With the advancement of high-throughput genotyping services (RAD-seq/Array chip etc.) now producing millions of high-quality reads per run or several thousands of genotyping loci in hundreds or thousands of samples in just few hours or day. working with these much huge data has become a significant obstacle for many researchers. At NGGF, we have staff of dedicated bioinformaticians with extensive experience in genomics and genotyping data analysis overcoming these and a variety of other challenges that researchers face every day. We offer the following genotyping data analysis services:
- High quality SNP identification via Reference/de-novo method (RAD-seq, re-sequencing data)
- Genome wide SSR identification and highly specific primer designing (Genome/Transcriptome)
- Conversion of QTL to KASP marker
- Designing and development of custom high throughput (low/high density) Affymetrix SNP array chip for new species
- Linkage map construction
- QTL Identification
- Genome wide association analysis (GWAS)
- In-silico SNP/SSR marker identification for marker assisted selection (MAS)
- Haplotype analysis
- Structure and diversity
- Development and assistance with experimental design