Dr. Alok Krishna Sinha
Staff Scientist VII
Ph.D: National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow
Postdoctoral Fellow: University of Regensburg (AvH fellow) and University of Wuerzburg Germany
: 91-11-26741612,14,17 Ext. - 188
Direct - 26735188
: 91-11-26741658
: alok@nipgr.ac.in, alokksinha@yahoo.com
Awards & Honors
- 2020: Fellow of Indian Academy of Sciences (FASc), Bangalore, India
- 2019: Fellow of Indian National Science Academy (FNA), New Delhi, India
- 2011: Fellow of National Academy of Sciences (FNASc), Allahabad, India
- 2016: Elected Member, Guha Research Conference
- 2015- 2016: TATA Innovation Fellowship of the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India
- 2013: National Bioscience Award for Career Development from Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India
- 2011: B.C. Deb Memorial Award from Indian Science Congress, Association
- 2004 - 2007: DST Young Scientist
- 2010: Re-invitation as Alexander von Humboldt Fellow AvH foundation, Bonn, Germany
- 2007-2009: DST-DAAD fellow
- 2006: Re-invitation as Alexander von Humboldt Fellow AvH foundation, Bonn, Germany
- 1998 - 2000: Alexander von Humboldt fellowship AvH foundation, Bonn, Germany
Research Highlights

tolerance in rice (Singh and Sinha, Plant Cell 2016).

blue light signaling through MYC2 transcription factor
in Arabidopsis seedling development (Sethi et al, Plant Cell 2014).
Research Interests
Understanding mitogen activated protein kinase cascade in plants
Our group is interested in understanding the complexity of signals being transduced through mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade in plants. The MAPK cascade is evolutionarily conserved among the eukaryotes and typically consists of three types of protein kinases, MAPK, MAPK kinase (MAPKK), and MAPKK kinase (MAPKKK). By responding to external stimuli, the MAPK cascade plays a critical role in gene expression, metabolism, cell death, proliferation, and differentiation. In plants, the MAPK cascade is also involved in various biotic and abiotic stress responses, hormone responses, cell division, and developmental processes. Rice and Arabidopsis are two-model system we are using to understand this complex signaling cascade. By using a combinations of molecular and biochemical techniques along with genomics and proteomic approaches we are trying to identify the function of specific MAPKs. Our main focus lies in understanding the role of MAPKs during development and abiotic stress both in rice and Arabidopsis.
Group Members
Detailed Research Publications
- Singh P, Ara H, Tayyeba S, Pandey C and Sinha AK (2019). Development of efficient procol for rice transformation overexpressing MAP kinase and their effect on rot phenotype traits.Protoplasma, 256:997-1011
- Raghuram, B. Sheikh AH, Bhagat PK, Verma D, Noryang S and Sinha AK (2018) Possible role of plant MAP Kinases in the biogenesis and transcription regulation of rice microRNA pathway factors. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 129:238-243.
- Jalmi Sk, Bhagat PK, Verma, D, Noryang S, Tayyeba S, Singh K, Sharma D and Sinha AK (2018) Traversing the Links between Heavy Metal Stress and Plant Signaling. Front. Plant Sci https://doi.org/10.3389/%20fpls.2018.00012
- Bhagat PK, Verma D, Raghuram B, Sinha AK (2018), Dynamic regulation of HYL1 provides new insights into its multifaceted role in Arabidopsis. BioRxiv 396861; doi: https://www.biorxiv.org/
- Singh P and Sinha AK (2017) Interplay between auxin and cytokinin and its impact on mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK). Methods Mol. Biol. 1569: 93-100.
- Thakore D, Srivastava AK and Sinha AK (2017) Mass production of Ajmalicine by bioreactor cultivation of hairy roots of Catharanthus roseus. Biochemical Engineering J. 119: 84-91.
- Jalmi SK and Sinha AK (2016). Functional Involvement of a Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase Module, OsMKK3-OsMPK7-OsWRK30 in Mediating Resistance against Xanthomonas oryzae in Rice. Scientific Reports. 6:37974. doi: 10.1038/srep37974.
- Singh P and Sinha AK (2016) A positive feedback loop governed by Sub1A1 interaction with Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase 3 imparts submergence tolerance in rice. The Plant Cell, 28(5) 1127-43.
