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NIPGR Library
National Institute of Plant Genome Research
Dr. Sabhyata Bhatia
Scientist In-charge
Dr. Vinod Kumar Sharma
Librarian/ Information Scientist
The Institute is a premier laboratory for R&D work on plant genomics and applications in the country. The various research programmes of the institute integrate many branches of natural sciences using plants as the experimental systems for characterizing structure, expression and function of genes, and to manipulate genes in plants to make them economically more important. Accordingly, the NIPGR library functions to assemble/ provide all the important books, journals and electronic resources of information on diverse aspects of plant biology, genetics, molecular biology and genomics.

The library is visualized to be a nodal one for plant related informatics. The development of this library is thought to fill the current gaps in the national information system in plant sciences. This library facility seeks to provide access to all the desirous national and international users, while primarily fulfilling the needs of NIPGR scientists and research scholars associated with it. This library also networks with libraries already meeting the complementary requirements of R&D work on living systems.

NIPGR has become a member of the Department of Biotechnology's Electronic Library Consortium (DeLCON). From January 2009 onwards, NIPGR Library is now having access to eleven hundred and seventy one e-journals from twenty one international publishers. In addition library subscribes to a number of national and international journals.

For in house use, the library has a network of computers to cater to the requirements of the users which include scientists, students, research fellows and project trainees. E-journals and other electronic resources are available in the Local Area Network (LAN) provided in the NIPGR and these facilities are available to all NIPGR network users.

The library is automated with the library management software for housekeeping operations and online searching of library documents.

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