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Publisher Name of Journal Back Vols from Years..
ACS Accounts of Chemical Research 1996+
ACS ACS Chemical Biology 1996+
ACS ACS Nano 1996+
Elsevier Science Acta Biomaterialia 1995 +
Wiley Acta Crystallographica Sec D 1997 +
Wiley Acta Crystallographica Section F 1997 +
Springer Acta ethologica 1997 +
Elsevier Science Acta Histochemica 1995 +
Springer Acta Parasitologica 1997 +
Springer Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 1997 +
Elsevier Science Acta Psychologica 1995 +
Elsevier Science Acta Tropica 1995 +
Elsevier Science Acute Pain 1995 +
Elsevier Science Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 1995 +
Elsevier Science Advances in Enzyme Regulation 1995 +
Springer AGE 1997 +
Elsevier Science Ageing Research Reviews 1995 +
Wiley Aging Cell 1997 +
Springer Agroforestry Systems 1997 +
Mary Ann Liebert AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses Vol. 1 / Issue 1 +
LWW AIDS 1997+
Elsevier Science Alcohol 1995 +
Wiley Allergy 1997 +
Elsevier Science Alzheimer's & Dementia 1995 +
Elsevier Science American Journal of Infection Control 1995 +
Wiley American Journal of Medical Genetics 1997 +
Springer American Journal of Potato Research 1997 +
Wiley American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 1997 +
Springer Amino Acids 1997 +
Botanical Science of America Am J of Botany 1997 +
Elsevier Science Anaerobe 1995 +
Elsevier Science Analytica Chimica Acta 1995 +
Elsevier Science Analytical Biochemistry 1995 +
ACS Analytical Chemistry 1996+
Wiley Angewandte Chemie International Edition 1997 +
Springer Angiogenesis 1997 +
Elsevier Science Animal Behaviour 1995 +
Springer Animal Cognition 1997 +
Elsevier Science Animal Reproduction Science 1995 +
Elsevier Science Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger 1995 +
Oxford Annals Of Botany 1996 +
Wiley Annals of Neurology 1997 +
Ann. Rev. Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry 2008 +
Ann. Rev. Annual Review of Biochemistry 2005 +
Ann. Rev. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering 2005 +
Ann. Rev. Annual Review of Biophysics 2005 +
Ann. Rev. Annual Review of Cell & Development Biology 2005 +
Ann. Rev. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 2005 +
Ann. Rev. Annual Review of Ecololgy, Evolution, and Systematics 2005 +
Ann. Rev. Annual Review of Entomology 2005 +
Ann. Rev. Annual Review of Genetics 2005 +
Ann. Rev. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 2005 +
Ann. Rev. Annual Review of Immunology 2005 +
Ann. Rev. Annual Review of Marine Science 2009 +
Ann. Rev. Annual Review of Medicine 2005 +
Ann. Rev. Annual Review of Microbiology 2005 +
Ann. Rev. Annual Review of Neuroscience 2005 +
Ann. Rev. Annual Review of Nutrition 2005 +
Ann. Rev. Annual Review of Pathology Machanisms of Disease 2006 +
Ann. Rev. Annual Review of Pharmacology & Toxicology 2005 +
Ann. Rev. Annual Review of Physiology 2005 +
Ann. Rev. Annual Review Of Phytopathology 2005 +
Ann. Rev. Annual Review of Plant Biology 2005 +
Ann. Rev. Annual Review of Psychology 2005 +
Ann. Rev. Annual Review of Public Health 2005 +
ASM Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy Vol.1/Issue 1+
Mary Ann Liebert Antioxidant & Redox Signaling Vol. 1 / Issue 1 +
Elsevier Science Antiviral Research 1995 +
Springer Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 1997 +
Springer Antonie Van Leewenhock 1997 +
Springer Apoptosis 1997 +
Elsevier Science Appetite 1995 +
ASM Applied and Environmental Microbiology Vol.1/Issue 1+
Springer Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology 1997 +
Elsevier Science Applied Soil Ecology 1995 +
Springer Aquaculture International 1997 +
Springer Aquatic Ecology 1997 +
Springer Aquatic Sciences - Research Across Boundaries 1997 +
Elsevier Science Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 1995 +
Elsevier Science Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 1995 +
Springer Archives of Microbiology 1997 +
Springer Archives of Virology 1997 +
Wiley Arthritis & Rheumatism 1997 +
Springer Arthropod-Plant Interactions 1997 +
Elsevier Science Artificial Intelligence 1995 +
Elsevier Science Autoimmunity Reviews 1995 +
Springer Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 1997 +
Elsevier Science Behavioural Brain Research 1995 +
Elsevier Science Behavioural Processes 1995 +