- Singh P, Sinha AK (2016). Differential expression of Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) cascade components post submergence in Oryza sativa ssp indica cv Pusa Basmati 1. Plant Signal Behav. 2016 Sep;11(9).
- Sheikh AH, Eschen-lippold L, Pecher P, Hoehenwarter W. Sinha AK, Scheel D, and Lee J (2016). Regulation of WRKY46 transcription factor function by mitogen activated protein kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science 7.
- Jalmi SK and Sinha AK (2015). ROS mediated MAPK signaling in abiotic and biotic stress-striking similarities and differences. Frontiers in Plant Science 6.
- Singh P, Mohanta TK, Sinha AK (2015) Unraveling the intricate nexus of molecular mechanism governing rice root development: OsMPK3/6 and auxin-cytokinin interplay. PLoS One 10(4):e0123620.
- Raghuram, B. Sheikh AH, Rustagi Y, and Sinha AK (2015) MicroRNA biogenesis factor DRB1 is a phosphorylation target of mitogen activated protein kinase, MPK3 in both rice and Arabidopsis. FEBS Journal 282(3):521-36.
- Pandey C, Raghuram B, Sinha AK and Gupta M. (2015). miRNA plays a role in the antagonistic effect of selenium on arsenic stress in rice seedlings. Metallomics, 7(5), 857-866.
- Sethi V, Raghuram B, Sinha AK* and Chattopadhyay S (2014). A mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade module, MKK3-MPK6 and MYC2, is involved in blue light-mediated seedling development in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, 26(8): 3343-57. doi: 10.1105/tpc.114.128702.
- Sheikh AH, Raghuram, B, Eschen-Lippold L, Scheel D, Lee J, and Sinha AK Agroinfiltration bycytokinin producing Agrobacterium strain GV3101 primes the plant defense response in Nicotiana tabacum. Molecular Plant Microbe Interaction (doi/pdfplus/10.1094/MPMI-04-14-0114-R).
- Raghuram, B. Sheikh AH and Sinha AK (2014) Regulation of MAP kinase signaling cascade by microRNAs in Oryza sativa. Plant Signaling and Behavior (In Press).
- Verma M, Ghangal R, Sharma R, Sinha AK and Jain M (2014) Transcriptome analysis of Catharanthus roseus for gene discovery and expression profiling. PLoS One (9(7):e103583. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0103583).
- Ara H and Sinha AK (2014) Conscientiousness of Mitogen Activated Protein Kinases in acquiring tolerance for abiotic stresses in plants. Proceeding of Indian National Science Academy (In press).
- Kumar K and Sinha AK (2014) Identification of differential expression of genes in overexpressed constitutively activated mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 6 in rice. Plant Signaling Behavior, 1;9(3). Pii:e258502.
- Sheikh AH, Raghuram B, Jalmi SK, Wankhede DP, Singh P and Sinha AK (2013) Interaction between two rice mitogen activated protein kinases and its possible role in plant defense. BMC Plant Biology, 13: 121 doi:10.1186/1471-2229-13-121.
- Wankhede DP, Kundan K, Singh P and Sinha AK (2013) Involvement of mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 6 in UV induced transcripts accumulation of genes in phytoalexin biosynthesis in rice. Rice 6,(1),35.
- Kumar K and Sinha AK (2013) Over expression of constitutively active mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 6 enhances tolerance to salt stress in rice. Rice 6,(1),25.
- Wankhede DP, Misra M, Singh P and Sinha AK (2013) Rice MAPKK and MAPK interaction network revealed by in-silico docking and yeast two-hybrid approaches. PLoS One 8(5): e65011
- Wankhede DP, Biswas DK, Rajkumar S and Sinha AK (2013) Expressed Sequence Tags and molecular cloning and characterization of gene encoding pinoresinol/lariciresinol reductase from Podophyllum hexandrum. Protoplasma. 1-11.
- Kumar K, Wankhede DP, and Sinha AK (2013) Signal convergence through the lenses of MAP kinases: paradigms of stress and hormone signaling in plants. Frontiers Biology 8(1): 109-118.
- Raina SK, Wankhede DP and Sinha AK (2013) Catharanthus roseus mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 confers UV and heat tolerance to Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Plant Signal. Behav. 8(1).
