राष्ट्रीय पादप जीनोम अनुसंधान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
अरुणा आसफ अली मार्ग, पी ओ बॉक्स नं 10531, नई दिल्ली 110067
National Institute of Plant Genome Research
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, P.O. Box No. 10531, New Delhi-110067


Date - 16/09/2020

Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up the purely temporary positions of (1) one Senior Research Fellow (SRF)/Project Associate-II (PA-II) in the scheme of “Short-Term Research Fellowship”, NIPGR and (2) one Student Intern/Trainee position in Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR) component of SERB funded project entitled “Development of integrated multi-omics database for understanding combined stress tolerance in plants” under the supervision of Dr. Senthil-Kumar Muthappa, Scientist-V, NIPGR. Emoluments will be as per project sanction/NIPGR fellowship norms & DBT norms.

1) Name of Position: Senior Research Fellow (SRF)/Project Associate-II (PA-II) 01 post.
Upper age limit: 35 years.
Eligibility: Candidates having Master’s degree in Bioinformatics/Computational Biology/Life Sciences with at least 55% (or equivalent) marks in master degree and a minimum of two year of post M.Sc. research experience can apply. Candidates with NET and also those who qualify as per the criteria mentioned in the DST Office Memorandum number SR/S9/Z-08/2018 dated January 30, 2019 can apply. Research area of the project – plant-pathogen interaction.

The position is purely temporary and is co-terminus with the project. The initial appointment for will be for one year, which can be extended/curtailed on the basis of assessment of the candidate's performance and discretion of the Competent Authority. NIPGR reserves the right to select the candidate against the above post depending upon the qualifications and experience of the candidate. Reservation of post shall be as per Government of India norms. The position may be terminated any time by giving a month notice by either side. The applicants will have no claim implicit or explicit for consideration against any regular position of NIPGR

(2) Student Internship/Trainee (One Post): Emoluments ₹5000 p.m. consolidated.

Essential Qualification: Students currently pursuing the final year of B. Tech Bioinformatics/B. Eng./ M.Sc. Bioinformatics/M Tech bioinformatics/Masters in Life Science/ Molecular Biology are eligible to apply.

The tenure of the above position is only for two months and is not extendable. Interested candidates should send (1) bio-data, (2) certificate from the head of the institute/department clearly indicating the current status of student and permission to attend the training if selected, (3) copies of their marks sheet and (4) a brief paragraph indicating their research interests, by email on or before 24th Sep 2020.

Eligible candidates for the above positions may send completed application in the given format with a cover letter showing interest and specifying the position along with attested copies of the certificates and proof of research experience by email or post. The applications should be sent by email on or before 24th Sep 2020. Shortlisted candidates will be called for online interview.

Note: ONLY soft copy of the application in the given format will be accepted. Interview link will only be sent to shortlisted candidates. For any clarification candidates may contact Scientist incharge through e-mail only.

Dr. Senthil-Kumar Muthappa
Staff Scientist-V,
National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR)
Aruna Asraf Ali Mrag,
P.O. Box No. 10531,
New Delhi - 110067
Email: skmuthappa@nipgr.ac.in