Elsevier Science Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 1995 +
Elsevier Science Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 1995 +
Elsevier Science Biochemical Engineering Journal 1995 +
Elsevier Science Biochemical Pharmacology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 1995 +
ACS Biochemistry 1996+
Springer Biochemistry (Moscow) 1997 +
Springer Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplemental Series A Membrane and Cell Biology 1997 +
Elsevier Science Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1995 +
Elsevier Science Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes 1995 +
Elsevier Science Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects 1995 +
Elsevier Science Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids 1995 +
Elsevier Science Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease 1995 +
Elsevier Science Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research 1995 +
Elsevier Science Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics 1995 +
Elsevier Science Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Reviews on Cancer 1995 +
Elsevier Science Biochimie 1995 +
ACS Bioconjugate Chemistry 1996+
Springer BioControl 1997 +
Springer Biodiversity and Conservation 1997 +
Elsevier Science Bioelectrochemistry 1995 +
Wiley BioEssays 1997 +
Springer Biogerontology 1997 +
Oxford Bioinformatics 1996 +
Springer Biologia 1997 +
Springer Biologia Plantarum 1997 +
Elsevier Science Biological Control 1995 +
Springer Biological Invasions 1997 +
Elsevier Science Biological Psychiatry 1995 +
Elsevier Science Biological Psychology 1995 +
Springer Biological Trace Element Research 1997 +
Elsevier Science Biologicals 1995 +
Springer Biology and Fertility of Soil 1997 +
Springer Biology and Fertility of Soils 1997 +
Springer Biology Bulletin 1997 +
ACS Biomacromolecules 1996+
Elsevier Science Biomaterials 1995 +
Elsevier Science Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 1995 +
Springer BioMetals 1997 +
Elsevier Science Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 1995 +
Elsevier Science Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 1995 +
Elsevier Science Bioorganic Chemistry 1995 +
Elsevier Science Biophysical Chemistry 1995 +
Elsevier Science Biophysical Journal 1995 +
Wiley Biopolymers 1997 +
Elsevier Science Bioresource Technology 1995 +
Springer Biosemiotics 1997 +
Elsevier Science Biosensors and Bioelectronics 1995 +
Elsevier Science Biosystems 1995 +
Elsevier Science Biotechnology Advances 1995 +
Springer Biotechnology Letters 1997 +
Springer Biotechnology Letters 1997 +
ACS Biotechnology Progress 1996+
ASH Blood Vol. 1 / Issue 1 +
Elsevier Science Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 1995 +
Elsevier Science Blood Reviews 1995 +
Elsevier Science Bone 1995 +
Nature Bone Marrow Transplantation 2005 +
Springer Botanica Helvetica 1997 +
Oxford Brain 1996 +
Elsevier Science Brain and Cognition 1995 +
Elsevier Science Brain and Development 1995 +
Elsevier Science Brain and Language 1995 +
Elsevier Science Brain Research 1995 +
Elsevier Science Brain Research Bulletin 1995 +
Elsevier Science Brain Research Reviews 1995 +
Elsevier Science Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 1995 +
Oxford Briefings in Bioinformatics 1996 +
Oxford Briefings in Functional Genomics 1996 +
Nature British Journal of Cancer 2005 +
Wiley British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 1997 +
Wiley British Journal of Haematology 1997 +
Springer Brittonia 1997 +
Springer Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 1997 +
Springer BVL-Reporte 1997 +
Springer Calcified Tissue International 1997 +
Elsevier Science Cancer Cell 1995 +
Elsevier Science Cancer Detection and Prevention 1995 +
AACR Cancer Eidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention Vol. 1 / Issue 1 +
Elsevier Science Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 1995 +
Springer Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy 1997 +
Elsevier Science Cancer Letters 1995 +
Springer Cancer Metastasis Review 1997 +
AACR Cancer Prevention Portal Vol. 1 / Issue 1 +
AACR Cancer Prevention Research Vol. 1 / Issue 1 +
AACR Cancer Research Vol. 1 / Issue 1 +
AACR Cancer Reviews Online Vol. 1 / Issue 1 +
Wiley Cancer 1997 +
Elsevier Science Carbohydrate Polymers 1995 +
Elsevier Science Carbohydrate Research 1995 +