- Raina SK, Wankhede DP, Jaggi M, Singh P, Jalmi SK, Raghuram B, Sheikh AH and Sinha AK (2012) CrMPK3, a mitogen activated protein kinase from Catharanthus roseus and its possible role in stress induced biosynthesis of monoterpenoid indole alkaloids. BMC Plant Biology. 12(1):134.
- Kumar S, Jaggi M and Sinha AK (2012). Ectopic overexpression of vacuolar and apoplastic Catharanthus roseus peroxidases confers differential tolerance to salt and dehydration stress in transgenic tobacco. Protoplasma 212, 423-432.
- Hampp C, Richter A, Osorio S, Zellnig G, Sinha AK, Jammer A, Fernie AR, Grimm B, Roitsch T (2012) Establishment of a photoautotrophic cell suspension culture of Arabidopsis thaliana for photosynthetic, metabolic, and signaling studies. Mol Plant. 5(2): 524-7.
- Sharma V, Sinha AK, Chaudhary S, Priyadarshini A, Tripathi BN and Kumar S (2012) Genetic analysis of structure and function of stipules in Pea (Pisum sativum). Proc. Indian Natn. Sci Acad. 78, 9-34.
- Sheikh AH, Ara H, Sinha AK (2012) Mitogen Activated Protein Kinases: A Hunt for their Physiological Substrates in Plants. Plant Stress, 6, 37-42.
- Jaggi M, Kumar S and Sinha AK (2011) Overexpression of an apoplastic peroxidase gene CrPrx in transgenic hairy root lines of Catharanthus roseus. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 90(3) 1005-1116.
- Kumar S, Jaggi M, Taneja J and Sinha AK (2011) Cloning and characterization of two new Class III peroxidase genes from Catharanthus roseus. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 49(4) 404-412
- Kumar K, Rao KP, Biswas D and Sinha AK (2011) Rice WNK1 is regulated by abiotic stress and involved in internal circadian rhythm. Plant Signaling and Behavior 6(3) 316-320.
- Sinha AK, Jaggi M, Raghuram B and Tuteja N (2011) Mitogen activate dprotein kinase signaling in plant under abiotic stress. Plant Signaling and Behavior 6(2) 196-203. [COVER ARTICLE].
- Bhardwaj D, Sheikh AH, Sinha AK and Tuteja N (2011) "Stress induced beta subunit of heterotrimeric G-proteins from Pisum sativum interacts with mitogen activated protein kinase. Plant Signaling and Behavior 6(2), 287-292.
- Rao KP, Vani G, Kumar K, Wankhede DP, Misra M, Gupta M and Sinha AK (2011) Arsenic stress activates MAP kinase in rice roots and leaves. Archieves of Biochemistry and Biophysics 506, 73-82.
- Hyun TK, Kumar K, Rao KP, Singh AK, Roitsch T (2011) Role of a-tocopherol in cellular signaling: a-tocopherol inhibits stress-induced mitogen activated protein kinase activation. Plant Biotechnology Reports, 5, 19-25.
- Bonfig KB, Gabler A, Simon UK, Luschin-Ebengreuth N, Hatz M, Berger S, Muhammad N, Zeier J, Singh AK, Roitsch T. (2010) Post-translational depression of invertase activity in source leaves via down regulation of invertase inhibitor expression is part of the plant defense response. Molecular Plant., 3, 1037-1048.
- Taneja J, Jaggi M, Wankhade DP and Singh AK (2010) Effect of loss of T-DNA genes on MIA biosynthetic pathway gene regulation and alkaloid accumulation in Catharanthus roseus hairy roots. Plant Cell Rep. 29(10) 1119-1129.
- Rao KP, Richa T, Kumar K, Raghuram B and Singh AK (2010). In silico analysis reveals 75 members of mitogen activated protein kinase kinase kinase gene family in rice. DNA Research, 17(3):139-53.
- Rao KP, Vani G, Kumar K and Singh AK (2009) Rhythmic expression of Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase Activity in Rice. Molecules and Cells 28, 417-422.
- Hyun TK, Hoffmann A, Singh AK, Roitsch T (2009) Tomato mitogen activated protein kinases regulate the expression of extracellular invertase Lin6 in response to stress related stimuli. Functional Plant Biology 36:1088-97.
- Gupta M, Sharma P, Sarin NB and Singh AK (2009). Differential responses of arsenic stress in two varieties of Brassica juncea. Chemosphere 74, 1201-1208
- Kumar K, Rao KP, Sharma P and Sinha AK, (2008). Differential regulation of rice mitogen activated protein kinase kinase (MKK) by abiotic stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 46, 891-897.
