Every year in September Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up 2 positions Studentship/ Traineeship in DBT funded Distributed Information Sub-Centre (DISC) project at the NIPGR. The stipend is Rs. 8000/- p.m.
Eligible candidates must be pursuing M.Sc. degree in Bioinformatics or Biotechnology or any related discipline. These positions are completely temporary and only for a period of six months, designed for candidates requiring final semester training as a mandatory part of their degree.
Candidates with expertise in computer programming and statistical analyses along with a basic knowledge of plant Biology will be preferred. Interested candidates may apply by sending (preferably via email) a cover letter, CV and names with complete addresses (including email) of three referees, to
Suitable candidates will be called for an Interview to be held tentatively during November.
The Training begins from Jan 01 every year.
Trainees of 2016-17
- Ms. Smrithy M. Simon
- Ms. Gagan Jyot Kaur
Trainees of 2014-15
Trainees of 2012-13
- Ms. Neha Bareja
- Mr. Nitesh Bandhiwal
Trainees of 2010-11
- Ms. Babita Singh
- Ms. Nisha Rana
Trainees of 2009-10
- Mr. Achal Rastogi
- Mr. Vaibhav Jain
Trainees of 2008-09
- Ms. Ganga Jeena
- Mr. Pramod Kumar
Trainees of 2007-08
- Ms. Ankita Punetha
- Ms. Konika Chawla