Oxford Carcinogenesis 1996 +
Elsevier Science Cell 1995 +
Springer Cell and Tissue Banking 1997 +
Springer Cell and Tissue Biology 1997 +
Springer Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics 1997 +
Springer Cell Biology and Toxicology 1997 +
Elsevier Science Cell Biology International 1995 +
Elsevier Science Cell Calcium 1995 +
Nature Cell Death & Differentiation 2005 +
Elsevier Science Cell Host & Microbe 1995 +
Elsevier Science Cell Metabolism 1995 +
Wiley Cell Proliferation 1997 +
Elsevier Science Cell Stem Cell 1995 +
Springer Cell Tissue Research 1997 +
Springer Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters 1997 +
Springer Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (CMLS) 1997 +
Elsevier Science Cellular Immanulogy 1995 +
Wiley Cellular Microbiology 1997 +
Elsevier Science Cellular Signalling 1995 +
Springer Central European Journal of Biology 1997 +
Oxford Cerebral Cortex 1996 +
ACS Chemical & Engineering News 1996+
Wiley Chemical Biology & Drug Design 1997 +
ACS Chemical Research in Toxicology 1996+
ACS Chemical Reviews 1996+
Elsevier Science Chemico-Biological Interactions 1995 +
Elsevier Science Chemistry & Biology 1995 +
Wiley Chemistry and Biodiversity 1997 +
Elsevier Science Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 1995 +
ACS Chemistry of Materials 1996+
Springer Chemoecology 1997 +
Springer Chinese Science Bulletin 1997 +
Springer Chromosoma 1997 +
Springer Chromosome Research 1997 +
LWW Circulation Research 2000+
LWW Circulation 2000+
Elsevier Science Clinica Chimica Acta 1995 +
Wiley Clinical and Experimental Immunology 1997 +
Springer Clinical and Experimental Metastasis 1997 +
ASM Clinical and Vaccine Immunology Vol.1/Issue 1+
Elsevier Science Clinical Biochemistry 1995 +
AACR Clinical Cancer Research Vol. 1 / Issue 1 +
LWW Clinical Dysmorphology 2001+
Wiley Clinical Genetics 1997 +
ASM Clinical Microbiology Reviews Vol.1/Issue 1+
Elsevier Science Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 1995 +
Springer Clinical Proteomics 1997 +
Elsevier Science Clinical Therapeutics 1995 +
Elsevier Science Cognition 1995 +
Elsevier Science Cognitive Psychology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Cognitive Systems Research 1995 +
Elsevier Science Colloids and Surfaces B Biointerfaces 1995 +
Elsevier Science Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A Molecular & Integrative Physiology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C Toxicology & Pharmacology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D Genomics and Proteomics 1995 +
Elsevier Science Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 1995 +
Elsevier Science Comprehensive Psychiatry 1995 +
Elsevier Science Comptes Rendus Biologies 1995 +
Elsevier Science Computational Biology and Chemistry 1995 +
Elsevier Science Consciousness and Cognition 1995 +
Elsevier Science Contemporary Clinical Trials 1995 +
Springer Contemporary Problems of Ecology 1997 +
T&F Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1997 +
T&F Critical Reviews in Biotechnology 1997 +
T&F Critical Reviews in Microbiology 1997 +
CSSA Crop Science 2000+
Elsevier Science Cryobiology 1995 +
ACS Crystal Growth & Design 1996+ Current Advances in Agricultural Sciences(An International Journal) 2009 +
Elsevier Science Current Biology 1995 +
Springer Current Genetics 1997 +
Springer Current Microbiology 1997 +
Elsevier Science Current Opinion in Biotechnology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Current Opinion in Cell Biology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 1995 +
LWW Current Opinion in Hematology 2000+
Elsevier Science Current Opinion in Immunology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Current Opinion in Microbiology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Current Opinion in Neurobiology 1995 +
LWW Current Opinion in Oncology 2000+
Elsevier Science Current Opinion in Pharmacology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Current Opinion in Plant Biology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Current Opinion in Structural Biology 1995 +
IAS Current Science 1 +
Elsevier Science Cytokine 1995 +
Elsevier Science Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews 1995 +
Wiley Cytometry 1997 +
Springer Cytotechnology (Formerly Methods In Cell Science) (Formerly Journal Of Tissue Culture Methods) 1997 +