- Hofmann MG, Singh AK, Proels RK and Roitsch T (2008) Cloning and characterization of a novel LpWRKY1 transcription factor in tomato. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 46(5-6): 533-40
- Berger S, Singh AK and Roitsch T (2007) Plant physiology meets phytopathology: relations between plant primary metabolism and plant-pathogen-interactions. J. Exp. Bot. 58, 4019-2026.
- Kumar S, Dutta A, Singh AK and Sen J (2007) Cloning, characterization and localization of a novel basic peroxidase gene from Catharanthus roseus. FEBS Journal, 274, 1290-1303.
- Iqbal M, Evans P, Lledo A, Verdaguer X, Pericas MA, Riera A, Loeffler C, Singh AK, Mueller MJ (2005) Related Articles, Total synthesis and biological activity of 13,14-dehydro-12-oxo-phytodienoic acids (deoxy-J1-phytoprostanes). Chembiochem. 6(2) 276-80.
- Pathre UV, Singh AK, Shirke PA, Ranade SA (2004) Modulation of Sucrose Phosphate Synthase (SPS) activity in leaves of Prosopis juliflora during diurnal and seasonal changes in environment. Biologia Plantarum 48(2) 227-235.
- Thoma I, Loeffler C, Sinha AK, Gupta M, Krischke M, Steffan B, Roitsch T and Mueller MJ (2003) Cyclopentenone isoprostanes induced by reactive oxygen species trigger defense gene activation and phytoalexin accumulation in plants. The Plant Journal, 34, 363-375. (Cover article)
- Roitsch T, Balibrea ME, Hofmann M, Proels R and Sinha AK (2003) Extracellular invertase: key metabolic enzyme and PR protein. Journal of Experimental Botany 54, 382, 513-24.
- Link V, Sinha AK, Vasistha P, Hofmann MG, Proels RK, Ehness R and Roitsch T (2002) Activation of a MAPK by heat in tomato cell suspension cultures. FEBS Letter 531, 2, 179-183.
- Sinha AK and Roitsch T (2002) Use of photoautotrophic suspension cultures in plant science. Photosynthetica 40 (4) 481-492.
- Sinha AK, Hofmann M, Römer U, Köckenberger W, Elling L and Roitsch. T (2002) Metabolizable and non-metabolizable sugars activate different signal transduction pathways in tomato. Plant Physiology 128, 1480-1489.
- Sinha AK and Roitsch T (2002) Effect of sugars on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence in photoautotrophic tomato suspension cell cultures. Photosynthetica 39, 611-614.
- Link V, Hofmann M, Sinha AK, Ehness R, Strnad M and Roitsch T (2002) Biochemical evidence for the activation of distinct subsets of mitogen-activated protein Kinase by voltage and defence related stimuli. Plant Physiology, 128, 271-281.
- Roitsch T, Ehness R, Goetz M, Hause B, Hoffman M and Sinha AK (2000) Regulation and function of extracellular invertase from higher plants in relation to assimilate partitioning, stress responses and sugar signaling. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, 27, 815-825.
- Pathre UV Sinha AK, Ranade SA and. Shirke PA (2000) Activation of sucrose-phosphate synthase from Prosopis juliflora in light: Effects of protein kinase and protein phosphatase inhibitors. Physiologia Plantarum 108, 249-254
- Sane PV, Sinha AK, Shirke PA and Pathre UV (1999) Regulation of Sucrose Phosphate Synthase in Prosopis juliflora. Journal of Plant Biology. 26 (3), 1-8
- Sinha AK, Pathre UV and Sane PV (1998) Essential histidyl residues at the active site(s) of sucrose-phosphate synthase from Prosopis juliflora. BBA, 1388, 397-404.
- Pathre U, Sinha AK, Shirke PA, Sane-P-V (1998) Factors determining the midday depression of photosynthesis in trees under monsoon climate. Trees, 12,. 472-481.
- Sinha AK, Shirke PA, Pathre U and Sane PV (1998). Activation of sucrose-phosphate synthase in leaves of Prosopis juliflora: effect of okadaic acid. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 36, 65-69
- Sinha AK, Shirke PA, Pathre U and Sane PV (1997). Sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS) in tree species: Light/dark regulation involves a component of protein turnover in Prosopis juliflora (Sw DC). Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International. 43, 421-431.
