Proteomics research, in India, began its journey on investigation of the proteome profiling, complexity analysis, protein trafficking, and biochemical modelling. Since then proteomics studies expanded progressively and are now being carried out in various universities / institutions spread across the country. Activity within the area of proteomics in India, as measured by publication, has created conditions to spread proteomics teaching in the academic curriculum. Trained and qualified human resources and transferring know-how in proteomics and mass spectrometry are increasing rapidly.

PSI with its aim and commitment understands the responsibility to inspire the future proteomers, promote proteomic education to the young students, researchers, and college & university teachers during the education day program.

Thus, "Education Day", a knowledge initiative is an integral part of the PSI annual meeting with an aim to teach and disseminate comprehensively the basic and advanced proteomics and allied research combined with the technological advancements in the field.

This year, let us rededicate ourselves to teaching and demonstrating the young students and teachers the love of learning the subject. Keeping in mind the theme of this year conference and pre- and post-conference workshops, four modules of teaching and virtual demonstration sessions have been planned spanning two days (December 12-13, 2016) before the start of the conference:

Module I: Gel-based and gel-free proteomics using mass spectrometry
Module II: Metabolomics
Module III: Targeted proteomics
Module IV: Structural proteomics and interactomics

Many experts will contribute to this two-day-long program. Every module will have two to three lectures and one virtual demonstration and interaction session. The lectures will provide an overview followed by the scientific highlights and emerging new direction in the field.

Students, post-docs, researchers, college and university teachers, PSI-AOAPO Conference 2016 participants and those seeking to incorporate proteomics into their research programs are encouraged to join the Education Day platform to enrich them and learn by one to one interaction with the experts in the field.

With warm regards,

Subhra Chakraborty
Convener, PSI-AOAPO 2016