Elsevier Science Das Neurophysiologie-Labor 1995 +
Wiley Depression and Anxiety 1997 +
COB Journals Online Development Vol. 1 / Issue 1 +
Springer Development Genes and Evolution 1997 +
Elsevier Science Developmental & Comparative Immunology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Developmental Biology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Developmental Cell 1995 +
Wiley Developmental Dynamics 1997 +
Wiley Developmental Neurobiology 1997 +
Wiley Developmental Psychobiology 1997 +
Elsevier Science Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 1995 +
Springer Diabetologia 1997 +
Elsevier Science Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 1995 +
Mary Ann Liebert DNA and Cell Biology Vol. 1 / Issue 1 +
Elsevier Science DNA Repair 1995 +
Springer Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics 1997 +
Springer Doklady Biological Sciences 1997 +
CSE Down to Earth -
Elsevier Science Drug and Alcohol Dependence 1995 +
Wiley Drug Development Research 1997 +
Elsevier Science Drug Discovery Today 1995 +
Elsevier Science Drug Discovery Today Disease Mechanisms 1995 +
Elsevier Science Drug Discovery Today Disease Models 1995 +
Elsevier Science Drug Discovery Today Technologies 1995 +
Elsevier Science Drug Discovery Today Therapeutic Strategies 1995 +
Elsevier Science Drug Resistance Updates 1995 +
Springer Ecological Research 1997 +
Springer Economic Botany 1997 +
Springer Ecosystems 1997 +
Elsevier Science Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 1995 +
Nature EMBO Reports 2005 +
ACS Energy & Fuels 1996+
Springer Entomological Review 1997 +
Springer Environmental and Ecological Statistics 1997 +
Wiley Environmental Microbiology 1997 +
Wiley Environmental Microbiology Reports 1997 +
Elsevier Science Environmental Pollution 1995 +
Wiley Environmental Quality Management 1997 +
ACS Environmental Science & Technology 1996+
Elsevier Science Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Enzyme and Microbial Technology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Epilepsy & Behavior 1995 +
Elsevier Science Epilepsy Research 1995 +
Springer Erwerbs-Obstbau 1997 +
ASM Eukaryotic Cell Vol.1/Issue 1+
Springer Euphytica 1997 +
Elsevier Science European Journal of Cancer 1995 +
Elsevier Science European Journal of Cell Biology 1995 +
Springer European Journal of Forest Research 1997 +
Wiley European Journal of Haematology 1997 +
Nature European Journal of Human Genetics 2005 +
Wiley European Journal of Immunology 1997 +
Elsevier Science European Journal of Medical Genetics 1995 +
Elsevier Science European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 1995 +
Wiley European Journal of Neuroscience 1997 +
Elsevier Science European Journal of Paediatric Neurology 1995 +
Elsevier Science European Journal of Pain 1995 +
Elsevier Science European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1995 +
Elsevier Science European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 1995 +
Elsevier Science European Journal of Pharmacology 1995 +
Springer European Journal of Plant Pathology 1997 +
Elsevier Science European Journal of Protistology 1995 +
Springer European Journal of Wildlife Research 1997 +
Elsevier Science European Neuropsychopharmacology 1995 +
Springer Evolution Education and Outreach 1997 +
Springer Evolutionary Biology 1997 +
Springer Evolutionary Ecology 1997 +
Springer Experimental and Applied Acarology 1997 +
Elsevier Science Experimental and Molecular Pathology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 1995 +
Springer Experimental Biology Online 1997 +
Elsevier Science Experimental Cell Research 1995 +
Elsevier Science Experimental Eye Research 1995 +
Elsevier Science Experimental Gerontology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Experimental Hematology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Experimental Neurology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Experimental Parasitology 1995 +
Springer Extremophiles 1997 +
FASEB FASEB Journal 1987 +
Wiley FEBS Journal 1997 +
Elsevier Science FEBS Letters 1995 +
Wiley FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology 1997 +
Wiley FEMS Microbiology Ecology 1997 +
Wiley FEMS Microbiology Letters 1997 +
Wiley FEMS Microbiology Reviews 1997 +
Wiley FEMS Yeast Research 1997 +
Elsevier Science Fertility and Sterility 1995 +