- Sinha AK, Pathre U and Sane PV (1997). Sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS) in tree species: Purification and characterization from the leaves of Prosopis juliflora. Phytochemistry. 46, 441-447.
- Sinha AK, Shirke PA, Pathre U and Sane PV (1997). Diurnal variations in photosynthesis in trees. Changes in sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS) and ribulose 1.5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RUBISCO) in leaves of Prosopis juliflora. Photosynthetica. 34, 115-124.
- Sinha AK, Shirke PA, Pathre U and Bhel HM (1996). Spectral properties of Acacia auriculiformis: Effect of leaf position. Indian Forester, 6, 496-500.
Book Chapters
- Sheikh AH, Ara H and Sinha AK Mitogen activated protein kinases: A hunt for their physiological substrates in plants. In Pandey G (Ed) Stress-Mediated Signaling in Plants, Global Science Books (In Press)
- Jaggi M, Gupta M, Tuteja N and Sinha AK (2012) Mitogen activated Protein Kinases in Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Crop Plants: Omics Approaches. In Tuteja N, Gill S.S, and Tuteja R. (Eds), Improving Crop Productivity in Sustainable Agriculture, Wiley-Blackwell, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co., Germany. Accepted (In press).
- Wankhede DP, Gupta M, Sinha AK (2012) Arsenic toxicity in crop plants: Approaches for stress resistance. In Tuteja N, Gill SS (Eds), Crop improvement under adverse conditions, Vol I, Springer Science + Business Media, New York, USA. Accepted (In press)
- Sinha AK, Asif MH, Nath P and Pathre UV (2003) Ethylene and sugar signalling in plants: Do the signal transduction cascade intersect each other? in Molecular Insight in Plant Biology. Eds Pravendra Nath, Avtar Matoo, Shirish A. Ranade and J. Weil. Publsher: Oxford & IBH/Science, 247-263.
- Pathre U, Sinha AK, Shirke PA and Sane PV (1995) Midday decline in trees. "Photosynthesis: from light to biosphere". Paul Mathis, editor, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dodrecht. Vol. V. Page No. 67-70.
Selected Research Publications
- Verma D, Jalmi SK, Bhagat PK and Sinha AK (2019). A bHLH transcription factor, MYC2, imparts salt intolerance by regulating proline biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. FEBS Journal, doi: 10.111/febs.15157.
- Singh P, Ara H, Tayyeba S, Pandey C and Sinha AK (2019). Development of efficient protocol for rice transformation overexpressing MAP kinase and their effect on root phenotype traits.Protoplasma, 256:997-1011
- Raghuram, B. Sheikh AH, Bhagat PK, Verma D, Noryang S and Sinha AK (2018) Possible role of plant MAP Kinases in the biogenesis and transcription regulation of rice microRNA pathway factors. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 129:238-243
- Jalmi Sk, Bhagat PK, Verma, D, Noryang S, Tayyeba S, Singh K, Sharma D and Sinha AK (2018) Traversing the Links between Heavy Metal Stress and Plant Signaling. Front. Plant Sci https://doi.org/10.3389/ fpls.2018.00012
- Bhagat PK, Verma D, Raghuram B, Sinha AK (2018), Dynamic regulation of HYL1 provides new insights into its multifaceted role in Arabidopsis. BioRxiv 396861; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/396861
- Singh P and Sinha AK (2017) Interplay between auxin and cytokinin and its impact on mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK). Methods Mol. Biol. 1569: 93-100.
- Thakore D, Srivastava AK and Sinha AK (2017) Mass production of Ajmalicine by bioreactor cultivation of hairy roots of Catharanthus roseus. Biochemical Engineering J. 119: 84-91.
- Jalmi SK and Sinha AK (2016). Functional Involvement of a Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase Module, OsMKK3-OsMPK7-OsWRK30 in Mediating Resistance against Xanthomonas oryzae in Rice. Scientific Reports. 6:37974. doi: 10.1038/srep37974.
- Singh P and Sinha AK (2016) A positive feedback loop governed by Sub1A1 interaction with Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase 3 imparts submergence tolerance in rice. The Plant Cell, 28(5) 1127-43.
