| Bikash Raul (5th year Ph.D student)
I have done B.Sc. in botany from Ravenshaw University and M.Sc. in botany from Banaras Hindu University. In Ph.D. I am studying different aspects of root nodule symbiosis in Arachis (Peanut).
Email: bikashraul1@nipgr.ac.in |
Akanksha Bhardwaj (4th Year Ph.D student)
I did Masters and Bachelors in Botany from Ramjas College, University of Delhi. Our lab focuses on root nodule symbiosis development. I am working on model legume Medicago to study transcriptional network involved in nodulation. Our team is a bunch of vibrant and enthusiastic people. We as a budding lab-group work together under the guidance of a more enthusiastic PI.
Email: abhardwaj@nipgr.ac.in |
Deevita Srivastava (4th Year Ph.D student, and SPM fellow)
I did my B.Sc and M.Sc from Banaras Hindu University and currently perusing my Ph.D. in the lab that focuses on Root nodule symbiosis. I work on legume Cicer arietinum with the purpose to enhance nitrogen fixation efficiency under phosphate deficiency.
Email: deevitasrivastava13@nipgr.ac.in |
Priya Upadhyay (2nd year P.hD student) I have done B.Sc and M.Sc (Botany) from Banaras Hindu University. Currently I am trying to explore factors behind the higher nitrogen fixation efficiency in peanut.
Email: priyaupadhyay67@gmail.com |
Dr. Vinod Kumar Jangid (Research Associate) I have done B.Sc. (Agriculture) from Junagadh Agricultural University, M.Sc. (Agril. Plant Biotechnology) from University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru and Ph.D. (Molecular Biology and Biotechnology) from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. Currently, I am trying to generate "retrotransposon-based mutant population of chickpea for functional genomic studies"
Email: vinod_shikher@yahoo.co.in |
Mr. Asim Kumar Ghosh (Project Associate) I have done my Master's and Bachelor's in Computer Applications, from Techno India(Saltlake), Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology. Currently I am working as a bioinformatician in this lab.
Mr. Vikash Bhadu (P.hD student) I have done my B.Sc. in Biology from MGSU and M.Sc. in Botany from Rajasthan University. In Ph.D., I am exploring the molecular mechanism of symbiosome development during nodulation in peanut (Arachis).
Email: vikashbhadu39@gmail.com |
Ms. Farheen Saifi (Project associate) I have spent five years of my PhD studying the symbiosis process in the model legume Medicago truncatula in in Hungary through the Stipendium Hunagricum Scholarship. During my PhD I have investigated the nodule specific cysteine-rich peptides (NCRs), Regulator of Symbiosome differentiation (RSD) and sulphate transporter genes. I have completed my B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Botany with Honors from Hindu College, University of Delhi. Presently, I am working as a Project associate in the lab on "Characterization of chickpea germplasm resource to accelerate genomics-assisted crop improvement." Email: farheensaifi2004@gmail.com |