Elsevier Science Fish & Shellfish Immunology 1995 +
Springer Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 1997 +
Elsevier Science Fitoterapia 1995 +
Wiley Flavour and Fragrance Journal 1997 +
Springer Folia Geobotanica 1997 +
Springer Folia Microbiologica 1997 +
Elsevier Science Food and Chemical Toxicology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Food Microbiology 1995 +
Springer Food Security 1997 +
Elsevier Science Forensic Science International 1995 +
Elsevier Science Forest Ecology and Management 1995 +
Springer Forestry Studies in China 1997 +
Elsevier Science Free Radical Biology and Medicine 1995 +
Elsevier Science Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 1995 +
Springer Frontiers of Agriculture in China 1997 +
Springer Frontiers of Biology in China 1997 +
Springer Frontiers of Forestry in China 1997 +
Springer Functional & Integrative Genomics 2000 +
CSIRO Functional Plant Biology 1974 +
Elsevier Science Fungal Biology Reviews 1995 +
Elsevier Science Fungal Genetics and Biology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Gene 1995 +
Elsevier Science Gene Expression Patterns 1995 +
CSHL Genes and Development 1997 +
Wiley Genesis The Journal of Genetics and Development 1997 +
GSA Genetics 2006 +
Springer Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 1997 +
Mary Ann Liebert Genetic Testing Vol. 1 / Issue 1 +
Springer Genetica 1997 +
NRC Res Press Genome 1959 +
CSHL Genome Research 1997 +
Elsevier Science Genomics 1995 +
Springer Gesunde Pflanzen 1997 +
Wiley Glia 1997 +
Oxford Glycobiology 1996 +
Springer Glycoconjugate Journal 1997 +
Elsevier Science Growth Hormone & IGF Research 1995 +
Elsevier Science Hearing Research 1995 +
Springer Helgoland Marine Research 1997 +
Nature Heredity 2005 +
Wiley Hippocampus 1997 +
Springer Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff 1997 +
Elsevier Science Hormones and Behavior 1995 +
Wiley Human Brain Mapping 1997 +
Mary Ann Liebert Human Gene Therapy Vol. 1 / Issue 1 +
Springer Human Genetics 1997 +
Elsevier Science Human Immunology 1995 +
Oxford Human Molecular Genetics 1996 +
Elsevier Science Human Movement Science 1995 +
Wiley Human Mutation 1997 +
Springer Human Physiology 1997 +
Wiley Human Psychopharmacology Clinical and Experimental 1997 +
Oxford Human Reproduction 1996 +
Springer Hydrobiologia 1997 +
ACS I&EC Research 1996+
Springer Ichthyological Research 1997 +
Elsevier Science Immunity 1995 +
Elsevier Science Immuno-analyse & Biologie SpÈcialisÈe 1995 +
Elsevier Science Immunobiology 1995 +
Springer Immunogenetics 1997 +
Wiley Immunological Reviews 1997 +
Elsevier Science Immunology Letters 1995 +
Wiley Immunology 1997 +
Springer In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Animal 1997 +
Springer In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant 1997 +
Springer Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry 1997 +
Springer Indian Journal of Microbiology 1997 + Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 2005 + Indian Journal of Plant Protection 2005 +
ASM Infection and Immunity Vol.1/Issue 1+
Elsevier Science Infection, Genetics and Evolution 1995 +
Elsevier Science Information and Computation 1995 +
Springer Inland Water Biology 1997 +
Elsevier Science Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 1995 +
ACS Inorganic Chemistry 1996+
Elsevier Science Inorganic Chemistry Communications 1995 +
Elsevier Science Inorganica Chimica Acta 1995 +
Elsevier Science Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1995 +
Wiley Insect Molecular Biology 1997 +
Springer Insectes Sociaux 1997 +
Springer Interdisciplinary Sciences Computational Life Sciences 1997 +
Elsevier Science International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 1995 +
Elsevier Science International Congress Series 1995 +
Oxford International Immunology 1996 +
Elsevier Science International Immunopharmacology 1995 +
Elsevier Science International Journal for Parasitology 1995 +
Elsevier Science International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 1995 +
Elsevier Science International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 1995 +
Springer International Journal of Biometeorology 1997 +
Wiley International Journal of Cancer 1997 +
Elsevier Science International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 1995 +
