SL No Name of the Student Supervisor Thesis Title Date of Viva-Voce
1 Testing Purpose Testing Dr. Manoj Prasad Testing Delineating the roles of heat shock factor- and heat shock protein- encoding gene(s) of foxtail millet [Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.] during abiotic stress 08-10-2020
2 Dr. Roshan Kumar Singh Dr. Manoj Prasad Delineating the roles of heat shock factor- and heat shock protein- encoding gene(s) of foxtail millet [Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.] during abiotic stress 28-07-2020
3 Dr. Saurabh Pandey Dr. Manoj Prasad Deciphering the role of RNA helicases in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) upon Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) infection 24-07-2020
4 Dr. Ajit Pal Singh Dr. Jitender Giri, Role of Jasmonate Signaling Components in Nutrients Deficiency Response in Rice and Chickpea 30-10-2019
5 Dr. Prakash Kumar Bhagat Dr. Alok Krishna Sinha Investigation of the role of MAP kinase in biogenesis of MicroRNA (miRNA) in plants 17-10-2019
6 Dr. Isha Tyagi Dr. Gopaljee Jha Molecular characterization of mycophagous activity of an antifungal bacterium against Rhizoctonia solani 18-09-2019
7 Dr. Arunima Sinha Dr. Subhra Chakraborty Study of nutrient-and disease-responsive subcellular proteome and phospho-proteome in crop plants 10-08-2019
8 Dr. Divya Mishra Dr. Niranjan Chakraborty, Professor of Eminence Identification of high temperature stress-responsive proteins in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.): a comparative proteomics approach 01-08-2019
9 Dr. Deepanjali Verma Dr. Alok Krishna Sinha Investigation of novel regulators involved in MAP Kinase and light signaling pathways in Arabidopsis seedling development 26-07-2019
10 Dr. Divya Rathi Dr. Niranjan Chakraborty Molecular profiling of grasspea (Lathyrus sativus L.) under water-deficit condition: insight into abiotic stress tolerance 20-06-2019
11 Dr. Angad Kumar Dr. Jitendra K. Thakur Characterization of functional polymorphism and epigenetic modifications in Med subunit gene loci in rice genotypes with contrasting seed size 22-05-2019
12 Dr. Iny Elizebeth Mathew डॉ। पिंकी अग्रवाल Functional analysis of selected NAC transcription factors in the regulation of rice seed storage proteins 20-06-2018
13 Dr. Deepti M. Nambiar Dr. Naveen Chandra Bisht To study functional divergence of glucosinolates transporter gene family in Brassica juncea 13-05-2019
14 Dr. Sandeep Yadav Dr. Ananda K. Sarkar, Regulation and Function of Selected Small RNAs in Arabidopsis thaliana Root Development 02-05-2019
15 Dr. Arunima Mahto Dr. Pinky Agarwal Analysis of the role of certain transcription factors and diversity in seed size and weight during rice seed development 22-04-2019
16 Dr. Pragya Barua Dr. Niranjan Chakraborty Study of differential protein expression in the plasma membrane of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under dehydration stress 05-04-2019
17 Dr. Shouvik Das Dr. Swarup K. Parida Molecular dissection of major yield contributing quantitative traits in Chickpea 04-04-2019
18 Dr. Subodh Verma Dr. Sabhyata Bhatia Identification and molecular characterization of genes related to seed development in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) 25-03-2019
19 Dr. Srayan Ghosh Dr. Gopaljee Jha Understanding the molecular intricacies of Rice-Rhizoctonia saloni interactions 25-03-2019
20 Dr. Vinay Kumar Dr. Jitendra K. Thakur Functional characterization of MED15 and its KIX domain in Arabidopsis thaliana 12-03-2019
