Pre-Conference Workshop
Workshop I: December 9-13, 2016: Targeted Proteomics and Big Data analysis
Organized by:  Sciex and National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR)
Location:  Sciex Facility, Gurgaon

The five-day workshop will provide both hands-on instrument use and in-depth tutorials for understanding mass spectrometry workflows, sample handling, data collection and data analysis using Sciex instrumentation, Sciex software platforms including One Omics and the Institute for Systems Biology Trans-Proteomic pipeline. The course will cover experimental design, sample preparation, mass spectrometer optimization, data acquisition, analysis and interpretation, as well as database setup and query. Data analysis will include capabilities to perform both targeted quantitative proteomics (MRM) as well as SWATH analysis.

For Further Information: http://PSI-AOAPO/workshop/TPDA.php

Note: Participation of young scientists (students, post-docs and young faculty) from India and abroad are highly encouraged.