Elsevier Science International Journal of Food Microbiology 1995 +
Wiley International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 1997 +
Elsevier Science International Journal of Infectious Diseases 1995 +
Elsevier Science International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 1995 +
Elsevier Science International Journal of Medical Microbiology 1995 +
Springer International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics 1997 +
Elsevier Science International Journal of Pharmaceutics 1995 +
Springer International Journal of Primatology 1997 +
Elsevier Science International Journal of Psychophysiology 1995 +
Elsevier Science International Journal of s and Structures 1995 +
SGM International Journal of Systematics & Evolutionary Microbiology (formaly called International Journal of Systematic Bateriology) 1995 +
Springer International Microbiology 1997 +
T&F International Reviews of Immunology 1997 +
Springer Investigational New Drugs 1997 +
Springer In-Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal 1997 +
Springer Irrigation and Drainage Systems 1997 +
Springer Irrigation Science 1997 +
Elsevier Science Joint Bone Spine 1995 +
Elsevier Science Journal de Mycologie MÈdicale / Journal of Medical Mycology 1995 +
Springer Journal fžr Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit 1997 +
Springer Journal Inherited Metabolic Diseases 1997 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Affective Disorders 1995 +
ACS Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 1996+
Elsevier Science Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 1995 +
Wiley Journal of Applied Microbiology 1997 +
Springer Journal of Applied Phycology 1997 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Autoimmunity 1995 +
ASM Journal of Bacteriology Vol.1/Issue 1+
ASBMB Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC) 1997 +
Springer Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 1997 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Biomedical Informatics 1995 +
Springer Journal of Biomolecular NMR 1997 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 1995 +
Springer Journal of Biosciences 1997 +
IAS Journal of Biosciences
Springer Journal of Cell and Tissue Research 1997 +
Springer Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling 1997 +
Wiley Journal of Cellular Physiology 1997 +
ACS Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 1996+
Springer Journal of Chemical Biology 1997 +
Springer Journal of Chemical Ecology 1997 +
ACS Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 1996+
Elsevier Science Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy 1995 +
ACS Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 1996+
Elsevier Science Journal of Chromatography A 1995 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Chromatography B 1995 +
Springer Journal of Clinical Immunology 1997 +
ASM Journal of Clinical Microbiology Vol.1/Issue 1+
Elsevier Science Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 1995 +
ACS Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry 1996+
Elsevier Science Journal of Communication Disorders 1995 +
Springer Journal of Comparative Physiology A Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology 1997 +
Springer Journal of Comparative Physiology B Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology 1997 +
Mary Ann Liebert Journal of Computational Biology Vol. 1 / Issue 1 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Controlled Release 1995 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Diabetes and its Complications 1995 +
T&F Journal of Drug Targeting 1997 +
T & F Journal of Essential Oil Research 1997 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Ethnopharmacology 1995 +
Springer Journal of Ethology 1997 +
Springer Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology 1997 +
Wiley Journal of Evolutionary Biology 1997 +
Oxford Journal Of Experimental Botany 1996 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Fluency Disorders 1995 + Journal of Food Legumes 2009 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 1995 +
Springer Journal of Forest Research 1997 +
Springer Journal of Forestry Research 1997 +
Springer Journal of General Plant Pathology 1997 +
Springer Journal of Genetics 1997 +
IAS Journal of Genetics
Elsevier Science Journal of Hospital Infection 1995 +
