Content coming soon
- QC check and adapter trimming
- Identification of high quality SNPs
- Development of high quality SNP markers from any type of RAD-seq or re-sequencing data
- Population structure investigation and phylogenetic cluster analysis
- Linkage map construction
- QTL identification
- Genome wise association analysis (GWAS)
- Gene identification and annotation up to pathway level from the adjacent genomic region of identified QTL.
- De-novo genome assembly and annotation
- De-novo / reference based transcriptome assembly and annotation up to pathway level. KEGG, COG, GO, InterproScan, PFAM etc).
- De novo assembly of organelle genomes (Mitochondria, chloroplast)
- Metagenome assembly and secondary analysis ( identification of OTUs, rare-fraction curve, Alpha diversity, Beta diversity etc)
- Differential gene expression analysis of RNS-seq data (Pair-wise, Time-course)
- miRNA data analysis
- Genome-wide or genic SSR identification and designing of highly specific SSR markers.
- Designing of SNP markers
- Genome-wide repeat Identification
- Gene prediction (ab-initio, transcriptome, proteome) and complete annotation
- Comparative genome analysis
- Phylogenetic analysis
- Development of new bioinformatics pipeline as per customer requirements for process automation.