11. |
Calcium regulated plant defense upon insect herbivory |
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology and NIPGR |
Max Planck Society, Germany and DST, India (2015-2018) |
10. |
Analysis of diversity in yield components (seed size and weight) at transcriptome and epigenome levels for association/genetic mapping of selected loci in rice and chickpea |
NIPGR and IARI, New Delhi |
DBT 5 years w.e.f. 05/08/2013 |
9. |
Understanding mechanism of combined stress tolerance in plants |
Institute of Plant Science and Resources (IPSR), Okayama University, Japan |
IPSR, Okayama University, Japan w.e.f. January 2013 |
8. |
Gold nano-particles based simple, quick and onsite early diagnostic kit for apple scab disease |
NIPGR & TERI, New Delhi |
DBT 3 years w.e.f. 14/06/2013 |
7. |
Introgression of begomovirus resistance genes in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) using MAS and genomics approach |
NIPGR/IIHR/IIVR/KAU/University of Hyderabad |
DBT 5 years w.e.f. 17/12/2014 |
6. |
Functional genomics approaches in understanding the regulation of flowering and synthesis, and accumulation of apocarotenoids in saffron crocus (Crocus sativus L.) |
NIPGR/NEHU/JNU/Kashmir University/Jammu University |
DBT 3 years w.e.f. 18/07/2013 |
5. |
Functional proteomic studies in north east rice (Oryza sativa L.) for dehydration tolerance |
NIPGR and Assam University, Silchar, |
DBT 3 years w.e.f. 26/04/2012 |
4. |
Indo-Australian genomic approaches for stress tolerant chickpea |
NIPGR; ICRISAT, Andhra Pradesh; and IARI |
DBT 4 years w.e.f. 28/03/2012 |
3. |
Functional analysis of gene regulatory networks during flower and seed development in rice |
NIPGR; UDSC New Delhi; IISC, Bangalore; MKU, Tamil Nadu; Osmania University, Hyderabad; and DRR, Hyderabad |
DBT 5 years w.e.f. 18/09/2009 |
2. |
Indo-Netherland collaborative research project on Tomato Genomics |
NIPGR and Centre for Bio-Systems Genomics (CSBG), Droevendaalsesteeg, Wageningen, Netherland |
DST 4 years w.e.f. 11/11/2009 |
1. |
Indo-Canadian Pulse Genomics Initiative (InCan-PGI) |
NIPGR; CSKHPAU, Palampur; and IARI, New Delhi |
DBT 3 years w.e.f. 20/07/2009 |