- Sheikh AH, Eschen-lippold L, Pecher P, Hoehenwarter W. Sinha AK, Scheel D, and Lee J (2016). Regulation of WRKY46 transcription factor function by mitogen activated protein kinases in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science 7.
- Jalmi SK and Sinha AK (2015). ROS mediated MAPK signaling in abiotic and biotic stress-striking similarities and differences. Frontiers in Plant Science 6.
- Singh P, Mohanta TK, Sinha AK (2015) Unraveling the intricate nexus of molecular mechanism governing rice root development: OsMPK3/6 and auxin-cytokinin interplay. PLoS One 10(4):e0123620.
- Raghuram, B. Sheikh AH, Rustagi Y, and Sinha AK (2015) MicroRNA biogenesis factor DRB1 is a phosphorylation target of mitogen activated protein kinase, MPK3 in both rice and Arabidopsis. FEBS Journal 282(3):521-36.
- Pandey C, Raghuram B, Sinha AK and Gupta M. (2015). miRNA plays a role in the antagonistic effect of selenium on arsenic stress in rice seedlings. Metallomics, 7(5), 857-866.
- Sethi V, Raghuram B, Sinha AK* and Chattopadhyay S (2014). A mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade module, MKK3-MPK6 and MYC2, is involved in blue light-mediated seedling development in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, 26(8):3343-57. doi: 10.1105/tpc.114.128702.
- Sheikh AH, Raghuram, B, Esschel-Lipold L, Scheel D, Lee J, and Sinha AK Agroinfiltration bycytokinin producing Agrobacterium strain GV3101 primes the plant defense response in Nicotiana tabacum. Molecular Plant Microbe Interaction, 27(11):175-85 (doi/pdfplus/10.1094/MPMI-04-14-0114-R).
- Raghuram, B. Sheikh AH and Sinha AK (2014) Regulation of MAP kinase signaling cascade by microRNAs in Oryza sativa. Plant Signaling and Behavior (In Press).
- Verma M, Ghangal R, Sharma R, Sinha AK and Jain M (2014) Transcriptome analysis of Catharanthus roseus for gene discovery and expression profiling. PLoS One (9(7):e103583. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0103583).
- Kumar K and Sinha AK (2014) Identification of differential expression of genes in overexpressed constitutively activated mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 6 in rice. Plant Signaling Behavior, 1;9(3). Pii:e258502.
- Sheikh AH, Raghuram B, Jalmi SK, Wankhede D.P, Singh P, and Sinha AK (2013) Interaction between two rice mitogen activated protein kinases and its possible role in plant defense. BMC Plant Biology, 13:121 doi:10.1186/1471-2229-13-121.
- Wankhede DP, Kundan K, Singh P and Sinha AK (2013) Involvement of mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 6 in UV induced transcripts accumulation of genes in phytoalexin biosynthesis in rice. Rice 6,(1),35.
- Kumar K and Sinha AK (2013) Over expression of constitutively active mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 6 enhances tolerance to salt stress in rice. Rice 6,(1),25.
- Wankhede DP, Misra M, Singh P and Sinha AK (2013) Rice MAPKK and MAPK interaction network revealed by in-silico docking and yeast two-hybrid approaches. PLoS One 8 (5), e65011.
- Wankhede DP, Biswas DK, Rajkumar S and Sinha AK (2013) Expressed Sequence Tags and molecular cloning and characterization of gene encoding pinoresinol/lariciresinol reductase from Podophyllum hexandrum. Protoplasma. 1-11.
- Raina SK, Wankhede DP and Sinha AK (2013) Catharanthus roseus mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 confers UV and heat tolerance to Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Plant Signal. Behav. 8(1).
- Raina SK, Wankhede DP, Jaggi M, Singh P, Jalmi SK, Raghuram B, Sheikh AH and Sinha AK (2012). CrMPK3, a mitogen activated protein kinase from Catharanthus roseus and its possible role in stress induced biosynthesis of monoterpenoid indole alkaloids. BMC Plant Biology. 12(1):134.
- Kumar S, Jaggi M and Sinha AK (2012). Ectopic overexpression of vacuolar and apoplastic Catharanthus roseus peroxidases confers differential tolerance to salt and dehydration stress in transgenic tobacco. Protoplasma 212, 423-432.
- Hampp C,Richter A, Osorio S, Zellnig G, Sinha AK, Jammer A,Fernie AR,Grimm B, Roitsch T. (2012). Establishment of a photoautotrophic cell suspension culture of Arabidopsis thaliana for photosynthetic, metabolic, and signaling studies. Molecular Plant 5(2): 524-7.
