Program Director

Dr. Sabhyata Bhatia

(Additional Charge)

Viwe Profile

Mission of NGGF

  • To provide access to new and improved genomic tools to breeder in public private sector for fast tracking varietal development.
  • To provide consultancy to Plant breeders and Plant Bio-technologists by providing advice on appropriate technologies to be chosen, study design, data analysis and bioinformatics that enables and improves the quality of the research and product development.
  • To provide hand on training to stakeholder(s) in the field of marker deployment.
  • Protection of intellectual assets generated.
  • To provide new technologies to crop improvement community in the public and private funded research system.
  • Act as nodal center for DNA finger printing of lines and varieties for certification purpose in coordination with Plant Variety Protection Authority.

  • Digital lindia
  • makeinindia
  • Online service for voters
  • swachhbharat
  • Skill India