With the advancement of high-throughput genotyping services (RAD-seq/Array chip etc.) now producing millions of high-quality reads per run or several thousands of genotyping loci in hundreds or thousands of samples in just few hours or day. working with these much huge data has become a significant obstacle for many researchers. At NGGF, we have staff of dedicated bioinformaticians with extensive experience in genomics and genotyping data analysis overcoming these and a variety of other challenges that researchers face every day. We offer the following genotyping data analysis services:
#The Bioinformatics services will be provided to any data (Inhouse generated or outside generated)
De-novo assembly (Whole genome, Mitochondria, Chloroplast/Transcriptome)
- Read quality check
- Genome assemlby (de-novo/reference)
- Scaffolding (Hi-C/Bionano/PE/MP/BACend)
- Repeat analysis
- Gene prediction and annotation
- Comparative genome analysis
- Phylogenetic analysis
- Gene-family analysis
- Sequence submission (Genome/t to NCBI/EBI etc.
- Graphical visualization (Circos, MapChart etc.)
Variant calling (Whole genome/Targeted)
- High quality SNPs
- High quality Insertions and deletions (indels)
- Copy number variants (CNVs)
- Insertions, inversions and translocations
RNAseq data analysis
- De-novo transcriptome assembly and annotation
- Differential gene expression (Pairwise/Time Course
- Allele-specific expression
- Gene-level/Isoform-level RNA-seq differential analysis
Metagenomic Sequencing Data Analysis
- Identification of OTUs clusters and its abundance
- Genome components analysis
- Functional gene annotation
- Phylogentic analysis
- Comparative analysis