21 Dr. Kamble Nitin Uttam Dr. Manoj Majee Molecular role and regulation of PROTEIN L-ISOASPARTYL METHYLTRANSFERASE (PIMT) in plants 25-02-2019
22 Dr. Archana Yadav Dr. Gitanjali Yadav Identification, characterization and functional analysis of KIX-TAD interactions in Arabidopsis thaliana 20-02-2019
23 Dr. Vikas Dwivedi Dr. Debasis Chattopadhyay Analysis of root system architecture in Chickpea 18-06-2018
24 Dr. Pooja Rani Aggarwal Dr. Subhra Chakraborty Study of Host-specific Immune Response and Nuclear Proteome Dynamics during Fusarium Disease 14-06-2018
25 Dr. Alice Kujur Dr. Swarup K. Parida Identification of functionally relevant novel genes and alleles for seed size/weight in Chickpea 01-06-2018
26 Dr. Sweta Das Dr. Pinky Agarwal, Prof. Akhilesh Kumar Tyagi (Joint Supervisor) Functional Characterization of Rice Homologues of LEAFY COTYLEDON1 in Seed Development 21-05-2018
27 Dr. Priyanka Jawa Dr. Subhra Chakraborty Study on Oxalic acid signaling and disease-responsive proteome in crop plants 21-05-2018
28 Dr. Rama Shankar Dr. Mukesh Jain Understanding Transcriptional and Epigenomic Complexity of Abiotic Stress Responses in Rice 27-03-2018
29 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Dr. Pinky Agarwal Investigations on Regulation and Functions of Anther-Specific Genes from Rice 11-12-2017
30 Dr. Chandra Kant Dr. Sabhyata Bhatia Analysis of root nodule transcriptome in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) 27-11-2017
31 Dr. Savithri Purayannur Dr. Praveen Verma Unraveling the signaling and regulatory components of chickpea associated with induced immune response 27-11-2017
32 Dr. Saurabh Gayali Dr. Niranjan Chakraborty The effects of dehydration stress on chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) mitochondria: a functional proteomics approach 22-11-2017
33 Dr. Gulab Chand Arya Dr. Naveen Chandra Bisht Isolation and functional characterization of heterotrimeric G-protein beta (Gβ) and gamma (GΥ) subunit genes from Brassica juncea 07-11-2017
34 Dr. Sourobh Maji Dr. Jitendra K. Thakur Protein level interactions to define arrangement of subunits in middle module of Arabidopsis Mediator complex 22-09-2017
35 Dr. Roshan Kumar Dr. Naveen Chandra Bisht Isolation and functional characterization of heterotrimeric Gα subunit and regulator of G-protein signaling (RGS) genes from Brassica species 22-09-2017
36 Dr. Sharmila Singh Dr. Ananda K. Sarkar SWP1 and SIRTUINS mediated epigenetic regulation of plant meristem activity and development 31-08-2017
37 Dr. Nidhi Dwivedi Dr. Jitendra K. Thakur Functional Study of Mediator Subunits in Rice 28-08-2017
38 Dr. Hitaishi Khandal Dr. Debasis Chattopadhyay Regulation of root development by hormone and miRNAs 21-08-2017
39 Dr. Bipin Kumar Pandey Dr. Jitender Giri Transcriptome profiling of Phosphate Starvation Response in Rice and Functional Characterization of candidate gene 16-08-2017
40 Dr. Pradeep Dahiya Dr. Jitendra K. Thakur Study of Arrangement of subunits of the Head Module of Arabidopsis thaliana Mediator complex 14-08-2017
41 Dr. Garima Pandey Dr. Manoj Prasad Genome-wide development of microsatellite markers and comparative analysis of methylome under abiotic stress in foxtail millet [Setaria italica (L) P. Beauv.] 14-08-2017
42 Dr. Manisha Dr. Praveen Verma Molecular and functional characterization of Ascochyta rabiei gene(s) involved in early stages of pathogenesis 11-08-2017
43 Dr. Poonam Mehra Dr. Jitender Giri Identification and functional characterization of genes involved in Phosphorus Deficiency Response in Rice Root 08-08-2017
