NIPGR has acquired institutional membership of DELNET-Developing Library Network, New Delhi to supplement needs of researchers and students of the Institute in addition to our own resources. The prime objective of this association is to promote resource – sharing among the libraries through the development of a network of libraries. DELNET is a major operational resource sharing library network in India connecting more than 5900 libraries in 32 States and UTs in India and seven other countries including United States.
Guidelines for usage of ILL/DDS services through DELNET-Developing Library Network
- All Facutly members/Ph.D. Students can access DELNET database through DELNET Digital Resources ( which has been uploaded at library webpage on Institute’s website. Earlier the access to this database has been through user name and password, but now it has IP enabled access.
- DELNET Digital Resources database provides links to Union Catalogue of Books (which provides only bibliographic information of books available in different Member-Libraries) and Union List of Journals (provides only bibliographic information of journals available in different Member-Libraries). DELNET also provides access to many other useful resources like: Cambridge Dictionaries Online, Networked Digital Library of Thesis and Dissertations, Open Access Journals, U.S. Patents: Full Text, MEDLINE & other databases of NLM etc.
- The Faculty members/Students may search the NIPGR library OPAC at the first instance for their needed documents. If it is not available in the NIPGR library, then they may search the Union Catalogue of Books and Union List of Journals on DELNET database. If they find their relevant books or journals in DELNET database, they can send the request to the library mentioning full bibliographical details of the desired information product. The request from students shall be routed through concerned faculty member. The Librarian shall forward their request to DELNET for delivery of physical books through ILL (Inter Library Loan) or for PDF/Photocopies of journal articles through its DDS (Document Delivery Service). On receipt of desired documents from DELNET, the librarian shall forward the same to the concerned library member.
- To make an ILL/DDS request, the researchers are requested to fill up the DELNET ILL/DDS form, which is available with the Library, as well as on Institute’s website.
- Since the lending of books/journal articles is on chargeable basis, the bare minimum/absolute necessary material may only be requisitioned.
- It will normally take about two weeks to receive the requested documents from DELNET and then requesters can collect the same on intimation from the library.