Genotyping using Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) markers
DNA fingerprinting is a technique to identify -an individual at molecular level it reveals alleles of Simple sequence repeats (SSR) also known as microsatellites or Short Tandem Repeats (Strs), are repeating sequences of 2-5 base sets of DNA which exist ubiquitously throughout prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes. Due to their high density and ubiquitous genomic distribution SSRs have been widely used as second-generation molecular makers in population and other studies.
SSRs in DNA coding regions are used as anchor markers for specific populations, while SSRs in non-coding regions with passable polymorphisms are used to distinguish related species. Hence, SSR applied in a variety of identification procedures and construction of a DNA fingerprints.
SSR genotyping involves the use of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) as DNA markers.
Hence, SSR sequences are highly polymorphic and may be readily used for detection of allelic variation within populations
SSR genotyping involves the design of DNA-based primers to amplify SSR sequences from extracted genomic DNA, followed by amplification of the SSR repeat region using polymerase chain reaction, and subsequent visualization of the resulting DNA products, usually using gel electrophoresis.

We offer below SSR genotyping with broad range of SSR marker
- Universal SSR markers.
- Crop wise: Variety differentiation
- Trait wise: Quality control and purity testing.
- Customized services asper client need.
- Genetic purity of germplasm
- Marker-assisted selection (MAS) breeding.
- Genome wide association studies (GWAS)
- Linkage mapping
- Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping
- Forensics analysis (paternity testing).
- Population genetics
- Biodiversity protection
Project Workflow
NGGF uses high precision in-silico validated SSR markers to fingerprinting of crops, vegetables, flowers, and fruits. NGGF offers the best value for accurate and cost-effective information.
For enquiry please contact us at:
- E-mail:
- Phone: 91-11-26735-181