44 Dr. Vikash Kumar Singh Dr. Mukesh Jain Exploring Transcriptional Complexity of Chickpea Development and Genome-wide Analysis of Selected Gene Families 25-07-2017
45 Dr. Namisha Sharma Dr. Manoj Prasad Role of small interfering RNAs for Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus tolerance in Tomato 14-06-2017
46 Dr. Naveen Malik Dr. Pinky Agarwal, Prof. Akhilesh Kumar Tyagi (Joint Supervisor) Investigations on the role of rice seed preferential Mediator subunit genes during development 08-06-2017
47 Dr. Archita Singh Dr. Ananda K. Sarkar Small RNA mediated regulation of Root Branching and Root Architecture in Arabidopsis thaliana 02-05-2017
48 Dr. Venkateswara Rao Dr. Manoj Majee Molecular and Functional Characterization of SKP1 like proteins from plants. 07-04-2017
49 Dr. Muhammed Jamsheer K Dr. Ashverya Laxmi Functional characterization and phylogenetic analysis of DUF581 protein family using model plant system Arabidopsis thaliana 27-03-2017
50 Dr. Prafull Salvi Dr. Manoj Majee Molecular and Biochemical Characterization of Galactinol Synthase (GolS) from Cicer arietinum 24-01-2017
51 Dr. Vibhav Gautam Dr. Ananda K. Sarkar Small RNA Mediated Regulation of Root Architecture in Zea mays (maize) 09-12-2016
52 Dr. Muthamilarasan M. Dr. Manoj Prasad Development of genomic resources in the model plant foxtail millet and demonstration of their utility in crop improvement 04-11-2016
53 Dr. Atish Sardar Dr. Debasis Chattopadhyay Role of CIPK6 in plant defence response 09-09-2016
54 Dr. Sangita Kumari Dr. Gitanjali Yadav Computational Approach for Understanding the Role of Isoprenoid Biosynthesis in Plant Stress Response 18-07-2016
55 Dr. Amita Yadav Dr. Manoj Prasad Identification and Characterization of Stress Responsive miRNA(s) from Foxtail Millet [Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.] 01-07-2016
56 Dr. Seema Pradhan Dr. Sabhyata Bhatia The Genomics of Seed Development in Chickpea 10-06-2016
57 Dr. Shaista Parveen Dr. Niranjan Chakraborty Molecular characterization of iron-responsive ferritin, CaFer1 25-05-2016
58 Dr. Bhanu Prakash Petla Dr. Manoj Majee Molecular and Biochemical Characterization of Protein L-isoasparty1 methyltransferase (PIMT) from Oryza sativa 25-05-2016
59 Dr. Piyush Priya Dr. Gitanjali Yadav Computational Analysis of Structural and Functional Diversity of Volatile Terpenes in Plants 24-05-2016
60 Dr. Manjul Singh Dr. Ashverya Laxmi Interaction and intersection of sugar and phytohormone signaling in controlling graviresponses in a model plant system Arabidopsis thaliana 19-05-2016
61 Dr. Gunjan Sharma Prof. Akhilesh K. Tyagi Functional characterization of Stress Associated Protein (SAP) gene family in rice 05-05-2016
62 Dr. Annapurna Bhattacharjee Dr. Mukesh Jain Functional characterization and regulatory network of homeobox transcription factors in abiotic stress responses in rice 12-02-2016
63 Dr. Pallavi Singh Dr. Alok Krishna Sinha Investigation of mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling components involved during rice root development 22-01-2016
64 Dr. Kamlesh Kumar Sahu Dr. Debasis Chattopadhyay Mechanisms of introgressive breeding in Tomato 09-12-2015
65 Dr. Jalmi Siddhi Kashinath Dr. Alok Krishna Sinha Functional Characterization of a Group-C Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase, OsMPK7 in Rice 04-12-2015
66 Dr. Kanika Narula Dr. Subhra Chakraborty Proteomic characterization of Magnaporthe-rice interaction and AmA1 function 14-09-2015
67 Dr. Sandhya Verma Dr. Praveen Verma Molecular analysis of effector gene(s) of Ascochyta rabiei suppressing defense responses inCicer arietinum 21-07-2015