Springer Journal of Ichthyology 1997 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Immunological Methods 1995 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Infection 1995 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 1995 +
Springer Journal of Insect Behavior 1997 +
Springer Journal of Insect Conservation 1997 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Insect Physiology 1995 +
Wiley Journal of Internal Medicine 1997 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Magnetic Resonance 1995 +
Wiley Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1997 +
Springer Journal of Mammalian Evolution 1997 +
SGM Journal of Medical Microbiology 2002 +
Wiley Journal of Medical Virology 1997 +
ACS Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 1996+
Springer Journal of Membrane Biology 1997 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Memory and Language 1995 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Microbiological Methods 1995 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Molecular Biology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Molecular Catalysis B Enzymatic 1995 +
Springer Journal of Molecular Evolution 1997 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 1995 +
Springer Journal of Molecular Histology 1997 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Molecular Structure 1995 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Monetary Economics 1995 +
Springer Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility 1997 +
Oxford Journal of National Cancer Institute 1996 +
ACS Journal of Natural Products 1996+
Wiley Journal of Neurochemistry 1997 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Neuroimmunology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Neurolinguistics 1995 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Neurological Science 1995 +
Springer Journal of Neuro-Oncology 1997 +
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Wiley Journal of Neuroscience Research 1997 +
T&F Journal of Neurovirology 1997 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 1995 +
Springer Journal of Ornithology 1997 +
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Springer Journal of Pest Science 1997 +
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Wiley Journal of Pharmaceutical Science 1997 +
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Elsevier Science Journal of Physiology-Paris 1995 + Journal of Plant Disease Sciences 2008 +
Springer Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 1997 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Plant Physiology 1995 +
Springer Journal of Plant Research 1997 +
ACS Journal of Proteome Research 1996+
Elsevier Science Journal of Psychiatric Research 1995 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Psychosomatic Research 1995 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Reproductive Immunology 1995 +
Springer Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics 1997 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Structural Biology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 1995 +
ACS Journal of the American Chemical Society 1996+
Elsevier Science Journal of the American College of Cardiology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 1995 +
Elsevier Science Journal of the Association for Laboratory Automation 1995 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Thermal Biology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 1995 +
ASM Journal of Virology Vol.1/Issue 1+
Elsevier Science Journal of Virological Methods 1995 +
Elsevier Science Journal of Visual Languages & Computing 1995 +
Springer Journal of Wood Science 1997 +
Springer Kew Bulletin 1997 +
Springer Landscape and Ecological Engineering 1997 +
Springer Landscape Ecology 1997 +
ACS Langmuir 1996+
CSHL Learning & Memory 1998 +
Elsevier Science Learning and Motivation 1995 +
Elsevier Science Legal Medicine 1995 + Legume Research - An International Journal​ 2005 +
Wiley Letters in Applied Microbiology 1997 +
Nature Leukemia 2005 +
Elsevier Science Leukemia Research 1995 +
Elsevier Science Life Sciences 1995 +
Springer Limnology 1997 +
Springer Lipids 1997 + LS International Journal of Life Sciences 2012 +
ACS Macromolecules 1996+
Elsevier Science Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1995 +
Wiley Magnetic Resonance In Chemistry 1997 +
