |  |
INVITING APPLICATIONS FOR TRAINEE POSITIONS IN DBT - DISC PROJECT Applications are invited from suitable candidates for carrying out studentship/traineeship in DBT funded Distributed Information Sub-Centre (DISC) project at the NIPGR. The stipend will be Rs. 5000/- p.m.
Eligible candidates must be pursuing M.Sc. degree in Bioinformatics or Biotechnology or related disciplines. These positions are completely temporary and only for a period of six months, designed for candidates requiring final semester training as mandatory part of their degree.
Candidates with expertise in computer programming and statistical analyses along with a basic knowledge of plant biology will be preferred. Interested candidates may apply by sending (preferably via email) a cover letter, CV and names with complete addresses (including email) of three referees to the following address:
Coordinator, DISC Facility NIPGR Aruna Asaf Ali Marg New Delhi - 110067 Email: bic@nipgr.res.in Tel: 011 - 26735103
Completed applications should reach NIPGR latest by October 20, 2009.
Important note: All the applications should be addressed to aforementioned address or Email id only. Requests sent to any other Email id or address will not be entertained.
Senior Technical Assistant (STA) | July 09, 2009 |  |
Inviting applications for Senior Technical Assistant (STA) Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up the position of one Senior Technical Assistant in the DBT sponsored research project entitled Indian Initiative on Tomato Genome under the guidance of Dr. Debasis Chattopadhyay, Scientist, NIPGR in the pay band of Rs. 9300-34800 with corresponding grade pay of Rs. 4200/- (Rs. 5500-9000 pre-revised).
The appointment is purely temporary and is co-terminus with the project (upto February 2011). The initial appointment will be for one year, which can be extended on the basis of assessment of the candidates performance and discretion of the Competent Authority.
Essential Qualifications: Masters Degree in any branch of Life sciences, First class / division throughout academic career, at least one year of post-M.Sc. experience of research and hands-on training on Molecular Biology from a government R&D institution or university.
NIPGR may select candidate against the above post depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate and reserves the right to relax any of the qualification(s) in case the candidate is found otherwise well qualified by the Selection Committee.
Interested candidates may apply on plain paper giving name, age, postal address, E-mail address, educational qualifications, experience and also enclose copies of relevant certificates, mark-sheets, testimonials etc. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
Completed applications should be sent so as to reach on or before July 20, 2009 at the following address:
Dr. Debasis Chattopadhyay Scientist
National Institute of Plant Genome Research P.O. Box - 10531, JNU Campus, New Delhi - 110 067 E-mail: debasis_chattopadhyay@nipgr.res.in chattod@yahoo.co.in |
Research Associate (RA) | April 28, 2009 |  |
Inviting applications for Research Associate (RA) Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up the position of Research Associate in the DBT sponsored research project entitled "DNA barcoding of Dalbergia species" at NIPGR, New Delhi.
The appointment is purely temporary and is co-terminus with the project. The initial appointment will be for one year, which will be extended based on performance and discretion of the Competent Authority.
Essential Qualifications: Candidates must possess a Ph.D. degree in any discipline of Life Sciences (Including Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology) preferably with some research experience. Candidates with strong molecular biology background will be preferred. However, others may also apply.
Emoluments: Rs. 16,000.00 per month plus HRA @ 30%
NIPGR may select candidate in the lower position against the above post depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate and reserves the right to relax any of the qualification(s) in case the candidate is found otherwise well qualified by the Selection Committee.
Interested candidates may apply on plain paper giving name, age, postal address, E-mail address, educational qualifications, experience, publications / patents and also enclose copies of certificates, mark-sheets, testimonials and reprints. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
Complete applications should be sent so as to reach on or before May 20th, 2009 at the following address:
Dr. Sabhyata Bhatia Lab No. 102 National Institute of Plant Genome Research P.O. Box - 10531, JNU Campus, New Delhi - 110 067 E-mail: sabhyata_bhatia@nipgr.res.in Tel. No.: 011-26735159 |
Research Associate (RA) | April 28, 2009 |  |
Inviting applications for Research Associate (RA) Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up the position of Research Associate in the DBT sponsored research project entitled "Construction of the transcript map and development of functional markers for chickpea" at NIPGR, New Delhi.
The project will aim at the generation of EST resources, development of EST based functional markers and construction of a saturated linkage map of chickpea. The appointment is purely temporary and is co-terminus with the project. The initial appointment will be for one year, which will be extended based on performance and discretion of the Competent Authority.
Essential Qualifications: Candidates must possess a Ph.D. degree in any discipline of Life Sciences (Including Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology) preferably with some research experience. Candidates with strong molecular biology background will be preferred. However, others may also apply.
Emoluments: Rs. 16,000.00 per month plus HRA @ 30%
NIPGR may select candidate in the lower position against the above post depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate and reserves the right to relax any of the qualification(s) in case the candidate is found otherwise well qualified by the Selection Committee.
Interested candidates may apply on plain paper giving name, age, postal address, E-mail address, educational qualifications, experience, publications / patents and also enclose copies of certificates, mark-sheets, testimonials and reprints. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
Completed applications should be sent so as to reach on or before May 20th, 2009 at the following address:
Dr. Sabhyata Bhatia Lab No. 102 National Institute of Plant Genome Research P.O. Box - 10531, JNU Campus, New Delhi - 110 067 E-mail: sabhyata_bhatia@nipgr.res.in Tel. No.: 011-26735159 |