Mr. Ajit Pal Singh
Ph. D. Student
Role of jasmonate signaling components in nutrient deficiency responses
ajit@nipgr.ac.in |
Mr. Lokesh Verma
Ph. D. Student Engineering galactolipid biosynthesis pathway for improving Phosphorus use efficiency
lokeshverma203@gmail.com |
Ms. Jyoti Bhadouria
Ph. D. Student
Elucidating diverse roles of Purple Acid Phosphatases in Chickpea
jyoti@nipgr.ac.in |
Ms. Poonam Panchal
Ph. D. Student
Studying organic acid metabolism in multiple abiotic stresses in rice
poonampanchal68@gmail.com |
Ms Rita Verma
Rita has joined recently as JRF in DBT-IYBA project
LAB Alumni |
Dr. Shweta Jha Joined as first postdoc in my lab. She is now Assistant professor in JNV University Jodhpur, Rajasthan..
jha.shweta80@gmail.com |
Dr. Poonam Mehra Poonam was first Ph.D. student in my lab (2011-2017). She is currently working as DST-INSPIRE Faculty in Department of Plant Molecular Biology, University of Delhi, South Campus, New Delhi.
poonammehra261@gmail.com |
| Dr. Bipin Kumar Pandey Bipin was first Ph.D. batch student in my lab (2011-2017). He is now working as future food beacon fellow in University of Nottingham, UK.
bipinkbiotech@gmail.com |
| Dr. Gunjan Sirohi Gunjan was postdoc in lab and she is now working as SERB-Young Scientist in IP University, New Delhi.
gunjan.roy08@gmail.com |
| Dr. Tirthankar Bandyopadhyay did his postdoctoral training in my lab and he is continuing his research as Research Associate in Cambridge-India Network for Translational Research in Nitrogen (CINTRIN) in NIPGR, New Delhi.
cybertirtha@gmail.com |
| Dr. Neelam Sodha Neelam worked as a postdoc in my lab and she is now working with medical device company in USA.
sodha.neelam@gmail.com |
| Meenakshi Sharma Meenakshi was a JRF for long time in lab and she is now a Ph.D. candidate in IARI, New Delhi.