- Jaggi M., Kumar S., and Sinha A.K. (2011). Overexpression of an apoplastic peroxidase gene CrPrx in transgenic hairy root lines of Catharanthus roseus. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 90(3) 1005-1116.
- Kumar S, Jaggi M, Taneja J and Sinha AK (2011). Cloning and characterization of two new Class III peroxidase genes from Catharanthus roseus. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 49(4) 404-412.
- Kumar K, Rao KP, Biswas D and Sinha AK (2011). Rice WNK1 is regulated by abiotic stress and involved in internal circadian rhythm. Plant Signaling and Behavior 6(3) 316-320.
- Sinha AK, Jaggi M, Raghuram B, and Tuteja N (2011). Mitogen activate dprotein kinase signaling in plant under abiotic stress. Plant Signaling and Behavior 6(2) 196-203. [COVER ARTICLE].
- Rao KP, Vani G, Kumar K, Wankhede DP, Misra M, Gupta M and Sinha AK (2011). Arsenic stress activates MAP kinase in rice roots and leaves. Archieves of Biochemistry and Biophysics 506, 73-82.
- Bonfig KB, Gabler A, Simon UK, Luschin-Ebengreuth N, Hatz M, Berger S, Muhammad N, Zeier J, Sinha AK, Roitsch T (2010) Post-translational depression of invertase activity in source leaves via down regulation of invertase inhibitor expression is part of the plant defense response. Molecular Plant 3, 1037-1048.
- Taneja J, Jaggi M, Wankhede DP, and Sinha AK (2010) Effect of loss of T-DNA genes on MIA biosynthetic pathway gene regulation and alkaloid accumulation in Catharanthus roseus hairy roots. Plant Cell Rep. 29(10) 1119-1129.
- Rao KP, Richa T, Kumar K, Raghuram B and Sinha AK (2010). In silico analysis reveals 75 members of mitogen activated protein kinase kinase kinase gene family in rice. DNA Research, 17(3):139-53.
- Rao KP, Vani G, Kumar K and Sinha AK (2009) Rhythmic expression of Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase Activity in Rice. Molecules and Cells 28, 417-422.
- Gupta M, Sharma P, Sarin .B, and Sinha AK (2009). Differential responses of arsenic stress in two varieties of Brassica juncea. Chemosphere 74, 1201-1208.
- Kumar K, Rao KP, Sharma P and Sinha AK (2008). Differential regulation of rice mitogen activated protein kinase kinase (MKK) by abiotic stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 46, 891-897.
- Berger S, Sinha AK and Roitsch T. (2007). Plant physiology meets phytopathology: relations between plant primary metabolism and plant-pathogen-interactions. Journal of Experimental Botany 58, 4019-2026.
- Kumar S, Dutta A, Sinha AK and Sen J. (2007). Cloning, characterization and localization of a novel basic peroxidase gene from Catharanthus roseus. FEBS Journal, 274, 1290-1303.
- Thoma I, Loeffler C, Sinha AK, Gupta M, Krischke M, Steffan B, Roitsch T and Mueller MJ (2003) Cyclopentenone isoprostanes induced by reactive oxygen species trigger defense gene activation and phytoalexin accumulation in plants. The Plant Journal, 34, 363-375. (Cover article).
- Roitsch T, Balibrea ME, Hofmann M, Proels R and Sinha AK (2003) Extracellular invertase: key metabolic enzyme and PR protein. Journal of Experimental Botany 54, 382, 513-24.
- Link V, Sinha AK, Vasistha P, Hofmann MG, Proels RK, Ehness R, and Roitsch T (2002). Activation of a MAPK by heat in tomato cell suspension cultures. FEBS Letter 531, 2, 179-183.
- Sinha AK, Hofmann M, Romer U, Köckenberger W, Elling L and Roitsch T (2002). Metabolizable and non-metabolizable sugars activate different signal transduction pathways in tomato. Plant Physiology 128, 1480-1489.
- Link V, Hofmann M, Sinha AK, Ehness R, Strnad M, and Roitsch, T (2002). Biochemical evidence for the activation of distinct subsets of mitogen-activated protein Kinase by voltage and defence related stimuli. Plant Physiology, 128, 271-281.