Organized by Sub – Distributed Information Center (Sub - DIC), National Institute of Plant Genome Research, New Delhi.

The Sub-DIC facility at NIPGR periodically organizes training/workshops/symposiums/ seminars in Bioinformatics. This time we are organizing a symposium on “Recent trends in Bioinformatics and Big data analysis”, specially designed for the young researchers, faculty, and professionals working in the area of bioinformatics, genomics, machine learning, and big data analysis. We have specially invited the young scientists to deliver the talk, discuss their work and interact with the audience.

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Download Brochure

For any queries, please contact workshop@nipgr.ac.in
Limited seats are available on the basis of first come-first served.

Note: The last date for registration is November 05, 2019



8:30-9:00 am
Registration & Kit Distribution

9:00-9:05 am
Welcome by Dr. Jitendra Thakur , Scientist, NIPGR

9:05-9:10 am
Lighting of lamp

9:10-9:15 am
Welcome Address - Dr. Ramesh V. Sonti, Director, NIPGR

9:15-10:00 am
Keynote Lecture by Prof. Alok Bhattacharya, Professor, Ashoka University, Haryana

10:00-10:45 am
Lecture by : Prof. B. Jayaram, IIT Delhi 
Tentative Title : DNA is talking

10:45- 11: 15 am

11:15-11:45 am
Lecture by : Dr. Bharat Panwar, Bioinformatics Scientist, La Jolla Institute for Immunology, USA 
Title : Genomics-driven drug target discovery

11:45- 12:20 pm
Lecture by : Dr. Debarka Sengupta,  Assistant Professor, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi
Title : Biology at single-cell resolution

12:20-1:10 pm
Lecture by : Prof. Andrew M. Lynn,  Professor, SCIS,Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi
Title : Yet to be done

1:10-2:00 pm

2:00-2:45 pm
Lecture by : Dr. Manoj Bhasin, Assistant Professor Medicine, Harvard Medical School, USA
Title : Understanding dynamics and complexity of diseases by studying one cell at a time

2:45-3:15 pm
Lecture by : Dr. Gaurav Ahuja, Assistant Professor, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi
Title : MetaboGenomics of developing and aging human heart

3:15- 3:45 pm

3:45-4:15 pm
Lecture by : Dr. Kumardeep Chaudhary, Postdoctoral Fellow, Icahn School of Medicine,  USA
Title : Deep learning enabled multi-omics data analyses in cancer

4:15-4:45 pm
Lecture by : Dr. Debasis Chattopadhyay, Scientist , NIPGR
Title : Genomics, Application and Challenges

4:45-5:15 pm
Lecture by : Dr. Rahul Kumar, Scientist, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, USA
Title :

5:15-5:30 pm
Vote of Thanks


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Prof. Alok Bhattacharya
Ashoka University, Rai, Sonepat, Haryana

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Prof. B. Jayaram
Professor (Emeritus)
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

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Prof. Andrew M. Lynn
ISCS, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

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Dr. Debasis Chattopadhyay
NIPGR, New Delhi

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Dr. Manoj Bhasin
Assistant Professor
Medicine, Harvard Medical School, USA

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Dr. Debarka Sengupta
Assistant Professor
Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi

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Dr. Bharat Panwar
Bioinformatics Scientist
La Jolla Institute for Immunology
La Jolla, USA

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Dr. Kumardeep Chaudhary
Postdoctoral Fellow
Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai
New York, USA

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Dr. Gaurav Ahuja
Assistant Professor
Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi

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Dr. Rahul Kumar
Associate Research Scientist
Columbia University Irving Medical Center
New York, United States


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Dr. Jitendra K. Thakur

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Dr. Shailesh Kumar

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Ratneshwar Thakur
(Science Communications & Public Engagement)

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Subhasish Mondal

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Manish Kumar Sharma


Mr. Ajeet Singh
Mr. Durdam Das
Ms. Anukriti Ghosh
Ms. Shreya Singh
Ms. Shafaque Zahra
Mr. A. T. Vivek
Ms. Mohini Jaiswal
Ms. Meghna Agarwal