Wiley Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 1997 +
Springer Mammalian Genome 1997 +
Springer Marine Biodiversity 1997 +
Springer Marine Biology 1997 +
Springer Marine Biotechnology 1997 +
Elsevier Science Materials Today 1995 +
Elsevier Science Matrix Biology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Maturitas 1995 +
ASM mBio Vol.1/Issue 1+
Elsevier Science Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 1995 +
Elsevier Science Mechanisms of Development 1995 +
Elsevier Science Medical Hypotheses 1995 +
Elsevier Science Medicine 1995 +
Elsevier Science Metabolic Engineering 1995 +
Elsevier Science Metabolism 1995 +
Springer Metabolomics 1997 +
Elsevier Science Methods 1995 +
Springer Methods in Cell Science 1997 +
Elsevier Science Methods in Enzymology† (E-Book Series) 2000 +
Elsevier Science Microbes and Infection 1995 +
Springer Microbial Ecology 1997 +
Elsevier Science Microbial Pathogenesis 1995 +
ASM Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews Vol.1/Issue 1+
Elsevier Science Microbiological Research 1995 +
SGM Microbiology 1997 +
Springer Microbiology 1997 +
Elsevier Science Micron 1995 +
Elsevier Science Microvascular Research 1995 +
ASM Minireview Collection of all Journals Vol.1/Issue 1+
Elsevier Science Mitochondrion 1995 +
Elsevier Science Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 1995 +
Springer Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 1997 +
ASM Molecular and Cellular Biology Vol.1/ Issue 1+
Elsevier Science Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 1995 +
Elsevier Science Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 1995 +
Elsevier Science Molecular and Cellular Probes 1995 +
ASBMB Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 2002 +
Elsevier Science Molecular Aspects of Medicine 1995 +
Springer Molecular Biology 1997 +
Oxford Molecular Biology And Evolution 1996 +
Springer Molecular Biology Reports 1997 +
Springer Molecular Breeding 1997 +
Springer Molecular Breeding 1997 +
AACR Molecular Cancer Research Vol. 1 / Issue 1 +
AACR Molecular Cancer Therapeutics Vol. 1 / Issue 1 +
Wiley Molecular Carcinogenesis 1997 +
Elsevier Science Molecular Cell 1995 +
Springer Molecular Cell Biochemistry 1997 +
Wiley Molecular Ecology 1997 +
Wiley Molecular Ecology Resources 1997 +
Springer Molecular Genetics and Genomics 1997 +
Springer Molecular Genetics and Genomics 1997 +
Elsevier Science Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 1995 +
Springer Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology 1997 +
Elsevier Science Molecular Immunology 1995 +
Wiley Molecular Microbiology 1997 +
ACS Molecular Pharmaceutics 1996+
Elsevier Science Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 1995 +
Elsevier Science Molecular Plant 2000 +
APS Molecular Plant -Microbe Interactions
Wiley Molecular Plant Pathology 1997 +
Nature Molecular Psychiatry 2005 +
Wiley Molecular Reproduction & Development 1997 +
Nature Molecular System Biology 2005 +
Springer Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin 1997 +
Wiley Movement Disorders 1997 +
Wiley Muscle & Nerve 1997 +
Elsevier Science Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 1995 +
Elsevier Science Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis 1995 +
Elsevier Science Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research 1995 +
Springer Mycological Progress 1997 +
Elsevier Science Mycological Research 1995 +
Springer Mycopathologia 1997 +
Springer Mycorrhiza 1997 +
Springer Mycoscience 1997 +
Wiley Mycoses 1997 +
Springer Mycotoxin Research 1997 +
ACS Nano Letters 1996+
Elsevier Science Nanomedicine Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 1995 +
Nature Nature 1997 +
Nature Nature Biotechnology 2005 +
Nature Nature Cell Biology 2005 +
Nature Nature Chemical Biology 2005 +
Nature Nature Clinical Practice Cardiovascular Medicine 2005 +
Nature Nature Clinical Practice Gastroenterology & Metabolics 2005 +
Nature Nature Clinical Practice Oncology 2005 +
Nature Nature Clinical Practice Urology 2005 +
Nature Nature Communications 2010 +
Nature Nature Genetics 2005 +
Nature Nature Immunology 2005 +
Nature Nature Materials 2005 +
Nature Nature Medicine 2005 +
Nature Nature Methods 2005 +
Nature Nature Nanotechnology 2005 +
Nature Nature Neuroscience 2005 +
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