68 Dr. Karunesh Kumar Dr. Manoj Prasad Cloning and characterization of 14-3-3 like gene(s) in foxtail millet [Sataria italica (L.) P. Beauv.] 15-06-2015
69 Dr. Mukesh Kumar Meena Dr. Debasis Chattopadhyay Role of serine-threonine protein kinase from chickpea and its homologue in Arabidopsis in root development 30-01-2015
70 Dr. Kamakshi S. Kothari Prof. Akhilesh K. Tyagi Functional characterization of stress responsive genes in rice 26-12-2014
71 Dr. Awdhesh Kumar Mishra Dr. Manoj Prasad Cloning and characterization of gene(s) encoding putative WD-repeat protein in foxtail millet [Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv.] 26-11-2014
72 Dr. Arsheed Hussain Sheikh Dr. Alok Krishna Sinha Identification and Characterisation of Novel Interacting Partners of Mitogen Activated Protein Kinases in Oryza sativa 18-10-2014
73 Dr. Vijay Wardhan Dr. Niranjan Chakraborty Role of chickpea Tubby-like protein (CaTLP1) in dehydration tolerance 29-08-2014
74 Dr. Raghu Ram B. Dr. Alok Krishna Sinha Regulation of MAP Kinase signaling cascade by microRNAs inOryza sativa 25-07-2014
75 Dr. Aditi Gupta Dr. Ashverya Laxmi To study the interaction between glucose and brassinosteroid signal transduction pathway in a model plant system Arabidopsis thaliana 25-07-2014
76 Dr. Pooja Verma Dr. Manoj Majee Molecular Analysis and Functional Characterization of Protein L-Isoasparty1 Methyl transferase (PIMT) from Chickpea 14-07-2014
77 Dr. Sunita Kushwah Dr. Ashverya Laxmi To study the interaction between cytokinin and sugar signal transduction pathway in model plant system Arabidopsis thaliana 28-05-2014
78 Dr. Shefali Gupta Dr. Sabhyata Bhatia Transcriptome analysis of developing chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) seed for marker development and gene identification 20-05-2014
79 Dr. Rajiv Kumar Dr. Niranjan Chakraborty Study of dehydration-responsive phosphoproteome of nuclear fraction in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L) 20-05-2014
80 Dr. Bhuwaneshwar S. Mishra Dr. Ashverya Laxmi To study the interaction between auxin and sugar signal transduction pathway in model plant system Arabidopsis thaliana 05-05-2014
81 Dr. Shadab Nizam Dr. Praveen Verma Functional analysis of genes involved in pathogenesis and virulence of the chickpea blight fungus Ascochyta rabiei 25-04-2014
82 Dr. Upendra Kumar Singh Prof. Asis Datta (Distinguished Emeritus Scientist) Cloning and functional characterization of ripening specific geraniol inducible genes 22-01-2014
83 Dr. Mohammad Irfan Prof. Asis Datta (Distinguished Emeritus Scientist) Molecular and regulatory mechanism of N-glycan processing enzymes e.g. α-D-mannosidase and β-D-n-acetylhexosaminidase during fruit ripening 23-12-2013
84 Dr. Vishmita Sethi Dr. Alok Krishna Sinha Investigation of overlapping functions of ZBF1/ MYC2 in MAPK and light signaling pathways in Arabidopsis seedling development 26-09-2013
85 Dr. Eman Abd El-Rashed Abd El-Kader Mhammed Elagamey Dr. Subhra Chakraborty Study of disease responsive extra-cellular matrix proteome/ phosphoproteome during vascular wilt and development of wilt resistant crop 18-09-2013
86 Dr. Sonika Gupta Dr. Niranjan Chakraborty Study on water-deficit stress responsive secretome of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). 04-07-2013
87 Dr. Santosh Kumar Dr. Sabhyata Bhatia Role of microsatellites in plant gene regulation 28-05-2013
88 Dr. Pratigya Subba Dr. Niranjan Chakraborty Identification of dehydration-responsive phosphoproteins in chickpea (Cicer arietinum )L. 27-05-2013
