List of collaborative projects running at Institute from last two years w.e.f. 01/01/2013

Sl.No. Project Title Associated Institutions Funding Agency and Duration of Project
11. Calcium regulated plant defense upon insect herbivory Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology and NIPGR Max Planck Society, Germany and DST, India (2015-2018)
10. Analysis of diversity in yield components (seed size and weight) at transcriptome and epigenome levels for association/genetic mapping of selected loci in rice and chickpea NIPGR and IARI, New Delhi DBT 5 years w.e.f. 05/08/2013
9. Understanding mechanism of combined stress tolerance in plants Institute of Plant Science and Resources (IPSR), Okayama University, Japan IPSR, Okayama University, Japan w.e.f. January 2013
8. Gold nano-particles based simple, quick and onsite early diagnostic kit for apple scab disease NIPGR & TERI, New Delhi DBT 3 years w.e.f. 14/06/2013
7. Introgression of begomovirus resistance genes in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) using MAS and genomics approach NIPGR/IIHR/IIVR/KAU/University of Hyderabad DBT 5 years w.e.f. 17/12/2014
6. Functional genomics approaches in understanding the regulation of flowering and synthesis, and accumulation of apocarotenoids in saffron crocus (Crocus sativus L.) NIPGR/NEHU/JNU/Kashmir University/Jammu University DBT 3 years w.e.f. 18/07/2013
5. Functional proteomic studies in north east rice (Oryza sativa L.) for dehydration tolerance NIPGR and Assam University, Silchar, DBT 3 years w.e.f. 26/04/2012
4. Indo-Australian genomic approaches for stress tolerant chickpea NIPGR; ICRISAT, Andhra Pradesh; and IARI DBT 4 years w.e.f. 28/03/2012
3. Functional analysis of gene regulatory networks during flower and seed development in rice NIPGR; UDSC New Delhi; IISC, Bangalore; MKU, Tamil Nadu;  Osmania University, Hyderabad; and DRR, Hyderabad DBT 5 years w.e.f. 18/09/2009
2. Indo-Netherland collaborative research project on Tomato Genomics NIPGR and Centre for Bio-Systems Genomics (CSBG), Droevendaalsesteeg, Wageningen, Netherland DST 4 years w.e.f. 11/11/2009
1. Indo-Canadian Pulse Genomics Initiative (InCan-PGI) NIPGR; CSKHPAU, Palampur; and IARI, New Delhi DBT 3 years w.e.f. 20/07/2009