89 Dr. Harmeet Kaur Dr. Manoj Majee Molecular analysis, biochemical study and physiological significance of L-myo-inositol 1-phosphate synthase from drought tolerant leguminous plant 13-05-2013
90 Dr. G. Nagaraju Dr. Subhra Chakraborty Gene expression profiles during Fusarium wilt in chickpea (Cicer arietinumn) 16-11-2012
91 Dr. Rehna Augustine Dr. Naveen Ch. Bisht Isolation and Characterization of Myb28 gene homologs, a class of transcription factor, from Brassica juncea and its role in the development of low glucosinolate B. juncea lines 14-03-2013
92 Dr. Dinesh Kumar Jaiswal Dr. Niranjan Chakraborty Study of differential proteomes of microsomal fraction in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under dehydration stress 13-07-2012
93 Dr. Kunal Singh Dr. Praveen Verma Functional genomics studies on pathogenesis of chickpea blight fungus Ascochyta rabiei 06-03-2010
94 Dr. Hati Ram Dr. Sudip Chattopadhyay Molecular and genetic interactions of ZBF2/GBF1 with regulatory components of light signaling in Arabidopsis Thaliana 10-02-2012
95 Dr. Nazia Abbas Dr. Sudip Chattopadhyay Molecular and functional analyses of ZBF3/CAM7 in Arabidopsis seedling development 10-02-2012
96 Dr. Rajiv Kumar Yadav Dr. Debasis Chattopadhyay Characterization of Yellow Mosaic Virus Infection in Soybean 12-01-2012
97 Dr. Dhammaprakash Wankhede Dr. Alok Krishna Sinha Study of the interactome map among the members of Mitogen activated Protien Kinase (MAPK) cascade in Oryza sativa 30-09-2011
98 Dr. Ayushi Jha Prof. Asis Datta, PEO Studies on Δ7-sterol-C-5-desaturase from Flammulina velutipes 22-09-2011
99 Dr. Charu Lata Dr. Manoj Prasad Transcript profiling of dehydration stress in foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.) and cloning characterization of a stress related gene 13-09-2011
100 Dr. Vinay Kumar Prof. Asis Datta (Prof. of Eminence) and Dr. Subhra Chakraborty Development of oxalate free soybean using OXDC gene from F. velutipes 01-07-2011
101 Dr. Saurabh Yadav Dr. Praveen Verma Molecular studies on signaling during Cicer/ Ascochyta Interactions: Characterization of some of the genes involved in early events 01-07-2011
102 Dr. Neeraj Kumar Rai Dr. Manoj Prasad Molecular mapping and characterization of Tomato Leaf Curl Virus (ToLCV) resistance gene(s) in tomato 21-03-2011
103 Dr. Aparna Singh Dr. Sudip Chattopadhyay Interplay of ZBF1 and ZBF2 in Light Signaling to Control Light-mediated Seedling Development in "Arabidopsis thaliana" 12-02-2011
104 Dr. Kamal Kumar Dr. Praveen Verma Molecular and functional characterization of a WRKY transcription factor from chickpea 23-06-2010
105 Dr. V. Babu Rajendra Prasad Dr. Sudip Chattopadhyay Molecular cloning and functional characterization of enhancer of hy5 in Arabidopsis thaliana 02-06-2010
106 Dr. Aarti Pandey Dr. Niranjan Chakraborty Nuclear protein profiling and identification of differentially expressed dehydration responsive proteins (DRPs) in legume 31-05-2010
107 Dr. Mani Kant Choudhary Dr. Niranjan Chakraborty Proteome analysis of rice (Oryza sativa L.)nucleus under dehydration and molecular cloning of candidate genes 28-05-2010
108 Dr. Susheel Kumar Raina Dr. Alok Krishna Sinha Study of effects of abiotic stress on terpenoid indole alkaloid production in Catharanthus roseus 01-04-2010
109 Dr. Nasheeman Ashraf Dr. Subhra Chakraborty Differential transcript profiling and cloning of candidate genes in Fusarium wilt 02-03-2010
110 Dr. K. Prabhakara Rao Dr. Alok Krishna Sinha Characterization of Mitogen activated protein kinase gene family in Oryza sativa 11-02-2010
111 Dr. Monika Jaggi Dr. Alok Krishna Sinha Investigations on Catharanthus roseus and Agrobacterium rhizogenes interactions for the production of terpenoid indole alkaloids 29-12-2009
112 Dr. Kundan Kumar Dr. Alok Krishna Sinha Investigation of the role of Mitogen activated protein kinase in Oryza sativa under abiotic stress conditions 21-11-2009
113 Dr. Archana Singh Dr. Praveen Verma Molecular analysis of early-responsive genes of chickpea involved in biotic stress 12-08-2009
114 Dr. Deepti Jain Dr. Debasis Chattopadhyay Transcripts profiling of a drought-tolerant chickpea (C. arientinum) cultivar under drought 04-08-2009
115 Dr. Santosh Kumar Dr. Alok Krishna Sinha Cloning and characterization of gene encoding peroxidase from Catharanthus roseus 27-07-2009
116 Dr. Shalu Choudhary Dr. Sabhyata Bhatia Marker Development and molecular mapping in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L) 22-07-2009
117 Dr. Rajgourab Ghosh Dr. Subhra Chakraborty Role of OXDC in fungal tolerance and its overexpression in oxalate-rich vegetables 25-06-2009
118 Dr. Sumit Ghosh Prof. Asis Datta Purification, cloning and expression of β-D-N-acetylhexosaminidase for increased shelf life in fruits and vegetables 02-06-2009
119 Dr. Ajay Kumar Sharma Prof. Asis Datta, Dr. Subhra Chakraborty (Joint Supervisor) Over expression of AmA1, a seed albumin from Amaranthus hypochondriacus in rice to improve nutritional quality 01-06-2009
120 Dr. Sreeramaiah NG Dr. Sudip Chattopadhyay Functional analysis of ZBF1, a Z-box interacting bHLH protein, in Arabidopsis thaliana 28-02-2009
121 Dr. Vineeta Tripathi Dr. Debasis Chattopadhyay Cloning and characterization of a drought inducible protein kinase 28-01-2009
122 Dr. Lalit Agrawal Dr. Niranjan Chakraborty Molecular mechanism of AmA1 in potato and its overexpression in sweet potato 07-10-2008
123 Dr. Kishwer Jahan Dr. Niranjan Chakraborty Molecular cloning and characterization of a dehydration responsive Tubby-like protein gene from chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) 27-08-2008
124 Dr. Niroj Kumar Sethy Dr. Sabhyata Bhatia DNA based molecular markers for mapping and tagging genes of agronomic importance in chickpea 10-07-2008
125 Dr. Bhumika Shokeen Dr. Sabhyata Bhatia Genome Analysis using DNA based molecular markers in Catharanthus roseus 02-05-2008
126 Dr. Jyoti Batra Late Dr. Jayanti Sen , Dr. Alok K. Sinha Molecular and phytochemical studies of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don hairy root cultures for production of terpenoid indole alkaloids 26-02-2008
127 Dr. Vijaykumar S. Meli Prof. Asis Datta Cloning and expression of alpha-D-mannosidase for increased shelf-life in fruits and vegetable crops 08-01-2008
128 Dr. Rakesh K. Shukla Dr. Debasis Chattopadhyay Cloning and Characterization of Dehydration Responsive Element Binding Proteins of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) 28-09-2007
129 Dr. Ritu Kushwaha Dr. Sudip Chattopadhyay Molecular cloning and characterization of a Z-box binding factor (ZBF3) in Arabidopsis thaliana 03-09-2007
130 Dr. Deepti Bhushan Dr. Niranjan Chakraborty Molecular characterization of genes involved in drought-responsive proteome of legumes 31-08-2007
131 Dr. Chandrasekara M Dr. Sudip Chattopadhyay Identification and molecular analysis of a transacting factor that interacts with the Z-box in Arabidopsis thaliana 25-08-2007
132 Dr. Vandana Yadav Dr. Sudip Chattopadhyay Light regulated modulation of Z-box containing promoters during early seedling development in Arabidopsis thaliana 12-04-2005